Might and Magik

An X-Men:Evolution Tale

By Dessa

Disclaimer: X-Men:Evolution and all associated characters are owned by Marvel Comics and Kids' WB! This is a work of fiction not intended in any way to make money (however, if anyone working on XM:E reads this and actually wants to use it, I do have college student loans to pay off).

Author's Note: If you have read Uncanny X-Men 160 and on, as well as New Mutants 14 and on and the Magik limited series (the first one, not the 2nd one), I understand that I am changing quite a few things from her origin. However, given the amount of stuff changed in XM:E anyway, it's not a big deal ((coughcoughMargali Seftoncoughcough)). If you haven't read the afforementioned books, I highly suggest it. UXM 160 is reprinted in Classic X-Men... gomen, I forgot the # and can't find mine... Anywho, the way it should be read is half of UXM160, then Magik 1-4, except the last two pages, then the rest of UXM160, then New Mutants 14. NM14 is a direct continueation of the last two pages of Magik 4, and from the 4th page of Magik 1 to the 3rd to last page of Magik 4, it's within two or three panels of UXM160. The first page of M1 and last two pages of M4 (and NM14) take place about a year later, and the 2nd and 3rd pages of M1 is an alternate view of a panel in UXM160. Confusing? Yup... don't worry, the story itself is even more convoluted.

Might and Magik- Chapter 3

The team has worried looks on their faces when Nightcrawler teleports back into the Danger Room, but they become startled looks when they see that he is not alone.

"What's going on?" Cyclops asks him, glancing up at the control room where Professor X is monitoring the session. "Who is this? And why did it take you 10 minutes to teleport?"

"I don't know!" Nighcrawler tells him as Wolverine, Storm, and Professor X enter the room.

"Time travels differently in Limbo," the strange girl tells the group, in explanation.

"Who are you?" Professor X asks her.

"My name is Illyana Nikolovna Rasputin. I held your student in Limbo so that his powers of teleportation could do what my stepping discs could not: allow me to leave that horid place. When is this? The month, year?"

"It's spring of 2002," Storm replies.

"2002? In the spring? Then I was not gone as long as I feared... I was born seven years ago, in Russia. In the end of last year, I was kidnapped and trapped in Limbo. I spent seven years there."

"Seven years?!" Nightcrawler exclaims. "But how is that possible?"

"I told you, time travels differently in Limbo. In that time, I not only discovered my mutant talent for creating and controlling teleportational stepping discs, but I also learned the full measure of the arts arcane."