Hello friends! It's been almost 2 years since I've updated this... I honestly can't explain to myself why I abandoned this story for so long. Perhaps I lost interest. There have been some rough times since then too... But! That is no excuse to leave my readers hanging so long, on a cliffhanger no less. So thank you to all that have stuck around this long! I am deeply grateful for the love you guys have shown this story, and it makes me happy that I still get follows/favorites/reviews.

Here is the last chapter of "Where's Ritsu?". I hope you like it! :)

Ritsu trembled in fear, waiting for the worst to come. He shut his eyes and clenched his teeth.

Suddenly, the iron-clad grip on Ritsu was yanked off. Ritsu's eyes opened, watching as an enormous bearded man wrenched the attacker's arms behind his back in an armlock and forced him to the ground. The new stranger ran back to Ritsu. "Are you okay, son?"

Ritsu paused. "...I'm fine." Both their heads swivelled around to see the would-be molester running away without a backwards glance.

"COME BACK YOU FUCKING COWARD!" shouted Ritsu's rescuer, beginning to chase the man when an elegant looking woman rushed over to the spot with a small girl in her arms.

"You gave us a real scare there!" exclaimed the lady to Ritsu. The little girl stroked Ritsu's arm in comforting circles, and Ritsu smiled in spite of himself.

"If only I could catch that scumbag..." The man seemed to compose himself. "How did you end up in this situation?"

"I got separated from my..." Ritsu hesitated. "My senpai. And I didn't have a cell phone to call him so I tried to find him myself."

"So what if you got separated?" rebutted the man. "Your senpai won't always be there with you. You need to learn how to fend for yourself!" The words hit Ritsu like a brick. He was used to sentiments like these, but none involving his dear Saga-senpai.

Ritsu just stood there, face completely scarlet. "Aw, give him a break! I'd say he needs a cell phone first," laughed the woman.

"Well, alright. Are you sure you don't want to go after the trash that tried to assault you? We should report him."

Ritsu shook his head, and then bowed deeply. "Thank you so much for helping me. I don't know what I would have done otherwise..." Ritsu shuddered.

The man smiled. "Here, use my cellphone. You should call your 'senpai' now," he winked. How could everyone tell?

Ritsu bowed once again to the family. He rolled up his right sleeve, gently passing his thumb over the scribbled phone number. He dialed the number with anticipation and waited for the ring.

"Hello?" came Saga's frantic voice through the phone.

"I-it's me. Ritsu-"

"I'm so happy you're okay..." The emotion in Saga's voice touched Ritsu. All his fear and relief finally came up to his eyes. "Where are you?"

Ritsu let him know where to meet, trying not to choke up. He was ready to go home.

Ritsu looked up, seeing Saga-senpai hurrying towards him. They locked eyes. Saga started to run in earnest, pumping his arms and legs, until he reached Ritsu and embraced him.

Ritsu gasped in happiness. It was the first time Saga had hugged him. His arms wrapped around Ritsu's slender body and Ritsu nuzzled his head in the crook of Saga's shoulder. "...so glad you're okay," Saga murmured.

"I was so t-terrified!" cried Ritsu. They remained in each other's arms for a while, then pulled apart. "But I don't want to feel like that anymore. I want to become strong and be someone you can be proud of." A look of determination had entered Ritsu's eyes.

"I hope you do. But remember that I'm here for you too. Depend on me," Saga smiled, melting Ritsu.

"I-I will! Please depend on m-me too!"

"I think it's time to get you a cell phone," Saga proposed. Ritsu beamed at this.

And they walked out of the park, hand in hand, beginning a new adventure.

Looks like they're both coming out of their shells, huh? I can see traces of Takano-san in Saga-senpai here :)

Thank you to all the reviewers! To those of you asking for a faster update, I finally updated! (RIP) And even though Saga-senpai didn't show up to protect Ritsu, a guardian angel did ^_^

Thank you to TrueLove17yugi-yami, DarkPrincess758, Deathday1313, mywinterfireflies, yaoilovinlesbian, nasyitahali7, and all the guests for reviewing the previous chapter! And thank you to any of you that reviewed throughout the story!

Though this story is complete, please expect more SIH fanfics from me in the future! It's been fun :3