Disclaimer: I don't own victorious and I'll put up a link on my bio where I'm pulling these words and the definitions from.


Yagan (indigenous language of Tierra del Fuego) – "the wordless, yet meaningful look shared by two people who both desire to initiate something but are both reluctant to start"

Tori Pov

Blue-green eyes stared at me from across the table, and those weren't just any pair of eyes looking at me; they belonged to Jade West. Everyone was else was too preoccupied with eating their lunch or talking to each other to notice, so I stared right back at her.

It wasn't her usual malicious look or scowl directed at me, it was something entirely different. Her eyes lacked the confidence and mischievousness they usually held, as if she had lost it.

And was now searching for that confidence, in me.

"Hey, Tori"

But just like that, it was gone and her walls came crashing down, guarding the windows to her soul as she looked away. She was back to the same old Jade again.

"Yeah Andre?" I ask politely enough, I was a little miffed that he interrupted our moment, but it would've happened eventually. He rants on about a new song he'd like to work on with me after school and I agree. Conversation flows between us and the rest of the group, excluding Jade, for the rest of our lunch break.

This wouldn't be the first time Jade looked at me that way, like she wanted something from me. Yet, like she was lost, as if she herself didn't even know what she was looking for.

Moments like that were rare.

The first time I had seen that look was after the "Black Eye" incident, when I had to clean up the aftermath of the food fight. It only lasted for a second or two, but I saw it. At first I thought it was just a part of my imagination, but then Jade broke up with Beck.

That was the second time she gave me that look. From then on it became a thing between us after that, I'd catch Jade giving me this…vulnerable look and I'd try my best to reciprocate with a reassuring one.

Sometimes I think this is her way of letting me in, but this was Jade West and with her it was always two steps forward and one step back.

But slow progress was still progress and better than none at all, so I bit my lip and kept my mouth shut.