A/n: Dedicated to BlackShadowScythe, whose pm inspired me to write this.
-Sensible Flats-
You're working for Hacker? asked Inez completely shocked at the turn of events, Ledge grinned as if he was amused by her reaction. Which considering who he worked for, was entirely possible. "That's right I installed the Hackerizer and turned all of Sensible Flats into Hackers" said Ledge with a slight chuckle at the end, Inez got over her shock quickly and glared daggers at him.
"You won't get away with this!"cried Inez trying to ignore the feeling of hopelessness that blossomed in her chest, Ledge simply gave her a dismissive gesture before leaning against the wall with his arms crossed looking infuriatingly smug. "Oh and how do you plan on stopping me?" asked Ledge making her fidget nervously making his grin widen, "You have to shut off the machine in less than 3 minutes something you couldn't do even on a rock one third its' size". Ledge referred to the test runs that the Cybersquad had done in preparation for Climber's Rock, which the Hackerizer sat at the top of it.
Inez tried to deny it but knew that he was right, out of all three of them hers was the slowest time. "But that doesn't mean I can't try" said Inez with more confidence than she felt, in response to her statement Ledge started chuckling . "What is so funny" Inez asked feeling very annoyed Ledge stopped chuckling for a moment to ask, "Do you remember how it takes to become Hackerized?". Though Inez was rather confused at the sudden question she answered, "Three minutes why?"
Ledge didn't responded for a moment but then asked, "And do you know how long we've been talking?". At her negative head shake he turned the stopwatch in his hand to face her, it read 2:34 and it was climbing higher by the second. "But what does that have to do with any..." started Inez but then noticed Ledge glance downward towards the door and followed his line of sight and gasped out loud in dismay. For the door had been opened by a tiny crack no bigger than her pinkie, and a familiar green mist was creeping through the opening.
"No!"screamed Inez in pure horror as the cold truth of the situation was made clean, "Yes!" crowed Ledge in triumph as he watched the timer tick closer to three minutes. In a rather desperate move that surprise even her Inez rushed at Ledge with her fist raised, who rather than dodge grabbed her fist and quickly captured her other arm and turned her around with both her arms behind her back so he was restraining her. Inez gave a small grunt of pain at the hold that she was in, she tried to break free of his grip but he held firm.
"Let me go!" yelled Inez as she continued to struggle, though it was all for naught as she spied the stopwatch on the ground from when Ledge dropped it during her charge. And it read 2:57 much to her horror, Ledge leaned over her shoulder and whispered in her ear just as the stopwatch showed 2:59.
The rest of Cyberspace could only look in horror at their television screens, which showed the entire Cybersquad Hackerized. Many couldn't believe what they were seeing, thinking that it was a mistake or a joke. They were brought out of their denial by the people standing near them, who looked resigned to the fact that Hacker had won for the first and only time.
It didn't take Hacker long to reach Sensible Flats once he saw the iconic moment happen on his TV, where an entire town full of Hackerized people awaited him with Ledge at the front grinning victoriously. For a moment Hacker stared at the sight trying to burn it into his memory, it was finally over.
He had won!.
A/N: Poll on profile to determine possibility of parings in The Fourth Child plz vote