A/N This is my second chapter of this story! Many have requested this so I hope you all enjoy! Thanks for all the great PM's and Reviews! All of the favorites and follows are awesome too! Warning: Severe ADHD and ADD episodes, Babbling (Which will cause a lot of run on sentences in the dialogue so beware!), language, and a case involving a bank robbing/ hostage situation. Oh and SRU stands for strategic response unit. Oh and I tried to add more of a case into this one. I've never wrote anything like this so please give feedback. c:
A month away from the last chapter.
Gibbs did not need this shit right now. No he didn't need this shit anytime anywhere. The team was called in on a hostage situation because one of the hostages is a navy captain. The team didn't have any cases so Jenny thought it would be good for team Gibbs to help out the SRU. They were just about to go home too. The team stood in the bullpen in disbelief at the news Gibbs had just come down with.
"So we don't get to go home?" Abby said while holding Tony's arm. Abby and Tony were going to go bar hopping all night and then watch movies until their hangovers were worn off. Gibbs looked into Abby's disappointed eyes and sighed. The team really deserved this day off. They had worked for three weeks straight on a navy commanders kidnapping. It ended up to be a kidnapping ring and they saved over twenty men, women, and children that were going to be sold as sex slaves into Mexico. Gibbs was proud but unfortunately more people needed their help.
"Abby, I'm sorry but you and Tony will have to go on another day. We have a hostage situation down at Burmaham bank. Three men, Ak-47's, and twelve hostages. Four of the hostages are the Wankerman family. Their father is captain of the navy vessel Serenity. He's supposed to be deployed next week. The family were on their way to a carnival according to their neighbor and must've stopped to get money. The SRU team is already there so it's going to be a joint rescue mission. The bank robbers have made no demands and they separated the Burmaham family from the rest of the hostages. This is a delicate situation and these men are smart so no messing around. We have to figure out what they want. They've sent the SRU an email with a coded message that tells us what they want but no one has been able to decrypt it. Abby, You are coming with but you will stay in a tech van. You do not step out without an agent. McGee gas the truck. Everybody get their vest on. Tony come with me." Gibbs said pointing to the elevator. Tony grabbed his Kevlar vest from behind his desk and followed Gibbs. The elevator doors opened and they stepped in. Gibbs pressed the emergency stop button like Tony had expected.
"These SRU guys are smart and they haven't been able to decrypt the code. The men have sent this email with half of it being an imaginary language and the other half being numbers. I'm sorry to ask this but I might need your help. Ya know what I mean right Tone?" Gibbs said gently, Not wanting to send Tony into a panic attack. Tony nodded, Understanding what Gibbs meant. Tony needed his ADD and ADHD pills in an hour and a half or else he would go hay wire. Gibbs was asking if Tony would skip his ADHD and ADHD pills so his brain would be sharper. If Tony took his Ativan then he wouldn't have any panic attacks and his brain would be faster. They've done this before but never in front of the team. He was nervous but he looked up to Gibbs.
"I'll do it, But lets see if Abby can't get it first?" Tony said softly. Gibbs smiled and grabbed the nape of Tony's neck.
"That's my boy." Gibbs said smiling. Tony smiled and looked over at Gibbs.
"But if I have to do it can it just be the team? I mean the SRU is a whole other agency and if they think I'm unfit for duty the-" Tony said freaking out. Gibbs hushed his panicking breaths. Gibbs breathed in a deep breath and Tony copied. Gibbs prevented Tony from hyperventilating and smiled proudly.
"You'll be fine. I'll make sure we get our own van and no one will see. You'll do great. Come on let's go get the others." Gibbs said softly. Tony nodded and smiled a little unsure of himself. Gibbs pressed the emergency button and touched the button for the bullpen. The elevator flew up and Gibbs gave Tony one more reassuring smile before the elevator doors opened. The team stood there expectantly, Backpacks in hand. Tony held the door open as his team and Abby came through the doors. The team squeezed into the elevator like they do on every case and pressed the down button.
The team waited for the elevator to arrive. They knew Gibbs and Tony were talking and they were curious. Ever since they got stuck in that elevator they noticed that Gibbs and Tony were closer than they thought. They didn't have a problem with Tony's ADHD and his ADD as long as it didn't get anyone hurt in the field. When he had bad days they could tell, Instead of making fun of him like usual they tried to help. Abby didn't play her music loud when Tony came down. Ziva didn't sneak up behind him and Kate didn't bother him about his eating habits. McGee let Tony shoot balls into his trashcan knowing that it helped when his hands were moving. Gibbs didn't headslap Tony when he babbled on about a movie because he knew that his boy was having a bad day. Ducky and Palmer brought Tony his favorite pizza when they went on their lunch break. Even Jenny tried to keep her voice down when she noticed him having a bad day. But after the bad days the team were as ruthless as usual. Kate yelled at him for his bad habits and Ziva loved to sneak up on him. Abby played her music so loud you would've thought she'd be hard of hearing by now. Ducky and Palmer didn't buy Tony his salty pizza knowing what it does to his blood pressure. Gibbs gave Tony his daily headslap when he got off topic or talked about women in inappropriate ways. Jenny screamed as loud as she wanted because damn, She was the director and she was their boss.
The elevator arrived in the parking garage and they all stepped out. They packed into the NCIS issued SUV and threw their backpacks in the back. Gibbs and Tony sat in the front while Abby, Ziva, and Kate sat in the next row. McGee stretched out in the very back row, Happy he got this much room. Tony turned on his rock and roll music and the team smiled when he started air drumming. They were all mad and stressed out but Tony always knew how to make everything better. He was air drumming Kiss's Heavens on Fire when Abby started playing the air guitar. The team laughed at the two. They were some of the youngest adults they've ever met. Tony turned the radio off when they reached the bank. His face that was bright and happy a minute ago was now dark and disgusted. The team pulled up in the SUV and watched the commotion. There was over three-hundred civilians watching it like a football game. It was sick and the team definitely saw the disgust on Tony's face. They got out of the car and walked under the yellow crime scene tape. The SRU team's commander walked up to them, Happiness clouding his features at seeing another team willing to help. The commander walked up to Gibbs who was standing protectively in front of his team. He held out his hand and Gibbs shook it firmly. The SRU commander smiled, Trying to be non threatening. Gibbs didn't acknowledge the smile and got down to business.
"I'm special agent Gibbs. NCIS. We were called in because of Captain Wankerman and his family. This is special agent Dinozzo, David, Todd, and McGee. Abby is our tech specialist today along with McGee. We're going to need a van that our team and only our team will have access to." Gibbs said seriously. The commander nodded and took mental notes.
"I'm commander Urban of the SRU. It's nice to meet you. We have a van set aside on the northeast side of the bank. I'm sure you've been debriefed so I'll go back to my team now. We'll send you a copy of the message and connect through the coms. I'm sure your techies will be able to help you with that. It was nice to meet you all. Good luck." Commander Urban said before heading off in a different direction. Gibbs nodded and led his team to their assigned van. He had brought Tony's pills in his pockets just incase Abby could crack the code in the next thirty minutes. Gibbs had his faith in her but he'd seen the code. He didn't have a clue and Abby usually needed time to work her magic.
Gibbs slid the van door open and the team jumped in, Tony and Gibbs followed. They all squeezed into the van. It was just a nondescript black SUV on the outside but on the inside it was high-tech. On one side there was a row of computers, Three Toshiba's to be exact. On the opposite side of the computers were metal benches with large cushions on top. The back-end of the van was a bullet proof door that was locked to the extremes. The front of the van was connected to the steering column and all the windows were made of tinted bullet proof glass. He decided he and his team would be safe here and got to work. They grabbed their seats and McGee and Abby powered up the computers. While they were working Gibbs decided to tell the team about Tony. He took a sip of his almost empty coffee and snapped his fingers. The whole team turned towards him and he smiled internally. He looked at them seriously.
"Okay I have a...plan incase Abby and McGee can't decode the message. We have to get those hostages out ASAP. There are four children in there under the age of ten. There is three elderly people and one of them has a heart condition. I may have someone who can decode the message in under an hour." Gibbs said slowly. Abby looked over at him.
"You are questioning my abilities Gibbs! I don't need some quack who thinks he knows this code. He's probably a whack job from another agency. Wait what if he's part of the plan and he tries to kil-" Gibbs interrupted Abby. Gibbs sighed loudly and gripped his coffee cup tighter. He could tell that Tony was getting nervous and didn't need Abby making it more stressful, Before he could stop himself his mouth opened.
"It's Dinozzo." Gibbs said gruffly. The team shut up and their mouths clicked audibly. Tony looked down at the ground instead of looking at the disbelief on their faces.
"I mean I get that Tony's smart but that was when he was off his pills and those were just equations. Do you really think he can figure this out?" McGee said harshly. Gibbs saw red when he looked over to Tony and saw the hurt in his eyes. Abby must've seen it to because she slapped McGee across the cheek.
"That was mean Timmy! Get off the chair and let Tony sit! He may tease you but he never says your dumb or not smart enough. Some of those equations in the elevator haven't even been solved yet. I know you took pictures with your phone and you're trying to figure them out but you haven't. You know why Tim? Because you're not smart enough. Now go. I don't want to see your face anymore." Abby said loudly. McGee stuttered a few sounds but got off the chair. Tony stood and ran out of the van before anyone could stop him. Gibbs looked over to McGee and growled.
"Tony didn't take his pills so he could be wandering off anywhere right now. If he gets a scratch, Your dead." Gibbs said staring at McGee. Gibbs hopped out of the van and ran in the direction of Tony. The rest of the agents followed worriedly. McGee sat in place, Staring into nothingness while Abby looked at him with hatred. Abby stood and looked him in the eye.
"You hurt him again and I will end you." Abby said quietly. McGee nodded knowing that she knew how to hide a body without any forensic evidence left behind. Abby hopped out of the van and followed the team. Her boots thumped heavily on the concrete. She spotted her silver fox and ran towards him. He turned to her and she could she the anger in his eyes.
"You know what happens when he doesn't take his pills right?" Gibbs growled out. He wasn't mad at Tony or Abby but he wanted to rip McGee to shreds. Tony gets distracted and if he were to see a sign for a McDonald's that was thirty miles away he would walk there. He wasn't a trained agent when he was off his pills, He was more like that lovable kid who wanders around the mall. Gibbs growled at the empty area and moved on. He spotted a bunch of trees and decided to look there. The rest of the team was searching around the crime scene so Abby and Gibbs made their way through the dense bush. They heard a small crack and turned. They walked a little more and found Tony. He wasn't crying like Gibbs thought he would be. There was dried tear marks running down his cheek and he had wiped them roughly judging by the red marks streaked across his cheek. Gibbs looked over to Abby and smiled sadly. Tony's hair was disheveled and his clothes were wrinkled. His previous Armani suit now dirty and littered with tiny water droplets, Most likely tears. He was sitting on a large tree stump cross-legged. His shoes were laying in the grass and his black socks had holes in them. He was staring at something in his palm, He must've found it funny because he was giggling at it. Tony had caught a frog about the size of a quarter. He had placed the frog into his palm and was petting it with one gentle finger. He was smiling brightly, Amazed at the tiny frog. His eyes showed such child like innocence when he was off his pills. He was amazed by everything when he was like this.
Gibbs and Abby walked toward the tree stump Tony was sitting on slowly. Gibbs and Abby squatted down in front of him and smiled at the tiny frog. Gibbs called Tony's name and he didn't answer.
"Tone?" Gibbs asked a second time. Tony's head shot up and he smiled.
"Boss! I found a frog! I named him Kermit and I know that's kinda stereotyping the frogs but he looks like a Kermit. Oh hey Abby. You wanna pet Kermit? I think he's a guy but I'm not sure. Maybe you could check? Your smart. McGee's smart too but he doesn't think I am. I don't care though, He can still be my friend. Kermit's my friend. Maybe I could keep him? Boss I could take him home right? I could get a fish tank and fill it up with grass and sticks and stuff. Frogs eat crickets right? Because I have a place down the street from my house and its called Lou Anns bait and tackle! They should have crickets because crickets are bait. I've never been fishing so I don't know. You've been fishing right boss? I'm pretty sure you ha-" Abby interrupted Tony. She placed her hand over his mouth softly and he frowned down at it. Abby smiled, Glad that her tactic worked.
"McGee is wrong. You're as smart as me, Maybe even smarter...Sometimes, Only sometimes. I'll take you fishing Tone." Abby said smiling. Tony didn't pay attention though, His gaze set on Kermit. Gibbs smiled sadly and sighed. He stood up and his knee popped with a loud crack. Abby cringed and Tony looked up abruptly.
"Boss? Are you alright? I could run to the store and get you a heating pad. But heating pads get hot and I don't want you to burn yourself. I can find something else. You would have to watch Kermit though because he'll run away, Well he'll jump away. You get it right boss? Or I could get you an ice pack? Or maybe that hot and cold arthritis gel? I could run to Walgreens? I got your six boss. What do you need?" Tony said quickly, Staring up at his boss expectantly. Gibbs just smiled and shook his head.
"No thanks Tone. I'll be fine. You can keep Kermit. After the case me, you, and Abby will go to Petco and buy a tank. But we have to get our work done first. Come on." Gibbs said pointing towards the edge of the tree line. Abby jumped up happily.
"Yay! Petco! Tony me and you are going to have a blast! Come on let's get this case over with so we can go look at the animals!" Abby said smiling. Tony looked to Kermit for approval. He smiled and patted the little head with a gentle index finger. He stood up and stared at his frog. Abby started patting the dirt off of his expensive suit with an open hand. She wiped the dusty dirt off as best as she could and smiled in approval. Gibbs smiled thankfully over to Abby while Tony stayed oblivious. Abby grabbed Tony's free hand and Tony closed his occupied hand around Kermit softly. Abby pulled Tony toward the clearing while Gibbs took out his phone. He called Kate.
"Did you find him? Is he hurt?" Kate said quickly. Gibbs smiled at her worry.
"No he's gonna be alright. I don't know about his suit though." Gibbs said smirking. He didn't know where or how Tony got those expensive Italian suits but he knew that an agent shouldn't wear them on the field. He knew that Tony liked to dress in brand names and expensive clothing but he always wondered how Tony paid for it all. He shrugged off the thought and turned his attention back to the phone.
"Get the team and meet us back at the van. You make sure McGee knows that me and him are going to have a conversation later. You tell McGee that if he says or does another thing there will be consequences." Gibbs said and then promptly hung up. Kate closed her phone, Not expecting a goodbye. She dialed McGee's number with an evil grin on her face.
"McGee deserves it." Kate muttered before she heard McGee's terrified voice on the other line. She smiled and delivered the news.
Tony, Abby, and Gibbs didn't raise too much attention to themselves as they walked to the van. Gibbs slid the door open and let his charges enter. He slipped in and locked the door firmly, Not wanting Tony to slip out again. He contemplated reprimanding Tony. The truth was he had tried the first hundred times he'd walked off. But Tony had selective hearing and it was more pronounced without his pills. Gibbs decided to let it slide, Remembering that McGee was the one to instigate it. He took a seat and watched as Abby guided Tony to one of the wheely chairs in front of the computers. He watched as Abby grabbed a red plastic cup and went outside. Abby came back with a cup full of grass and Gibbs smiled. Tony lifted Kermit into the cup gently. Abby grabbed a plastic lid and tapped it on the cup. Abby cut small holes in the cup and Tony made sure that Kermit had enough air. Once Kermit was secured in his temporary home Abby pulled up the code. Kate walked up to the van and knocked when she realized it was locked. Gibbs jumped up and unlocked it. Kate stepped in softly, Smiling over at Abby and Tony. Abby smiled and waved back but Tony continued staring at the code. Kate sat down on the right side of Gibbs, The cold metal bench hurting her tailbone. Ziva stepped in next and smiled. She looked over to Gibbs and pointed behind her, Nobody noticed the hand because she wasn't obvious about it. She then moved her hand up to her throat and made a horizontal line. Gibbs nodded knowingly. He wasn't going to kill McGee like Ziva had jokingly suggested but he wasn't going to let this go. Ziva sat down on the left side of Gibbs and looked over to Tony and Abby. McGee stepped in hesitantly. He stood at the doorway awkwardly while Gibbs glared. McGee didn't move a muscle and the rest of the team stared. Everyone except for Tony who was staring at the code oblivious to the awkwardness. Gibbs pointed to the other end of the van where McGee would be as far away from Tony as possible. McGee nodded and sat down on the hard ground with a thud. Tony turned his head when he heard the noise and the team froze. He frowned down at McGee who was sitting on the uncomfortable floor. He stood and grabbed his wheely chair. Tony rolled the chair towards McGee and turned back to the code. The team stared at McGee expectantly. McGee slowly grabbed the chair with one hand and looked down guiltily. He looked back up at Tony.
"Tony...I'm sorry. I was a jerk and I shouldn't have said those things. I was just upset because I was supposed to go hiking with Sarah. It's not your fault we have a case and I guess I blamed the first person I s-" Tony interrupts McGee's apology.
"YES!" Tony said triumphantly. The team all looked over to the computer where Tony had typed. In place of the seemingly random code was words that actually made sense. The message was a DNA test that showed something...intresting. Apparently one of the gunmen were the biological parents of one of the Wankerman children. had an affair with one of the gunman and some of his buddies wanted to help expose her because she wouldn't let her children take a DNA test. Abby squealed amazed. She sent it to the SRU commander before freaking out.
"I knew you could do it Tone! Haha! We get to go out tonight! WHOOT WHOOT WHOOT!" Abby said while giggling. Tony smiled and Abby jumped on top of him. She hugged him like a flexible spider monkey on coffee. He hugged right back though. Her legs wrapped around his muscular thighs and her hands around his strong neck. She squealed some very high-pitched noises and the team covered their ears. Tony didn't though, He was already immune and he enjoyed Abby's excitement. They were the glue to this misfit band of heroes and sometimes they needed a break. Abby let go and Tony smiled. He walked up to Gibbs and searched his pockets like he had done to McGee in the elevator. Gibbs stood and watched Tony's observant eyes search his body. Tony felt his pills and grabbed both bottles. He opened them and put the correct dose in his hand while the team watched. He threw them to the back of his throat and swallowed them dry. He put the pill bottles back into their respective pockets and grabbed his frog. He smiled down at the frog and grabbed his bag. McGee looked over to Tony with a frown. Tony knew he was sorry and the fact was he didn't need any apologies. He's a big boy and he's been picked on his entire life. It wouldn't be the first time so he gave McGee a small smile. He turned to his boss.
"Can we go now boss? I'm gonna have Abby drive because my pills aren't working yet. Thanks for the code though. It was fun. It was actually sorta difficult this time so that was new...Why couldn't you guys do it though? The pattern was obvious. I mean the language was half Hebrew and half Nahuatl. Nahuatl is rare though so I understand. Every other letter in the english alphabet coordinated with those two languages. The english 'A' was a Latin 'A' and the english 'B' was a 'B' in Nahuatl. The numbers were way easier though. If you guys went through the gunmen and victims history's all the dates were there. The numbers were fun to figure out though. Oh well I guess I'm gonna go now right? Don't be too hard on McGee. I don't know if he meant it but I don't feel like cleaning his pee and blood out of the van. He looks like a nervous pee-er right? Hmm I don't know... Maybe he vomits when he gets nervous?" Tony said seriously. McGee swallowed audibly and Gibbs smiled internally. The team was impressed by Tony's expansive knowledge. The team didn't make a big deal about it though. They didn't want Tony to think they were surprised that he was smart. They were definitely proud though.
"Yeah you can all go. Me and McGee are going to have a chat and then he'll be free. Have fun and Abs?" Gibbs said watching Abby put on her black jacket happily. Abby turned towards him and grinned.
"Make sure you watch him for the next haf hour. I mean it Ab's." Gibbs said seriously. Abby nodded, The grin wiped off of her face. She straightened her back and her posture became rigid. She raised her right arm and gave Gibbs a perfect salute.
"Yes sir." Abby said loudly. Gibbs smiled and nodded. Tony was watching Kermit with pure fascination so he didn't pout about having Abby as his babysitter. Abby grabbed the plastic cup out of Tony's hand and smiled. Tony looked at Abby and shook his head.
"I zoned out again? Sorry..." Tony said glumly. Abby grinned and grabbed Tony's hands. She kissed the top of his left hand and then the top of his right hand. She bowed with each kiss and Tony smiled. She released his hands and he let them hang by his sides.
"Sir Tony? We should be leaving. We must get drunk and celebrate till dawn. Now come. We shall leave Kermit with Sir Gibbs. He shall be safe in Sir Gibbs care, Correct?" Abby questioned in an over exaggerated accent. Gibbs smiled and took the cup off of the computer desk. He held it in his free hand and sipped his coffee with the other.
"I'll watch the frog Ab's. Go. Have fun Madame Abigail and Sir Anthony." Gibbs said smiling and mimicking the same accent as Abby. Abby laughed loudly and jumped onto Gibbs.
"Thanks Gibbs." Abby said genuinely. Gibbs nodded and Abby let go. Abby grabbed Tony's hands quickly and pulled him out of the van with force. He yelped in an unmanly pitched and covered it with a cough. The team laughed as they watched Abby drag Tony down the sidewalk. Gibbs smiled and shook his head. He cleared his throat and the remaining team turned their attention towards him. Kate grabbed her pale khaki colored blazer and nodded. She stepped out of the van and told Gibbs goodbye. Ziva grabbed her dark green trench coat and nodded. She hopped out of the van and gave McGee a sympathetic smile. His mouth twitched nervously and Gibbs shut the van door. He sat down on the hard bench and McGee stood there awkwardly. Gibbs pointed to the wheely chair Tony had pushed toward McGee earlier. McGee grabbed it clumsily and sat down. Gibbs laughed internally. This kid thinks I'm going to kill him. Gibbs let his humored mind turn serious. Nobody should treat Tony, His son, Like that. He set the frog down and clenched his coffee cup tighter. He stared at McGee with cold blue eyes and McGee shifted under the gaze.
"Why?" Gibbs asked with a frown. He was hurt that McGee would say something like that to Tony. Especially when he was off the pills and more emotional. Without the pills Tony didn't put up a wall. The real Dinozzo came out and Gibbs like both of them. McGee coughed softly and looked down. He was visibly shaking by this point so Gibbs decided to go a little harder.
"I expect you to treat YOUR senior field agent with complete respect. Especially when he's vulnerable. You need to apologize when he's stable and actually paying attention. You pull anything like that again and you will regret it. Your on desk duty for the next week. Now go. Have your day off, You all deserve it." Gibbs said with a straight face. McGee nodded and practically ran out of the van. Gibbs smirked, Glad that his old age wasn't dampening his affect on people.
"Probies..." Gibbs scoffed and grabbed Kermit. He smiled and jumped out of the van. He locked it up and hung the keys on the antenna. He walked to the sidewalk and a woman with red hair pulled up. He hopped into the sleek car. He smiled and kissed her cheek softly. She drove off smiling over at her current boyfriend. They drove down the long interstate, Going no where in particular. He placed Kermit into the cup holder softly and shrugged at his girlfriends curiosity. He smiled as the cool air breeze past his grey hair. He watched the sun go down and his house come into view. He walked into his house with his current lady friend and led her down to the basement. He showed her how to grind the wood and smooth it to perfection. When she fell asleep her carried her up to his couch. He heard the front door open a couple of hours later. He walked up from the basement and smirked at his drunken kids. Abby and Tony were standing there completely hammered. He watched as the taxi drove off before leading them to their rooms. Abby passed out halfway to the room and Tony picked her up clumsily. Gibbs smiled proudly as Tony put Abby to sleep. Hell, Even drunk Tony was protective. Tony tucked Abby in and kissed her forehead. He stepped out of the room silently and stood in front of Gibbs. He grinned lazily and pointed towards the guest room he slept in.
"I'm gonna go to sleep boss. G'night." Tony said before stumbling to his room. Gibbs nodded, Still smirking.
"Night Tone." Gibbs said before heading to his room.
Tony opened his door sloppily and belly-flopped onto the bed. He stripped off until he was in his boxers and a white wife beater. He looked over to his alarm clock and noticed a small tank. He switched on his bedside lamp and smiled brightly. Kermit was in an old tank Gibbs had in the basement. Tony laughed softly and laid his head back down. His eyes stayed on the tiny frog and he shook his head.
"Gibbs." Tony said fondly. He closed his eyes happily and felt the welcome feeling of sleep over come his tired body. He sighed and pulled the covers up. Soft snores filled the room.
A/N Thanks for reading! Hope you liked! Review, Favorite, and Follow! All spelling mistakes are mine and there might be a few in this one. My keyboard is janky. c: