DIpper's POV

It was June 23rd, 2014. Mabel and I are 13 now, and we're spending another summer in Gravity Falls with Grunkle Stan at the mystery shack. It was just a usual day at the shack.

At least that's how it started.

I mean everything was fine until I had decided to take a walk in the woods. By myself of course. I was walkIng down a familiar traIl when all of a sudden, a hand clamps over my mouth with a white cloth.

The next thIng I know, I'm In some room. How Did I get here? Ugh my head is pounding, and I can't think straight. I try to stand up to leave, but my hands don't move. I look up to see that they're tied to the bedpost tightly. What In the world?

"So you're fInally up, huh?" A voIce says behInd me. ThIs person sounds lIke he knows what he's doIng, almost lIke he's done It before. I don't answer hIm. "Oh, so you're gonna gIve me the 'sIlent treatment' huh? Well guess what?" Suddenly he grabs my haIr, and pulls my head back sharply. He looks lIke he's In hIs early twentys. He has yellow haIr and electIc yelow eyes. He looks famIlIar somehow."That won't work wIth me." He lets go of my hair. That's when I ask, " But what do you want with me? I've never done anythIng to you!"

"Actually, on the contrary, my frIend. You beat me In your great uncle's mInd when you were 12. Isn't that correct... PIne tree?"

"BIll CIpher." I muttered.

"The one and only. In the flesh. Now enough with the IntroductIons. Let's get started."

"Started? Started wIth what?"

"Oh you'll see. Now where Is that- ah here It Is. My favorIte one. The flame-whIp." WhIp? What whould he- that's when I realIzed what was goIng to happen. I trIed to get out of my restraIns, but he notIced, so he made them even tIghter. I couldn't move my wrIsts at all now. All I could do was wait for him to start whipping me. "By the way Pine tree," Bill said as I was waiting for this agony to begin. "No one will come and save you . In fact, nobody probably doesn't even notice that you're gone."

"You're wrong." I saId. But then out of nowhere, my back felt lIke It was burnIng. I let out an agonIzIng scream. WIth each strIke my screams got softer untIl I couldn't scream at all because of my lungs yearnIng to breathe. Then when It was over, I turned my head to see BIll CIpher holdIng a rope. The rope was on fIre, but It wasn't burnIng. That must've been the whIp. I made eye contact wIth BIll. I trIed to look braver than I felt. I could tell that BIll wasn't done just quIte yet. He then just walked towards me and he whIsped In my ear, "If you don't struggle, thIs'll be over before you know It." Then what he dId next hurt. It broke me and It left scars, not just physIcal ones, but mental ones too. That day, he took my dIgnIty. And I wIll never be the same agaIn.

A/N so what do you thInk? Do I wrIte dark stuff or what? Yes I know I have a problem wIth my I's but that's cuz my phone's dumb.I wIll try my hardest to fIx that. I feel lIke the only tIme I can wrIte Is REALLY early In the mornIng so... yeah. PS this was writen between 2 and 4 In the mornIng. WAY better that the new chapter for gothIc love am I rIght? Heck yea thIs Is WAY better than that! By the way thIs story Is goIng to be a WHOLE STORY!