They expected a lot of things from Robert learning that his sixteen year old daughter is pregnant with her foster brother, but no one expected what happened. Robert offered his hand and introduced himself.
''I am Robert Quinn, Callie's father…''
''Brandon Foster…''
''Nice to meet you young boy… Well, we must be leaving then… This is our address and you are more than welcome to visit… ''
He turned toward Callie and smiled…
''I will take bags to the car and let you say your goodbyes…''
He left the house and Callie just stood there…
''I will miss you all…''
Mariana hugged her first…
''I loved having a sister…''
Jesus came next….
''I loved having a normal sister…''
That earned him chuckle from Callie and slap on the hand from Mariana… Moms took her into their arms and promised they will fight for her. And there were Jude and Brandon. Jude was sad and angry. Callie was leaving. He got adopted, but she had her father who wanted her and that meant, that he can't have her with him all the time.
''I will miss you Jude… Be good and I will see you on Monday at school…''
''I'll miss you too…''
She held him tight and kissed her temple. And it was Brandon's turn. She saved him for the last. He opened his arms and she sneaked into them. They kissed and the rest of the family went away to give them some privacy.
''I love you…''
''I love you too Callie…''
''I'll miss you…''
''Me too…''
He walked her to the car and helped her in. She shut the door and looked at him until they didn't lose him.
''You don't have to worry… I will not do to you what my parents did to me…''
''I will not keep you apart. He is welcome in our home as long as you want him… I promise that…''
''Thank you…''
''How you have no reaction to me being sixteen and pregnant with my foster brother?''
''Hm… Your mom gave birth to you at the age of eighteen… I was in love before and if I do say something, I will make us start on the wrong foot… I think you want and love your baby… So, there is no point in fighting that war. My family has enough to provide for you and the baby so you can go to school and have someone help with child. Regardless of what you choose…''
''What do you mean?''
''If you want to raise it with Brandon or alone…''
''I want to do it with him…''
''Ok, than… Do it together. My wife cleared out for you the pool house. It will take some time to get it…redecorated. It has two bedrooms so one can be baby's room and one could be yours. Brandon is welcome to come when he wants and if his mom lets him he can move in and help with the baby. Jill and I would be ok with it…''
''Because we respect you and your choices…''
''But I am sixteen…''
''And pregnant with the boy you say you love… Child is a bond you create with someone and it's forever. So, we will not get in the way. Whatever you two want to do, it's up to you…''
The rest of the ride was silent. Robert opened a gate on the button and they entered the yard. Few seconds later, Callie saw beautiful huge mansion with a pool and private beach. In front of the house stood a blond woman and a girl who looked very much like Callie.
''This is my wife Jill and our daughter Sofia…''
''This is Callie… My daughter and soon there will be my grandchild… She is pregnant.''
Jill looked a bit surprised, but Sofia smiled.
''Yes, really…''
''Mom, that's so awesome…''
''Yes, it's quite nice Sofia… Let's take Callie to the house… and help her settle in…''
They took her to the guest room and Robert left her things there. He went to take a call and Callie stayed with Jill alone.
''I am sorry…''
''What for?''
''For causing trouble.''
Jill smiled.
''No, there is no trouble. You were a surprise, but no trouble… We wanted you to have pool house, but it needs a bit of redecorating. It was a ''man cave'' for Robert and it's no place for a girl…and a baby…. How far along are you?''
''Sixteen weeks…''
''Wow... Now the fun starts…''
''What do you want to do with school? Do you want to stay at your school? Change? Homeschool?''
''I don't know… Homeschooling sounds good. I will start showing and it would be smart not stay away from the kids at school…''
''Ok… We'll take care of it…''
''Have some rest… Is there something you would like for lunch? Any cravings?''
I smiled…
''No, this baby is good so far…''
''Ok… I'll see what we can make…''
Jill was on her way out when Callie called her…
''Thank you again…''
''You are welcome…''
Callie got onto bed and took her phone out. She texted Brandon for some time and then fell asleep. Sofia woke her up around three in the afternoon.
''Hey, sorry to wake you… Mom said to call you… Lunch is ready…''
''Ok. I'll be down…''
She left and Callie got ready for the first lunch with a family. She got down and the table was perfectly set. Everything was like in the movie. There was no chaos like in the house of Fosters. All the plates matched, glasses were from the best crystal and they had linen napkins. Jill served them food and they started eating. At first it was a bit silent and then Robert spoke.
''Do you like boats?''
''I have never been on one…''
''Would you like to?''
''Want to go after lunch?''
''I would love to…''
They talked about some trivial things and it was a bit awkward for all of them. They all were trying too much. Callie was used to this because she had experience with moving around and first meals together. After they were done, Jill cleared out the table and Sofia went to change for the boat. They went together and left Jill to work.
''Why isn't Jill coming?''
''Mom has to work?''
''On Saturday?''
''Every day…''
''What does she do?''
''She is editor.''
Sofia told Callie that Jill works at one of the most prestige magazines that deal with economy and politics.
''They are preparing the Wednesday issue…''
''Wow! I had no idea… And what do you do Robert?''
''I am a lawyer…''
''That explains the house and all this…''
He smiled…
''Jill and I come from very rich families… It was little bit of them and little bit of us.''
Callie settled at one place and enjoyed wind in her hair and open sea. She really liked it. She felt some sort of freedom she didn't feel close to shore. Sofia came to sit with her and she took so many pictures of them. She posted some of them online and got a lot of comments. She was a popular girl. And no wonder why. Her parents were rich, friends with the powerful people and she was really reminding Callie of one perfect Stepford wife to be. Callie felt she will never be part of that world. When they came home, they had diner and after that Jill and Robert went back to their work. Callie called Brandon and told him about her day. He missed her a lot and she did miss having him around.
''Will I see you at school?''
''Yes… How are you?''
''I am fine. We just ate and I am in my room. I will pick a book and just chill…''
''I have some homework… So mom is on my back…''
''Love you B…''
''Love you too...''
On next morning Sofia came to wake her up.
''Hey, mom told me to wake you and tell you we leave at ten…''
''Yes, you will need things for the pool house and clothing…''
''I have some things…''
''You will grow out of them soon…''
Sofia had very kind smile.
''You do have a point…''
''Ok… See you downstairs…''
Callie had a bit hart time picking what to put on. Jill and Sofia always looked very elegant and she had just few things that could measure up. She put on a black dress and flats. She got her hair in a bun and took her bag. When she got there, Jill was ready to go.
''You look beautiful Callie…''
''Thank you…''
When Sofia came, Jill picked up her keys…
''Ok. Let's go girls.''
They got into Jill's car and she started an engine…
''So, Callie, do you drive?''
''Yes, I passed my test…''
''Ok. We will go then first to pick up your car.''
''My car?''
''Robert got you a car. You will need them. Sofia goes to the different school and bus comes for her. Robert and I work far from your school and with this sort of traffic; we would be very late to work. So we got you a car….''
''Just mine?''
''Just yours…''
''We will go there first and then to the mall. You can drive your own car…''
They stopped in front of the very fancy dealership. Young man was waiting for them in front of the building.
''Good morning Mrs. Quin. Everything is ready as your husband asked.''
''Let's go Callie…''
Young boy took them to a red Lexus NX. It was an amazing and very beautiful car. Her moms liked it and wanted to get it for them, but with five kids and bills, it was not easy. Car was deep red and had black leather seats.
''Wow! I didn't expect it…''
''Oh, Robert spent entire night ordering the car. He will be very pleased to know you like them.''
Jill went to the car and told Callie to follow her. Callie got into her new car and started driving after Jill. They got to the mall and parked. She couldn't stop admiring the car she got. It was big, spacious and she loved them. First thing Jill did in the mall was to go to the cell phone shop and get Callie new cell. She put her to the family plan and Callie was feeling embarrassed how much money Quins spent on her. And she felt even worse knowing it's not the end. Jill got her a lot of very nice and lady like clothes and Callie enjoyed trying them on and changing. Dresses were a bit loose and they didn't show her bump too much. She could wear them for a long time. Girls went for lunch and Sofia was bored with waiting for the food.
''Mom, I will go to the store and see what they have until they bring food.''
''Ok… I'll call you when it comes…''
Now Jill and Callie were alone..
''Thank you for today…''
''It's nothing….''
''Jill, it's too much…''
''No, it's not…''
''A car? Clothes? Phone? It is more than I ever got…''
''And you will get even more…''
''Because you should be independent woman….''
Callie gave her a look of confusion…
''What do you mean?''
''Regardless of what you and your boyfriend pick to do with a baby and raising it, you need to be able to take care of your baby. You have your car, you will get all the baby stuff you need, so you don't depend on anyone else. Because , my love… Once that baby gets out of you, it's just two of you… No one else… All the cousins, grandmothers and the rest have their lives. They will come and help, take care of the baby for few hours, but after that… It's two of you. You are the one million percent dedicated to that baby. And it's you who makes the sacrifices…even now… You have to think about homeschooling. You are the one whose body is changing and hormones are going crazy. Honey, it's all you…''
''Brandon wants to do it with me…''
''I bet he does, but he will not be the one to take year off when it comes to college. He will not be the one to worry about daycare, feedings, getting from one place to another, nights when baby cries and can't sleep.. That is you Callie…Not him…''
Callie was a bit scared now.
''Being a mother was the best and the worst thing that happened to me…''
''Best because I never loved anyone as I love Sofia, because that feeling is something that can't be described. She is my everything… And the worse…you can't protect her from everything. You feel like failed parent if she suffers or feels bad… And you don't belong to yourself anymore…''
''Now I am scared…''
''You should be… It's the reality of life…