Boom, chapter five! I would have updated earlier, but I kept forgetting XD Plus, I've been watching Attack On Titan none stop for the last three days. I'm thinking about write a fanfiction on it too, and if I do, it will most likely be a Eren X Armin fanfic, because now they're on my OTP list. (I have like four OTP's now XD) Anyway, here's the next chapter, enjoy!~

DISCLAMER: I do NOT own any of the Vocaloids in this fanfiction, I only own the plot to this story.

Chapter 5: Worry

Len's POV

Alright, it's official, I hate my sister.

Now, I know people say that hate is a strong word, but it's the perfect word for how I feel about her right now.

So my "brilliant" sister decided to invite Oliver over to our house today. She had been acting weird all morning, but she's always weird, so I didn't ask. But once we got to the coffee shop and started to talk to Oliver, she invited him over. And he agreed. This is so bad! How the fuck am I supposed to act around him? I've only ever talked to him at the coffee shop, and some at school, but he's coming to my house now, and god knows how long he'll be there for!

Ok Len, stop flipping out, just clam you tits. Wait….I don't have tits. What the hell am I supposed to calm then?!

No! Stop over reacting! Everything will be just fine, just-….oh god not her again!

I stared at the girl in front of me, standing dangerously close to me.

"U-uhh….h-hello Tei-chan… th-there something y-you need?" I asked nervously, as she gave me a creepy look. I glanced over at Mayu, who was standing next to Tei, and giving me a vicious glare. I have no idea why, but Mayu has never seemed to like me, unlike her friend, who is constantly drooling over me.

"Oh, well, I was wondering…if you would go out with me!" Tei said, staring at me with hopeful eyes.

I saw Mayu huff, and cross her arms, but didn't say anything to her, and drew my attention back to Tei. "Uhh…..sorry Tei, but no….." I said with a sigh. She asked me this question all the time, and always got the same answer.

Instead of giving me her usual pout and saying, "But whhhyyy Len-kun?!" Her eye's suddenly harder, and in a second, her face was inches away from mine. "It's because of that Oliver kid isn't it?"

I gulped. How did she know that I was friends with Oliver? Did she follow me again? "Uhh…"

"You shouldn't lie to me Lenny-kins, lying is bad, very bad…." She said, in a deep threatening voice.

Ok, maybe I am kind of lying. But I just don't want to be in a relationship with her. She scares me! Suddenly, I saw my sister (Along with Teto-san, and Miku-tan) come through the doors. "Oh, umm, there's my sister! I got to go! Bye, Tei! Bye Mayu!"

I quickly ran towards my sister, abandoning the other two girls. I glanced back, to see Mayu saying something to Tei, with her normal straight face, and Tei angrily stomping her foot on the ground.

I bumped into my sister on accident, knocking her into Teto. "Hey, watch it Len!" She yelled, adjusting her backpack, the looking at me. "Len….are you alright?" She asked, giving me a worried look, "Are you still mad at me for inviting Ollie over?"

I sighed, straightening myself up, "Kind-of, but that's not really it. It's just…nothing forget it…" I said, turning around.

"Well….alright then Len-kun….I won't question you anymore right now." Rin-chan said, and started to walk towards our house, with Teto and Miku in tow.

I followed slowly from behind, twiddling my thumbs and looking around at the houses around me.

When we finally got home, Rin, Miku and Teto all headed to Rin-san's room, and I headed to mine. I threw my backpack on the ground, and collapsed onto my bed with a sigh.

I change my mind, about hating my sister. I'm just kind-of pissed at her now. She looks out for me, and cares about me, even if she doesn't act like it sometimes, and I care about her too. It's just…I guess I'm nervous…

I stretched, and got back up walking to the kitchen and getting a glass of water. My mother was in there, making herself something to eat, and smiled. "Hello Len, how was school?"

"Good." I said, sitting down at the table, bringing the cup with me.

"Well, your talkative today aren't you?" She said sarcastically, and finished making her sandwich, and sitting down in front of me with it.

"Hmph." I groaned, sticking my pointer finger in my glass of water, and moving it around in a circular motion.

"Is something on your mind dear?" She asked, then took a bite of her sandwich.

I shook my head.

"Alright then. Your sister said that she invited a friend over, though I don't remember his name."


"Oliver huh? That's a nice name."

"Yeah….it is." I replied, turning my head away.

My mother opened her mouth to say something else, but was interrupted by the sound of a door bell. "Oh, I bet that's him." She said, craning her neck to look at the door, then looked back at me at the wrong time. My face was warm, and I felt nervous all over again.

"You alright Len?" She asked. I nodded. "Well you should probably get the doo-" She stopped, as all three girls rushed to the door and swung it open.

You know when I said that there would be two POV's? Well, I lied. XD I'm too tired to write anymore, so I'll write Ollie's POV next time. Though, the main reason that I didn't write another POV, is because I was busy writing another fanfic. It's a Kagamine Rin X Hatsune Miku one-shot. Go read it and review please! *Face darkens and takes out knife* Review this fanfiction and the other one or face the consequences! *Smiles again and puts away knife* Thanks for reading! ~KittyX3