NOTE FROM AUTHOR: Hi everybody quick word from me. Sorry about the delay, never take more then for classes at a time your mind will be so gone that you'll forget the story even if you did have it all ready to post. Also thank you all for your support this is my first fanfic posting ever so it means a lot to me. Also I'll try harder with the beta read, I'm crap with computers so even now I'm still trying to figure out how to fix my mistakes. Again sorry for the delay enjoy.

Terri couldn't wait for lunch time today, she was especially happy when she saw the sun shining blue skies in the morning as she gazed out of the living room's huge glass wall. It had a door and lead out onto a balcony but they didn't really use it. She often wondered why it was even there, she couldn't go out on it unless she was with dad or one of her uncle's. But she was getting off topic; Komatsu was going to bring her lunch today! She hadn't even had her breakfast yet and by the looks of it she wasn't going to eat what was placed in front of her.

It wasn't bad or anything; the chef had done his job well enough to make anybody want the eggs Benedict in front of them. Toriko had more than once made sure that she knew the value of every meal so she wasn't picky.

It just didn't taste right to the 5 year old, don't get her wrong she loved it, but it wasn't what she wanted. She actually didn't know what she wanted. All she knew was she wanted something else right now. Looking at her father and seeing he already had three servings Terri stuck the fork into the already pre-cut pieces and finally ate her breakfast.

Toriko looked at the white blonde girl finally eating her meal begrudgingly and frowned slightly. Even if he had another meal made she would have still made a face and wait until it was obvious that she wasn't getting anything else to eat. She was actually a little bad with eating everything despite his best efforts to instill his belief of gratitude into her, he just couldn't figure out way she always made things so difficult for herself. Now that he thought about it the only time he ever saw her eat without prompting was when they were with that Komastu woman.

'Can she be my nanny?' Toriko remembered as he continues to gaze at his daughter, Terri had never personally asked for somebody. A grin lit is face when he thought of her and Terri's request about her. Never had Terri shown such interest in a person let alone a woman

"You exited about today?" Terri with the last bite of food in her mouth nodded her head vigorously as an answer. Toriko laughed a little as he finished off his coffee.

"Hey dad!" Toriko looked at Terri over the brim of his mug. "Are you gonna ask her today?"

Now this is what Toriko had been dreading since yesterday night when Terri went to bed talking about tomorrow's lunch. Now that he knew Komatsu had a job, a very well-respected job at that, he couldn't just ask her to drop anything to be Terri's nanny.

"Terri, I know you like her but it's rude to ask people who already have a lot of responsibility to drop everything. She's a chef Terri, one of the most important jobs in the world. Now go get dressed it's almost time for school."

Terri moaned in protest but let her father drop her off in her room so he could get ready as well. He didn't want to get dressed either but he had a meeting this morning and had to wear one of his suits. He liked them but he didn't understand why you had to wear them just to talk to people for an hour about stuff that is so easy to decide on. When both were presentable Toriko handed Terri her school bag and made their way to the elevator both already counting the minutes till 12:30.