The cold is instant and frigid, sending a shock through her system she reacts to simply by shouting, "Cold, cold, cold!" and his response is just as immediate, hands coming up to her arms, rubbing vigorously against her, muttering something about a warmth feature in her hologram shell. It takes her a moment to register what he's saying and then another quick second to realize why the air had snuck into every crevice of her body despite the skirt and the bright top and the stockings that clung to her legs.

She was naked.

And the Doctor's hands were zipping up and down from her shoulders to her elbows, igniting a fire in her stomach she smiled against as she twisted in his arms, understanding immediately – he was naked too. It took a quick closing of her eyes to not see the clothes standing between them and feel what was really happening. Her back pressing tightly into his warm torso, the beating of his hearts thudding against her.

Clara giggles quietly as his arms cross in front of her, hugging her to him as he continues to try to warm her and she's acutely aware that his limbs are brushing over her breasts and suddenly he stops, cradling her simply as he does a small turn with her in his hold.

"Doctor," she sighs.

He smiles, cheek pressing into hers as he bends back away from her, saving her the embarrassment of feeling his privates against her backside replying quietly, in amusement, "I know."

"Not so bad," she agrees.

He chuckles, "Actually, the best way to warm a body is generally with another body, especially in situations involving hypothermia – blood rushes back to the body from the limbs too quickly and you risk…"

"Shhh," she interrupts.

"What?" He peers out into the darkness, "Is there something out there?"

Clara laughs and tells him, "Can't you just be quiet and enjoy the moment?"

He glances at her and repeats, "Enjoy the…" then it dawns on him, "This moment?"

"Yeah," she chuckles, "This moment."

"Standing in the snow, just a bit naked?" He reminds.

Looking sideways at him, she shifts back, landing her body flush with his and she can hear him swallow roughly, but he doesn't inch away as she tells him, "Best way to warm a body, huh?"

He manages a grin as his cheeks blush, strengthening his hold on her as her hands come up to grip his forearms, and they do another small twirl where they stand. The Doctor listens as her small laugh echoes through the trees and he joins her, watching the snow fall, oblivious to the cold.