I remember the first time I laid my eyes on the hottest boy in Tulsa. He was gorgeous, kind, compassionate and his smile alone made girls swoon over him. My first day of grade nine, his locker was across the hall from mine. However he and his never took any notice to me. They were always fooling around, wrestling in the hallways, whooping as girls walked by, flirting with the girls like them. It used to make me sick to my stomach, how girls would flock to him whenever he was alone.

There was never a moment when you could get Sodapop Curtis alone.

I walked into the DX gas station to pay for my gas, and pick up a few feminine items. I looked around the gas station, wandering up and down the aisles. I was too embarrassed to ask anyone for assistance since it was only boys that worked here. I smiled when I finally found what I needed, picking a few packages up and walking towards the counter. I waited my turn before placing my things on the counter, smiling at the clerk before quickly grabbing a little flower I saw growing outside. I paid for my items and walked back out to my car. Grabbing my keys out of my purse, I saw when I saw two tall boys looking at my car. I walked around the back and placed my items in the back of the car, closing the trunk. I noticed both boys still looking at the car, and one grinned at me.

"Hey doll, is this beauty yours?" One asked, and I recognized him to be Steve Randle from school.

"She sure is," I said proudly, and he chuckled.

"Can you pop the hood so we can take a look?" He asked and I nodded, popping the hood for the two attractive boys.

"Damn, what I wouldn't give to get my hands on an engine like this," Steve muttered, looking around at different places under the hood. I just smiled, looking at my nail polish. I knew it was better than trying to embarrass myself with car talk. Steve closed the hood and winked at me.

"She looks great under the hood." He said, walking away. However his friend stayed behind. He smiled at me, and I instantly recognized that smile.

"Hey there…" He said, and I smiled nervously at him. I could feel myself start to feel dizzy, "I'm Sodapop."

"I-I know…" I stuttered, before looking at him wide eyed. I was embarrassing myself and I felt my cheeks get hot. Oh no, can he see me blushing? I saw him smile crookedly, and I took a deep breath. Why was I feeling this way? Is this what everyone talks about when they talk to someone so good looking as Sodapop Curtis?

He chuckled and took a step closer, his arm resting on the top of the car beside me, "What's your name?"

"Aurora… But my friends call me Rory." He winked,

"Well, I'll see you around Aurora." And with those words, he walked into the shop.

I felt giddy the whole drive home*, and when I got there I walked in carrying the paper bag in one arm, the flower in my other hand. My mother smiled at me from her little office beside the kitchen,

"Aurora! What took you so long?" She asked, taking her glasses off. I smiled at her and walked into the office, handing her the African violet. She grinned,

"Why thank you Rora!" She said, taking the small plant. "Did you pick up the pads honey?" I nodded and motioned to the bag. The flower was put on her desk and she walked out from behind her desk. We both walked out of the small office and I walked up the stairs and I walked into my bathroom to put the pads away. I heard my brother mulling in his room and I walked by his room to see him sitting on his bed, throwing a football up so it hits the roof.

"Andrew what are you doing?" He shrugged and I rolled my eyes. I walked downstairs and sat at the table, pulling my homework out from my school bag. I had university level biology and chemistry, and I needed to make sure that I finished so I could begin studying for English. After what felt like almost two hours, and I started studying. I heard the front door open and I grinned when I saw my best friend Jackie walking towards me, her blonde hair hanging in loose curls and her usual long red skirt flowing around her.

"I heard that a certain someone got to speak with Mr. Sodapop Curtis alone today!" She gushed and I grinned, nodding. She pulled the chair out beside me and started pressing me for details. And, as any teenage girl would do, I spilled all the 'details' to her.

(Sodapop PO V)

I couldn't help the grin that had plastered itself all over my face. I stuffed my hands into my pockets and was barely in the door before I saw my best buddy looking over at me from the work order he was working on.

"Didya get her number?" Steve asked, and I shook my head.

"Naw," I said shrugging, "I barely got her name before she was blushing and stuttering all over the place." Steve chuckled,

"Sounds like every other girl that takes a lovin' to you eh?" I shrugged,

"Yeah, but I feel different around her Stevie. Like… How I did with Sandy." I said with a hint of dreaminess in my voice. I could hear Steve sigh and I shrugged it off. Sandy was six months ago, and I was ready to move on; to fall head over heels for another girl. I knew my brothers were worried about me suffering another heart break again but the way I see it; if you fail, try until you succeed. And that was exactly what I was going to do.

There it is! Leave a review and let me know what you think! Thanks for reading!

*The link to Aurora's house is in my bio!