Hey guys sorry for the long wait, I've been writing a cobalt soldier and co-writing a fic between me and bella. I hope you enjoy and remember to R&R. I'm sorry to say iv lost inspiration for this fic and probably wont write another chapter and if I do it wont be for a while since I have some new ideas for some other story's, sorry.

Church POV

My dreams hadn't been calm, they had been full of pain and the recurring dream of when I was tortured by the director, thou there was that good point that all dreams have, mine had always been Tex always had been and always been.

I lifted my head as I woke, the empty vodka bottle resting on my lap, I stared at the sealing sighing as I did, no matter what I did she didn't love me then again I guess I never did tell her, as the many thoughts raced through my head, a voice cut through the air stopping them all dead.

"Did I ever tell you how I found the Alpha?" I turned my head in the direction of the voice, it was Tex, and she was sitting in the chair across the room my journal resting on her lap.


"I fought a Tank, more men then I could count on my fingers and toes, I fought someone I cared for and left a friend to fight his own sister and yet when I found him he didn't remember me, he didn't even know his own name much less mine, I still remember when I left he called me, strange state name lady" she chuckled. "The man I loved not even knowing who I was, and yet I would do it all again to see him one last time"

Tex had been looking away from me until this point but now she looked up a tear running town her cheek.

"But I don't have to, because your right here sitting in front of me. Ugh…. Back in Blood Gulch I tried to pretend I hadn't loved you or more tried to hid the fact I still did, and I thought you were doing the same, but you weren't, I just couldn't see it, you tried to get omega out of my head, you got me a body of my own, you tried to stop me from leaving on that ship, you loved me every day I was there and I just shrugged you off like a bad habit, hell church you were thinking about me so much you were able to make a hole new me, I own my life to you and I never even said thank you..." Tex looked down, for the first time in years she actually looked sorry.

"Tex... I..."

"you didn't know, yeah I know I didn't exactly make it obvious did I" Tex stood and walked over to me her head low. "I'm sorry"

"don't be sor-" I was cut off when I suddenly felt a warm soft feeling on my lips and for some reason I didn't want it to end, before I knew what I was doing I closed my eyes and moved forward intensifying the kiss.

Then the realization of what was happening hit me, I opened my eyes and moved back slightly, making a small gap between our lips, seeing tex's face so close to mine sent a wave of hormones through my new body, her emerald green eyes staring onto my grey almost like she was looking into my soul, as a look of worry flushed her face I acted, with almost ravenous intent I pulled our mouths together again, almost instantly we were fighting for dominants over the other our tongs attacking each other almost, you'd think Tex would have beaten me but when it came to words we were on par for skill and that translated to kissing as well, after who knows how long Tex began to take off my top as I took off hers, I knew that diary would come in useful someday.

Tucker POV.

"so let me get this straight, Church dreamt about marrying Tex, and you though it was a good idea to them tell Tex! she's probably killing him right now" Wash was furious.

"you know I fail to see a bad side to this" I commented

"she would have killed me" Simmons pleaded under washes violent glare

"why do you care so much Wash, you like church now or something?" I asked

"not technically, I have a connection to him, when epsilon was implanted into me we shared one mind, that isn't something you forget, sure he went mad but hey it wasn't his fault, and as much as you guys hate to admit, Church is still the epsilon kinda"

"awww you in love with Church wash" I teased

"no! don't ever say that again, or I will kill you in your sleep" Wash's voice was unnervingly cold to be joking

"ok never mind, I guess we should find Church and warn him" I suggested

"well ware would he go, he just left this morning like he wasn't really here anyway" Simmons stated.

"oh I got that covered, we can just get caboose to find him" I said

"since when can caboose track?" wash asked

"track? Ha no, he's just able to find church ware ever he is, I don't know how, he just can, it sure as hell bugged Church when he tried to hid from him back in Blood Gulch" I chuckled as I spoke.

"urrr ok then lets get Caboose and find him, hopefully before Tex does" Wash replied walking towards Cabooses room.

Church POV.

I was lying on the couch Tex lying on top of me her eyes closed she had her face burrowed into the crook of my neck, I could feel her moving up and down as she breathed in and out as she slept, that was...wow, I guess we were both a little out of practice but that was amazing. I still found it hard to believe all this time Tex had been hiding her feelings all this time, I should have been angry but instead I was simply happy, after everything that had happened, all the shit I had done through I had one thing I could say worked out, and that one thing was Tex, and those idiots weren't to bad sure they pissed me off but I can handle them...oh what the fuck I'm so gunna kill them !

I looked out the window and saw Tucker looking at me his phone up the flash flashing.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I shouted causing Tex to jump out of her sleep and off the couch.

"what the hell church"

"look out the window"

Tex turned her head and saw Tucker clutching his phone is fright and laughter, but as Tex stood he was just full of fear, Tex stood and ran to the door opening it to find the rest of blue team plus red team and wash all staring at her, I stood and walked up behind her and looked over her shoulder.

"what the hell do you guys want?" I asked, anger in my voice as Tex ran at Tucker as he sprinted for his life Tex on his heels.

"I...you...Tex...what?" Wash was full blown confused

"use words idiot" I growled

"I though Tex was gunna kill you"

"well she didn't as you can see if anything she did the opposite"

"but...she...you...you know what forget it"

with a grump Wash and the others walked off back to the hotel Tucker running up and hiding behind wash Tex growling at him his phone in her hand, as Tucker watched she crushed his phone in her hand, causing a shout from tucker and a smile to form on my face, Tex then walked back into the house slightly grumpy.

Well that was a thing...and its a thing that shall continue. I smiled and walked back into the house, back to Tex.