Unbroken Epilogue/07 + Prologue & Epilogue
V of the "Chasing Down the Moon" Arc
Rating: pg13
Series: Gundam Wing
Genre: General/Romance
Pairings: 1+2+1
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Shounen Ai; Relena Bashing/Humanizing; Baiting of the Hee-chan; Duo-torture; Heero-torture; Humor; Language; Perverted YaoiFanGirls (like Little Shrimp); Tiny Cross-over
By Moon Faery

Archived: (eventually at) Moon Faery's Garden ); Kiss of Death ); Lev's Lair )

Disclaimer: A statement created solely to save one's ass from becoming lawn for the proverbial legal mower. I do not own Gundam Wing. All materials are used without the permission of their various owners. However, this story line, characters and plot are MINE. Holds fic close to her.) Grrrr....

Author Notes: It's finally DONE. FINISHED. COMPLETE. Now I just have four (maybe five) one-shots to finish and I can start on the next fic in the Arc. (sweatdrops) At least only two of them are non-GW, and one of them is likely to be deleted. (nodnod) So be of good cheer, I'll have something else to post soon!


"It's not that God damned funny Wu!" Duo complained as Wufei broke into laughter for the third time in a row. They were seated around the small kitchen table, eating some sort of meal that involved a large amount of vegetables and rice. Wufei had insisted on being told everything, but hadn't made it through five minutes without laughing.

"You obviously already know what happened," Heero pointed out grumpily, still sulking. "Why do you need to hear it again?"

"Because it's funny, Yuy," Wufei told him, stifling his chuckles. "It's rare that a renown pacifist manages to so totally fool a pair of highly trained pilots."

"Rub it in why don't you," Duo muttered, mimicing Heero's "I'm pouting" posture.

"I intend to," Wufei informed him seriously, still grinning broadly.

"Next time ANY mission has ANYTHING to do with Relena, you're taking it Wu," Duo told him tiredly, forking up another mouthful of rice. "I'm getting sick of having women screw with my mind."

Duo put down his fork even though there was plenty of food still on his plate. Wufei had piled it so high that it probably would have fed him for three days and there still would have been left overs. "I'm going to take a shower. Then I'm going to get some sleep. Wufei, if you're that curious, try asking Heero."

Heero glared at their Chinese friend, who had the decency to stare down at his plate.

Flicking his braid over his shoulder, Duo smirked. "I thought so. G'night."

Wufei watched him leave, trying not to laugh some more.


An ungodly beeping woke Duo from a heavy sleep around midnight. Reflexes kicked into motion before he was fully awake and could register that the noise came from his laptop on the desk. Heero didn't even wake up, subconciously recognizing the sound as non-threatening. Running his fingers through his sleep-mussed bangs, Duo stumbled over to the portable computer and flipped it open, punching a few keys to shut it up, fully intending to go back to bed. Unfortunately, the same sequence that turned off the alarm also bright the received message up onto the screen.

To: Dark Elf
From: Druid's Temple

Dark eyes narrowed as Duo scanned the message. It was brief and contained all the necessary authenticity codes. Casting one regretful look at Heero's sleeping form, he sent his aknowledgement, then opened up another window for a message to Quatre.

To: Rock of Gibralter
CC: Blue Eyes, A-TB, Aladdin's Books
From: Fallen Father

--Something came up back home. Going to be out of town for a few days on family business. I'll send you news if something comes up.--

He hit send before he could stop himself, silently reciting the names of the people counting on him and hoping Deathscythe was as fixed up as Wufei said it was. Luckily his duffle was still packed from his visit to St. Teresa's. He took a side trip to the bathroom to pick up his toothbrush.

Heero was going to be pissed.

With that thought, Duo dodged back up the hall. Cracking the door slowly, he peeked inside, nearly dropping his bag when he saw Heero sitting up in bed, watching the door.


Setting his things by the door, Duo stepped the rest of the way into the room and sat down on the edge of Heero's bed. "Not exactly," he said honestly.

He couldn't see Heero's expression, but he could practically feel him raise an eyebrow. "I suppose you left a note?"


Heero grunted. "Be careful. I don't want to have to rescue you from an OZ cell again."

"Can do, Captain," Duo quipped nervously, fiddling with the tip of his braid.

The bed dipped at Heero shifted closer, wrapping his arms around Duo's chest and resting his cheek on Duo's shoulder. "I never got to finish telling you why I don't regret being a Gundam pilot," he said softly. His eyes caught the faint light of the setting moon outside, glinting silver in the dark.

For some reason Duo's mouth went dry. "Why don't you tell me now?"

Leaning up, Heero deliberately locked eyes with Duo in the faint light before brushing their lips together lightly, then with more pressure as he found he liked the sensation. Duo's position gave him few inches advantage over Heero height-wise, forcing him to lean over his short-haired partner as they kissed slowly, savoring each other in case they never got another chance. Their shared bedside clock beeped out the new hour, jolting them out of the private world they had created. Duo gave Heero one last kiss and stood up.

"Don't die on me," Heero told him, ignoring the lump that was trying to clog his thoat. "Or I'll kill you."

"Take your own advice for once," Duo replied smoothly, pretending he hadn't heard Heero's voice catch as he scooped up his bag and started to leave. "Catch you next mission."

Heero didn't bother getting up to watch Duo leave, forcing himself to remain in bed as the sound of Duo leaving carried up to the bedroom.
