Author's Note:
Hello everyone. Here is the last chapter of this story and though it is short I hope it is enjoyable. Thank you to everyone who has supported this story and please let me know what you thought of it.
I own nothing.
It took a while but Pavel eventually calmed down a bit and drifted off to sleep.
Bones had left during Jim and Pavel's conversation and returned to see Jim holding the sleeping Pavel. He didn't say anything and just went over to get the boy in a more comfortable position. With Pavel settled at Jim's side the doctor spoke to his friend, "There's one more person to see you Jim."
Bones just smiled before heading back out of the room leaving Jim wondering who else was here to see him. Needless to say he was extremely surprised when Winona Kirk walked in.
He just stared at his mother before he finally managed to speak, "Mom?"
She smiled, "Hello Jimmy."
"How did you manage to get back, I thought your ship was the other side of the Federation?"
She settled herself in the seat next to the bed as she answered, "It was but as soon as we heard what had happened the captain turned around to return to Earth. Our engineer got as much out of the ship as he could so we got back after three days of continuous travel at full speed."
Jim gave her a grateful smile before asking another question, "Where have you been staying for the last week or so?"
"Leonard said I could stay in your apartment while you were here, he said you wouldn't mind though I should really tell you that it seems most of your Command Crew have also been staying there so the place isn't exactly the cleanest."
Jim just grinned at the idea of his crew staying in the same apartment and they sat in silence. Winona eventually broke it, "I see Pavel has made himself comfortable."
Jim looked down at the teen who was snuggled into his side sleeping peacefully before speaking, "He was really upset not that long ago, he was blaming himself for everything. I'm guessing he took a bit of convincing to come."
"He did, he wasn't even speaking to anyone when I arrived. I managed to catch him out of his room and talk to him; I told him about how you wouldn't contact me because of your guilt and that he needed to see you to help deal with his own."
Jim spoke warily, "Did you say why I had so much guilt?"
"I just said something terrible happened. Don't worry Jim, I haven't told any of them that you were on Tarsus IV."
He let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you. I don't want them to ever have to know about that, especially not Pavel."
Winona took her son's free hand, "I understand Jim but for what its worth I believe that if they ever do find out they'll still be there for you. They have been so strong the last two weeks."
Jim nodded, "Thank you Mom. Thank you for looking after them when I couldn't."
She smiled, "Anytime Jim, it was the least I could do for you. Now I think you should follow the example of your son and get some sleep."
She helped Jim to lie down properly, being careful to not disturb Pavel, and when he was settled she took a hold of his hand again. He looked up at her, "Are you going to stay with me till I sleep?"
Smiling she answered, "Jim, of course I'm staying." She kissed his forehead, "For as long as you need me too."
He smiled as his eyes began to close and she said one more thing, "I love you Jim."
"I love you too Mama."
PS-And there we have it. I focused largely on Jim and Winona this chapter but I felt that I had to do some sort of scene between the two of them. I will hopefully update 'Unofficial Rules' soon so keep an eye out.