Easton POV
"Yes?" Gandalf spoke calmly but still shaky. How in the bloody hell can he stay so...calm?! Radagast opens his mouth to speak, but shuts it. He opens his mouth again, but closes it again. He has forgotten what he was going to say. We looked at the wizard expectedly. Bloody hell, we don't have the whole fucking day for all we know we could get ambushed by some Orcs! Not as if I knew or anything... Now I think about it, my memory has been a bit rusty of the story. Great...
"Oh, just give me a minute. Um, oh, I had a thought, and now I've lost it. It was, it was right there, on the tip of my tongue." He said. He curls up his tongue, and looks surprised. "Oh, it's not a thought at all; it's a silly old..." Gandalf pulls a stick insect out of Radagast's mouth."-stick insect!" Radagast said.
The dwarves and Bilbo look flustered. While I silently gag behind Fili, who was chuckling at him sudden action. "You humour me, Flower." Fili said to me. "I am humorist, Prince." We smiled at each other and started to giggle silently as Kili cast us a look. Radagast and Gandalf go off a few paces and speak privately. Kili walked over to Fili and I as I put my new sword in its sheath and tie it to my belt. Soon all the dwarves went into their own conversation. I overheard Dori mothering his brothers. Dwalin and Thorin talking but I couldn't hear much of it.
But I was too busy fiddling with the end of my sword. Why did it suddenly just glow like? Ugh, I hate not knowing. It was beautiful though. The blade was shiny, you could see your own reflection. It was bronze and the handle was blue. Starlight blue. It was balanced just for me. Like only I can own the sword. "Hello Middle Earth to Easton?" I saw a waving hand in front of my face. "Oh hi..." I blushed at the blonde and brown haired dwarves. "Blushing at my beauties, East." Kili said as he struck a pose, I scoffed. "No, actually your brother's." Fili bit his lip as Kili burst into fits of laughter!
3rd POV
The two wizard looked around their surrounding. Both wizard noticed Easton's new sword. The sword of Dinthalos, it was made by elves as a present to the blue wizards. However, the sword would not unsheathe after the elves had put it in it's sheathe. It was said only one who shall open will be the protector of Middle Earth.
"The Greenwood is sick, Gandalf. A darkness has fallen over it. Nothing grows any more, at least nothing good. The air is foul with decay. But worst are the webs." Radagast said, both of their attention was focus on each other. "Webs? What do you mean?" Gandalf asked concerned.
"Spiders, Gandalf. Giant ones. Some kind of spawn of Ungoliant, or I am not a Wizard. I followed their trail. They came from Dol Guldur." Radagast said in a shaky voice. "Dol Guldur? But the old fortress is abandoned." The old wizard was confuse. "No, Gandalf, it is not." Radagast had wished it was abandoned.
Radagast, started narrating "A dark power dwells there, such as I have never felt before. It is the shadow of an ancient horror. One that can summon the spirits of the dead. I saw him, Gandalf. From out of the darkness, a Necromancer has come." Suddenly Radagast started to say the stuff he said in his memory "Quick! Quickly! Run! Wait for me!"
Radagast "wakes up" from his flashback, and realizes that he has gotten very excited. "I'm sorry." He said nervously. "Try a bit of Old Toby. It'll help settle your nerves."Gandalf cleans his pipe with his beard, then offers it to Radagast. Radagast breathes in the smoke. "And out."Radagast, with his eyes crossed and a blissful look on his face, blows out the smoke, then stays in a trance-like state for a few seconds.
"Now, a Necromancer. Are you sure?" Gandalf said, worried and concerning. Radagast pulls out a cloth-wrapped package and hands it to Gandalf. Gandalf unties it and opens it; upon seeing its contents,he looks concerned. "That is not from the world of the living." Radagast said with a shaky voice. Radagast's attention was back on Easton's sword.
"She must be the one, Gandalf. She wields the sword of Dinthalos. Storm of Silence! Gandalf! Do we trust her?" Radagast started to get a little bit excited. Gandalf looked at Easton. "She is the one, my friend. She will be the protector. She is possibly our only hope, Radagast. She is full of surprises. She's a clever one, she will have ideas to save us.".
Suddenly, a loud howl was heard from a distance, everyone's attention was focus at the direction. Bilbo started to shake "Was that a wolf? Are there-are there wolves out there?" Bilibo asked shakily, poor Bilbo. "Wolves? No, that is not a wolf." Bofur tried to be helpful but failing. From behind a nearby crag, a Warg appears; it leaps into the midst of the Company, knocking down one of the dwarves. Thorin strikes and kills it using Orcrist. Another Warg attacks from the other side; Kili shoots it with an arrow, bringing it down. However, it gets back up, only to be killed by Dwalin. Everyone was now gripping their weapons for anymore surprise attack.
•Easton's POV•
"Warg-Scouts! Which means an Orc pack is not far behind." Thorin said pissed. I know this is bad time but...I FUCKING TOLD YOU GUYS. I KNOW THE STORY TOO WELL. Well, obviously I know the story well because I just simply adore it! But ut feels like I am forgetting little things. "Orc pack?" Bilbo asked shakily. I held back a sarcastic remake, I bit my lip and held Fili's hand. Gandalf was calmly pissed. Which kinda scared me, pissed Wizard can lead to many things..."Who did you tell about your quest, beyond your kin?" Gandalf asked dangerously calm.
"No one." Thorin said in the same dangerous tone. Fili's hand tighten then loosen. "Who did you tell?" Gandalf said, in the same tone as before making the atmosphere cold. "NO ONE, I swear. What in Durin's name is going on?" Thorin hissed at the Wizard. Gandalf looked at him straight in his eyes. Cold and hard."You are being hunted." Silent after Gandalf spoke."We have to get out of here." Dwalin said STATING THE OBVIOUS. No dip Sherlock, No offence Dwalin, but I hardly doubt that anyone wants to stay here and get killed.
"We can't! We have no ponies; they bolted." Ori's small voice spoke out loud. We turn to see the ponies gallop away into the distance or possibly their death. Well done. Then suddenly the brown wizard, Radagast, spoke in a confident voice. "I'll draw them off." Gandalf looked at him as if he was mad, hell we all did. Did this wizard just offer himself to get killed? Honestly, this world couldn't get more weirder! "These are Gundabad Wargs; they will outrun you." Gandalf said in a kinda 'duh' tone. However, this surprised everyone. Radagast spoke in a smug challenging tone when he said "These are Rhosgobel Rabbits; I'd like to see them try."
So everyone got ready. Ori was quickly being taught by Me how to hold the swords and use them. Then afterwards I takes out my new sword, which was ready for blood shed. It was perfect. It's was glowing, shining in the sun's light. Bronze was glowing and it looked fucking awesome. The sword was beautiful. Kili looked at it in awe and I think in the corner of my eyes I saw Gandalf smirk, kinda knowingly. What the bloody hell was he keeping away from me. Whatever, we were about to go. I gripped my sword tight as Fili looked at me, worryingly. Aww...
Radagast and his rabbits shoot out of the forest, and the Wargs start chasing him."Come and get me! Ha ha!" Radagast taunt them, I swear he is a mad wizard with rabbits. Gandalf watches from behind a rock as Radagast and the Wargs disappear in the distance. As I could just see them fade, "Come on!" He beckons Company rushes across a rocky plain. In the distance, Radagast is being chased by the Wargs. One of them crashes while trying to catch him. As the Company runs across the plain, they see the Wargs not too far from them, so they hide behind the rocks.
"Stay together." Gandalf ordered, as I muttered "No shit sherlock." Fili smiled at me as Thorin glared at me. "Move!" Thorin yelled. I have never noticed but now, I had something liquidly down my leg. I looked down while I ran, blood. Wait I am on?! No, the blood was coming from my leg. I must have done that while we were stuck with the bloody the Company runs, Radagast drives his sled beneath an overhanging projection of rock; he ducks, but the Orc on the Warg behind him gets knocked off. I have no idea why I am watching him. I am going to get myself killed.
As the chase continues, Thorin stops behind a rock so that he is not seen by the Wargs. Ori starts to run out of the cover. Shit no Ori! "ORI!" I screamed at the same time as Thorin said "Ori, no! Come back!" Luckily no Wargs were there. "Come on! Quick!" Gandalf shouts. By now, I could feel my leg sear with pain. I bit my lip as I carried on running with Fili and Kili by my side. I started to a limp we continue running, Thorin turns to Gandalf. "Where are you leading us?" Thorin snarled at him. It was like a wild goose chase and we were not having fun.
Gandalf doesn't answer. As the Warg scouts chase Radagast, one of them stops and scents the air. We take cover behind an outcropping of rock. The scout and his Warg appear on top of the outcropping, scenting the air. Thorin looks at Kili and nods; readying an arrow, Kili quickly steps out and shoots the Warg. The Warg and the orc on it fall near the dwarves, and the dwarves kill them. The sounds of their fight carry quite far; the other Wargs and Orcs stop chasing Radagast as they hear roars and screams from behind the rocks.
"Well done, Kili." I smiled sarcastically at the younger brother. "Oh shut up." He said. I smirked as he gave me a glare, "Move. Run!" Gandalf snapped us away from each run through a grassy plain; Wargs begin to surround them from all sides. "We're dead meat." I said. "Don't say that, lass, have some faith." Bofur said behind me. "I have been holding my faith since I met you guys." I hear a small chuckle from him. "There they are!" Thank you Gloin for telling me that, I couldn't seem to notice. Them standing in front of me and their growls.
"This way! Quickly!" Gandalf said. I bit my lip and tried to run faster, my leg's pain was unbearable! We run for a while longer, then halt in a clearing as they see Wargs on all sides. "We are defiantly dead meats now." I whispered to Bofur, who was next to me, and he gave me a small smile. "There's more coming!" Thanks Kili for just dropping my hope down hoping that there won't be more! "Kili! Shoot them!" Thorin ordered his youngest nephew, I take out my swords and swung it around, trying to look cool and threatening."We're surrounded!" Fili said, I look behind me and saw more Wargs.
Kili begins shooting at the Warg and the Warg-riders, killing some of them. "Where is Gandalf?" Kili asked. I turned around and noticed that Gandalf disappeared. Great time for abandoning us. Wait... Never mind, I know where he is. I smirked knowingly. "He has abandoned us!" Dwalin snapped, like he knew that he should trust the bloody wizard. The dwarves gather close to each other near the rock Gandalf disappeared by. As the leader and his Warg approach, Ori shoots a rock at the leader with his slingshot, to no effect. Thorin pulls out his sword."Hold your ground!" He shouted.
Gandalf suddenly screams; "This way, you fools!" I turned to see him in a rock. "Come on, move! Quickly, all of you! Go, go, go!" Thorin said. I slid in first and let out a cry of pain. I held my bloody leg tightly as Gandalf looked at me worryingly. He dragged my gently away from the entrance. The dwarves and Bilbo slide into the large crack in the rock, sliding into a cave. Fili looked at me and crouch next to me. "Don't look now, but your leg is bleeding...a lot." That grabbed all the attention of the dwarves. "Ten, eleven." Gandalf counted.
Then I heard Thorin scream to Kili, who I just noticed wasn't here in the cave. "Kili! Run!" Thorin and Kili jump into the crack last. Just as the leader and his Wargs reach the crack, an Elvish horn sounds. We listened to the conflict from inside the crack. One of the orcs, shot by an arrow, falls into the cave. Thorin plucks out the arrow and examines its make."Elves." He spat out the word in disgust. He looked over to me and gave me a worried is a pathway at the end of the cave, leading away. "I cannot see where the pathway leads. Do we follow it or no?" Dwalin asked."Follow it, of course!" Bofur still mange to say in a cheerful voice. "I think that would be wise." Gandalf said.
Thorin crouched next to me, I was sitting on the floor, and looked at my bloody leg. "I have to carry you, I do not want you to lose more blood." But Fili said to his uncle. "I'll carry her, it's fine." Thorin cast him a suspicious look before following the others. Fili lifted me up and smirked as he followed the others. "I can imagine this on the day we marry." He said cheekily. "Really now Pretty Boy? This is the time you chose to be cheeky?" He smirked and shrugged.
Fili, why are you so adorable?