AN: Yeah, watch me write when I'm supposed to be working. _;; I really wanted to get this chapter out. Oh, and I noticed that a reviewer asked previously what "Medication" by Garbage was. No, it's not a fic; Garbage is a band and "Medication" is one of their songs. I highly recommend them. ^^ In this exciting edition of Yugi-chan in Asylum-land, Yugi and Yami more officially make up, and Ryou's yami has issues. And we all learn just how poor ickle Ryou got stuck in Asylum-land too. And I've just realised that I've been spelling Yugi's name wrong the whole time (the correct Japanese spelling for both his name and the name of the show happens to be Yuugi-ou.). Well, enough with long rambling ANs, on with the fic!

Chapter Four: Issues Are The Things You Have When You're Insane

Yugi headed for the "session room", his earlier happiness overcome with dread. He didn't know exactly what was in store for him in this session, but seeing as where he was, it was most probably something to do with the fact that everyone thought he was crazy.

He stopped in front of the door, staring at it. It had "Session Room" painted on it in bubbly happy letters. Various hearts, flowers, smiley faces, and rainbows littered the rest of the door and hallway.

Yugi felt, for the first time in his young life, the impending fear caused when confronted by smiley faces and the threat of sedation drugs at the same time.

"I am going to die..." Yugi whimpered.

Pulling up all the courage he could find in his small body, Yugi forced himself through the door. The inside of the room sent him reeling. Bright yellow walls clashed with bright blue carpet. Rainbows and various other things of sugary sweet Oh-My-God-It's-So-Happy-I-Might-Have-A-Seizure were scattered across the room.

Yugi whimpered again, fighting the basic instinct to fight or flee. If he ran screaming for his sanity, the doctor's here would be convinced of his lack of it. With a sudden sadistic twist, Yugi decided that there was no way in hell he was suffering through this alone.

/Yami, get up! If you're awake already, get over here!/ Yugi sent frantically at the spirit.

//.........Huzzah........? Yugi, what's the matter?// His spirit was sleepy and confused, but sounded concerned.

/Just get to where I am, teleportation, magic, I don't care. Pleeease come!/ Yugi whimpered.

//All right, all right, I'm coming.// With that Yami materialized beside the small teen. He took a moment to scan the room, and wished he hadn't when his eyes completed a full circle. Trying not to panic and run screaming along with Yugi, he calmly turned towards Yugi.

"Aibou, I highly recommend that we leave this.........this place right now."

Yugi once again whimpered. "I can't. If I run screaming, the doctor's are going to be even more convinced I'm insane."

Yami took a deep breath and steeled himself. "Well, I guess we'll have to put up with it then."

Just then the door opened, and Yugi felt elation when he saw Ryou Bakura step into the room. The boy looked around with distaste, having been here before, until his eyes settled on Yugi, and accountably, Yami.

Yami was unprepared when the new white-haired boy suddenly ran up to him and hugged him. He remained still for a full minute, until he managed to squeak, "Who?"

The boy remembered himself, and stepped back with a blush. "My name's Ryou Bakura. I'm sorry, I was just so happy that Yugi was telling the truth, I couldn't help myself."

Yami tried to absorb this. "You can see me?"

Ryou nodded. "Yes, and Yugi can see my spirit as well." He pulled out the Millennium Ring with this statement.

Yami's eyes widened. "That' wonder your last name seemed so familiar!" This last phrase was spoken with a bit of venom.

Ryou, slightly afraid of Yami's darkening expression, steeped away. "Ah........what?"

Yami stared at the white-haired teen standing in front of him. "Your spirit's wouldn't happen to be Bakura, would it?"

Large brown eyes widened. Ryou vaguely heard Yugi call out his name in concern as he was swallowed by his memories of just why he was here.



"Why, why father!? I've done nothing wrong!" Ryou pleaded with his father, trying to change the man's mind.

"I'm sorry, Ryou, but until you stop this behavior and stop hurting yourself, you are to spend your time in the mental ward. With that he was locked in his room.

" don't wasn't me........."

His Millennium Ring glowed and let out a bright flash, before the room was completely dark. Ryou, knowing what was coming, whimpered and curled up.

A voice, as dark and oppressing as the room around him, sneered.

"Well, well. Look at the weakling exercise his weakness. Not only have you landed us in a loony bin, you're cowering in the dark. You haven't learned your lesson yet. I suppose I'll have to beat it into you yet again."

Ryou tried not to scream.

~*End Flashback*~

Ryou was drawn out of his reverie when his Millennium Ring glowed again. Fearing the worst, he stepped back hastily as another figure materialized in the room. The new figure's cold eyes wandered over the room and the people, until his eyes came to land on Yami. He started.

"You........!" He snarled.

Yami stared calmly at the other spirit, disdain showing on his face. Ryou's spirit stared back, his face considerably more angry.

Silence. Then........

"Hello, Tomb Robber."

"........Hello, Pharaoh."


AN: Wheee, conflict, some angst, revelations.........yay! Good chappie! Review?