A/N: Well, this is definitely shaping up to be a bumpy road. I kind of have a general idea of the direction that I want this fic to go at this point, so that's good. In fact, I've actually already written the last chapter. I may go back and make a few changes to it after I write all the bits in the middle, because Elsa and Hans still have a long way to go before I can get them where I want them to be. But that's neither here nor there.

I got this song idea from a review from the lovely Pillaicha, who left if in a comment on the last chapter. I'd actually never heard it before when they left the review, but when I listened to it, I realized that it was absolutely and fully perfect for Hans and Elsa's relationship. Thanks for giving me that idea, love!

Without further ado, here's the fourth chapter of Sex & Violence: Addicted to You

I don't know just how it happened,
I let down my guard...
Swore I'd never fall in love again
But I fell hard.

It was the middle of the day. The Queen was in her throne room, and she was bored. So, terribly, incredibly bored. There was absolutely nothing for her to do. The Kingdom had recovered since Hans' betrayal, and everything was running fairly smoothly. There was nothing for her to do, as queen. Treaties were forged on a daily basis, but it was never anything new. When Arendelle had lost their trading partner of Weselton, many came behind seeking their resources. Welselton definitely wasn't missed.

Day after day, Elsa found her mind wandering to the time that she'd spent with Hans. Through the past few months, she had been trying desperately to distance herself from him. She told herself that she didn't need him. She tried to convince herself that it was all lust, and there was nothing in her heart for him, but every time her mind wandered to the pince, her heart gave a little flutter. She didn't know what to make of it. She knew that it was wrong, but there was absolutely nothing that she could do to keep him out of her head. He was stuck, and it didn't seem that she would ever get him out.

Guess I should have seen it coming,
Caught me by surprise...
I wasn't looking where I was going,
I fell into your eyes.

It was the middle of the night, but Hans wasn't asleep. All he could see was her. He could see her eyes perfectly in his mind. They were big, and bright, and as blue as the ocean. He was head-over-heels for her, and he couldn't find his way out of the hole that he'd dug for himself. She hadn't contacted him in weeks. He was beginning to feel like he could possibly move on from her, when a letter came.

It was quick and curt, as Elsa often was.

'Meet me under the tree in my garden. You know which one I'm talking about.'

It wasn't signed, but it didn't have to be. Hans recognized the queen's neat, cramped handwriting. It was beautiful. Almost as beautiful as—

No. Hans pushed the thoughts out of his mind. He and Elsa had nothing together. They were nothing together. They were simply tools for pleasure to one another, and that was exactly how they would have to stay.

You came into my crazy world like a cool and cleansing wave.
Before I, I knew what hit me baby you were flowing through my veins...

I'm addicted to you,
Hooked on your love,
Like a powerful drug
I can't get enough of,
Lost in your eyes,
Drowning in blue
Out of control,
What can I do?
I'm addicted to you!

They were together. Against the tree, in the grass – they pressed themselves to every flat surface possible. Their touches were desperate and needy, and Elsa thought that she might snap in half at the sheer force that her bed companion was using on her. She kissed back at every chance she got, but he was moving too quickly for her. She could barely keep up.

Hans let his hands take control. He wasn't pushing himself – his passion was. His senses had taken over his body. He had absolutely no control over what he was doing, but he didn't actually mind it all that much. Letting his instinct have the control meant that he could spend his time watching the queen move instead. He focused on her body – the little noises she made, her facial expressions, the was she clung to him. It was all intoxicating to her, and there wasn't another feeling in the world like it. He couldn't help himself. He heard a long, low moan. It was coming from his own lips. Her name was ripped from them as he felt himself get nearer.

Midnight blows in through the window,
Dances round the room...
Got me hypnotized,
I'm getting high on the perfume.

I couldn't live without you now,
Oh, I know I'd go insane,
I wouldn't last one night alone baby,
I couldn't stand the pain!

They were finished for the time being. They laid against the bench in the garden panting heavily. Hans let his eyes wander to the queen's heaving chest. He couldn't keep them off of her. He wanted to reach out and touch her gently, but that had always been one of their unspoken rules. There was no safe word. If they decided that they didn't want it anymore, they were simply shit out of luck. There was also no post-coital cuddling. That was too sensual. Too romantic. They had both silently agreed that there would be nothing like that between the two of them. It was too close to comfort. Neither of them could afford to have feelings develop for the other, so they sent a good distance from each other, silently stealing glances.

I'm addicted to you!
Hooked on your love,
Like a powerful drug
I can't get enough of,
Lost in your eyes,
Drowning in blue
Out of control,
What can I do?
I'm addicted to you!

It was the end. Elsa could see it all happening before her eyes. She couldn't stop it. She needed him to need her.