I'm very touched by the comments of those people who see value in my stories and don't want me to leave. They're here to stay unless I run for political office - which is as unlikely as Dave becoming a Brony. There are some chapters in Sex Ed that would leave me in quite a bit of trouble. I'll even work on writing new chapters on the stories still in progress - and maybe even properly edit the ones that are finished.

I'm very sorry all. I've been dealing with one of the worst mental crashes I have ever had. Not the worst - that level of bad only happened once. But I work in IT and this virus is creating intense pressure in a situation where I now hate the job that I loved for over 14 years. I'm scared for my father who is still on oxygen after a bad respiratory illness nearly killed him. I know you're all scared for your loved ones.

I fell in love with a woman I met through these stories several years ago and she became my inspiration, my Mindy. Thanks to things that are entirely my fault. I've probably destroyed my relationship with her and it's left me devastated. I'm sure I've hurt her terribly. Maybe she'll talk to me again when things calm down, I hope so but I'm not expecting it. I wish her nothing but love and happiness and I am nothing but sorry.

All of this has left me in a big emotional hole in which I found a new 'rock bottom' repeatedly. But I'm climbing out. And I'll replace this with new material as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience and support.