I'm back my loves! And boy am I excited for this story! It's going to be amazing! Richard and Kori's relationship is gonna grow tremendously in this story and don't worry, other couples will arise :) well happy reading y'all!


Chapter 1: Jump for Joy

The first day of school was always hectic. Especially at Jump City high. Students were frantically trying to find the right classes, freshmen were trying to open their lockers, and teachers were already breaking up fights. Yup, pretty crazy.

It was sad to see the summer end and the new school year start. Frankly, no one was happy about it. The only thing that felt like summer now was the weather.

Kori Anders stood at her locker, organizing all of her new school supplies. She'd actually been looking forward to this day. She was excited for her junior year and all the surprises that would come with it. Well, hopefully they'd be good surprises.

"Heh, you would be organizing you freakin locker."

Kori whipped her head around to come face to face with her best fried, Jade Nguyen.

"Jade!" She put a hand to her heart. "You scared me. And hey! I don't want to start the year off messy. And you know how I am!" Kori continued filling the top shelf of her locker with books.

Jade crossed her arms and leaned on the locker next to her. "I know, I know. Ugh, I can't believe how fast summer flew by."

Kori blew her bangs out of her face and sighed. "Right. But you've got to admit, it was one of the best summers." She looked mockingly at Jade.

Jade smacked Kori playfully and leaned in close. "Kori! Don't make jokes about it..."

Kori gave her an incredulous look. "What? I wasn't!"

"Whatever," Jade crossed her arms. "I don't regret a single moment of it. It was...the best night of my life."

Kori laughed and filled her pencil bag with pencils, pens, erasers, and some hand lotion while Jade stared dreamily off into space.

Over the summer, July 1st to be exact, Jade had lost her virginity to Roy. It surprised most of their friends given the fact that they were only sixteen. But then again, half of the school were non virgins.

Now, Jade and Roy were closer than ever. And there was no doubt that these two teens were in love. For them, being each other's 'firsts' was a big deal. Actually, it'd be a big deal for anyone.

Oh, and Yes, Roy was still a virgin. Until July 1st anyway.

"I think it's cute. And honestly l could see you and Roy getting married." Kori said, turning to face Jade.

Jade bit her lip and nodded. "Me too." She then looked at Kori and her green eyes went wide. "You and Richard would SO get married before us though!"

Kori smiled widely and now she was the one staring dreamily up in space. Richard Grayson, her boyfriend, her best friend, practically her everything. Ever since last year...well lets just say they've been through a lot and in the end, they've become a lot.

"Oh gosh," Jade cringed playfully. "I hate it when you get that look."

Kori gaped at her and stuck out her tongue. Together, the two girls stood at Kori's locker chatting about the new school year and their past summer. Every now and then, some freshmen boys would pass by and through a few flirty compliments towards them which result in Jade flipping them off. But Kori would simply laugh and roll her eyes.

Just then a pair of strong arms enveloped Kori and spun her around. The perky redhead giggled and turned around happily. "Richard!" She threw her arms around him and gave him a peck on the lips.

Richard smiled gracefully and brushed back a stray piece of her hair. "Hey beautiful. Long time no see."

Kori smirked and clutched her French book to her chest. "You saw me two days ago."

"Two days too long." He replied with a wink.

She laughed and hit him playfully. Meanwhile, Roy and Jade were up against the lockers in a little make out scene. But this was no surprise, they could never last at least five minutes without their lips locking.

"Geez, swallow her why don't ya?" Said Karen Beecher as she joined the group. Victor Stone trailed behind his girlfriend carrying his backpack and a football,

Jade and Roy pulled away.

"Nice to see you too, Kar." Roy said, slinging an arm around Jade's shoulders.

Karen crossed her arms and smiled mockingly. "Isn't it always?" After she said that, the guys burst out in laughter which resulted in Karen sending them all a death glare. That sure shut them up.

"So, how was everyone's last days of summer?" Kori asked, quickly killing the tenseness in the air.

"Well, I spent the last two days cramming in some last minute shopping." Karen said. And by the looks of her dazzling outfit, her answer seemed to be true.

Karen was a true fashion maniac. In a good way though. She was wearing a leopard print pencil skirt with red pumps and a black tank top. She accessorized the outfit with a few gold chains and a Chanel black purse.

"There's no surprise!" Roy said. "I, though, spent at least eight hours put together at the gym. Gotta look good for the ladiessss."

Jade hit him and looked away, clearly offended. But her quickly said, "I'm just kidding! I've only got one girl in my life."

"Your mom doesn't count." Vic commented.

Everyone began to laugh and Roy gave Vic the finger. "Laugh all you want, Stone. But I was actually talking about this amazing girl right here." Roy pulled Jade closer to him and kissed her temple.

While the guys rolled their eyes, the girls watched admiringly as the ginger wrapped his arms around the Asian beauty.

"Maybe I picked the wrong time to join the group." Rachel Roth, the goth of the group said as she walked up to her friends. "It looks like Roy is about to dry hump Jade.

Another round of laughter was shared but Roy and Jade remained quiet. Then Roy yelled, "Cut us some slack assholes!" He grabbed Jade's hand and pulled her through the group. "We're going to the courtyard. Where we can make out and NOT get made fun of." And with that the couple walked down the crowded hallway and out to the busy courtyard.

"I'm pretty sure people will crack jokes about them just as much." Richard added as soon as Jade and Roy were out of earshot.

"It's not their fault they're in love. Especially since they...well, you know..." Kori trailed off, referring to July 1st's incident between the couple.

Everyone nodded, knowing fully what she was talking about. Just then, Alain Schwimmer, Wally West, and Gar Alain joined the group.

"Hey guys!" Alain said as he fist bumped Vic and Richard. "Where's Roy and Jade?"


"Another make out session I'm guessing?" Alain asked.

The two guys nodded and Alain gave a thumbs up. Richard looked over to Wally and Gar, who's eyes were red and bloodshot.

"What's wrong with you two?" He asked.

"No...sleeep..." Gar replied, practically falling into Rachel's arms, the goth caught him with a look of despair and disgust on her face.

"We stayed up all night playing COD on Xbox live." Wally explained as he took a large gulp of his extra large Starbucks coffee.

Karen pursed her lips and handed Rachel a tissue for Gar's drool. "You really shouldn't stay up the night before the first day of school."

"Thanks captain obvious." Wally replied and Karen rolled her eyes at him.

"Anyway," Karen started, "Who's having the back to school/end of summer party this year?" Karen asked.

Richard raised his hand and said, "That would be me!"

They all gasped lightly and smiled. Then, Vic said, "No way man! Bruce is letting you throw a party?"

Richard scratched the back of his head and laughed awkwardly. "Not exactly...Bruce is leaving for California with Diana on Friday morning. And he gave Alfred the entire weekend off. So I get the whole mansion to myself!"

The guys high-fived their friend and was suddenly very excited for Friday to come.

"This is going to be the best party ever! Pool, arcade, a gigantic dance floor, and not to mention all the booze!" Wally practically had stars in his eyes as he was explaining all of the peaks of the upcoming party.

"Righhhht..." Richard said as he stared at Wally. "Anyway, I've already let the junior and senior class know. But spread the word to them again in case they forgot or didn't get my mass text. Oh! Also, no lower class men."

"Sorry Wally, no lower class men for you!" Alain joked and they all laughed.

Just then, the five minute bell rang signaling that the halls needed to be cleared.

"Oh! See y'all at lunch!" Vic said and departed from his friends with Karen in tow.

"Yeah, see ya." Alain waved goodbye and walked towards the science wing.

Soon, everyone left for their designated class, leaving Rachel all alone with Gar still drooling on her shoulder.

"Ughhhhhhhh." She groaned, "Why me?"


Jason Todd thumped his mechanical pencil against the wooden desk he was currently sitting in. The five minute bell had just rang and he'd been sitting in this American government class for ten minutes.

He ran a hand through his spiked, light brown hair and sighed. It was bad enough he didn't know anyone in this school and it was even worse that his mom had practically forced him to move with her to a whole new city. He was perfectly fine-and happy-living in Steel City. Until his mom and dad's divorce.

He'd wanted to stay in Steel City with his dad and finish the next two years of high school in a place where he'd grown up. But since his dad was barely making enough money to put food on the table, Jason's mom had custody of him.

"Can I sit here?" A guy with long red hair, dark eyebrows, and a round body asked.

Jason motioned for him to sit and said, "Be my guest."

The guy smiled and sat down. "Thanks. Hey, are you new here?"

Jason nodded. "Yupp. I'm Jason." He held out a hand for the guy to shake.

The guy shook it and beamed as if he'd just met a celebrity. "Jack Hamilton. But everyone usually calls me Control Freak."

"Uhh...Jack is fine for me." Jason said, noticing Jack's Star Wars t- shirt and the various comic books that were stacked on top of his desk.

The two boys sat there, Jack reading his comic and Jason still tapping his pencil against the wooden desk. It seemed like the longest five minutes of his life. When Jason looked back at the clock, there were only two minutes left and the classroom was already pretty full.

"Oh, by the way, if you need someone to show you around, I'm your guy!" Jack inputed as he jabbed a thumb at his chest.

Jason nodded, somewhat grateful. "Thanks dude. Uhh...so, are you a junior?"

"Sure am broski! But just to warn ya, I have a 3.4 GPA. My life revolves around video games and comic books."

Jason raised his eyebrows and chuckled. "I can tell."

Jack ignored his comment and leaned in a little closer. "If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!"

Jason nodded yet again and had a feeling that Jack didn't have very many friends. He felt somewhat sorry for the guy. Maybe they could become friends. I mean, it's not like he had-

"Oh my..." Jason whispered as he stared at the girl that had just entered the classroom. He was basically drooling as he watched her take a seat in the back. Many people said hi to her or gave a nice compliment. But who could blame them?

She had long, ruby red hair and side swept bangs that framed her angelic face perfectly. Her smile could light up the whole entire city and she had the most amazing body ever. But her emerald green eyes were almost an unnatural, yet beautiful green color. She looked so familiar to him...

"Who is that?" Jason quickly asked Jack.

Jack followed to where Jason's pencil pointed and when his eyes landed on the mystery girl, hearts practically formed in his eyes.

"That girl, my friend, is Kori Anders. She is one of the school's goddess's and, in my opinion, is the prettiest girl that ever walked the planet."

Jason stared at Kori as she flipped her long hair and took out a purple notebook from her bag. "How do I approach her?"

Jack laughed loudly and the class stared at him. But after a few seconds, they turned back to what they were doing.

"Okay, first of all, you don't approach her." Jack said holding up one finger.

"And why is that?"

Jack's eyes went wide and he pulled Jason a little closer to him. A little too close for comfort. "Dude, Kori Anders is the girlfriend of the JC High's golden boy."

Jason raised an eyebrow but sudden realization of who she was dawned on him. "Richard Grayson's girlfriend."

He thought back to the magazine his mom had brought home towards the end of summer when he first moved to Jump. Richard and Kori were on the front page dressed in summer clothing. They were walking down the streets of Jump City, hands intertwined and dazzling smiles on their perfect faces. The caption read; Jump City's Golden Couple still going strong!

"Uh, yeah. The one and only Richard Grayson! I mean, you can be friends with her, but nothing more." Jack said.

Just then the bell rang and the teacher walked in.

"Welcome back students!" Mr. Mod's thick British accent rang through the students' ears and it made them cringe slightly.

Jason could already tell he was going to hate this class. He could already tell that the school year was going to he shitty. But he was hoping he'd have more classes with Kori Anders. Especially Chemistry.