Basically my first fic. Prologue is going to not have that much dialogue just details on Naruto's life and his abilities so far. You can skip to Chapter 1 if you want.


Naruto Uzumaki did not have many friends as a child, and lived a life that was depressing. Born without knowing his family, he was truly an outcast. A pariah in a village that emphasize bonds, only three people made an effort to reach out to him, the Hokage, Teuchi, and Ayame.

Naruto lived his first five years in the orphanage. He wasn't necessarily mistreated by the adults, but they did punish him harsher than the other kids. Often, they would take meals away from him, but would never jeopardize his life. As a result, he often tried to steal food from the kitchen. But stealing from the kitchen was a lot harder than it seems. One had to pass by many objects scattered on the floor, and the chef. In the beginning, Naruto got caught. A LOT. Each time, the punishment would be longer periods of no meals. But, Naruto got significantly better. He began to time his attempts, waiting until the chef was busy so he could not hear; he began to watch his surroundings for creaky floorboards and things that could make noise, but most importantly, his movement became a lot harder to detect. Although the noise of running water, food being fried, and pots and pans clanking against one another, the feat itself was impressive for a five year old.

By age seven, Naruto was to attend the Ninja Academy and to live in his own apartment that the Hokage willingly paid for out of pocket. Naruto truly did not wish to live in the orphanage, and was extremely open about it, often wreaking havoc, and getting in fights with the other kids. His punishment was gradually becoming worse and worse, and the Hokage saw this. Sadly though, life outside of the orphanage was much worse as Naruto's diet quickly became ramen day and night and people openly mocked and glared at him. He could not enter stores without being chased out. At first Naruto sought to exact his revenge like he did in the orphanage, but while his stealth skills were above average, hiding from ninja to stop him was out of the question.

So by age nine, Naruto had all but stopped pranking. He was a lot more reserved, but not socially abnormal. He was rather intelligent, doing well in the Academy's tests on various non-ninja skills. He also met a few people he wouldn't necessarily call "friends," but they didn't make fun of him like the other kids. Still, they didn't openly want to hang out with him.


"Damn alarm clock," Naruto thought as he turned off the device. His day began like it normally did. Well it was 2 A.M. and dark outside. Naruto went through his usual routine of stretches to light exercise to wake him up. Afterwards, he brushed his teeth and took a shower in ice cold water in the bath located at the end of the hallway. His tenement didn't have bathrooms for individual rooms, and turned off the hot water after 12 A.M. He put on his clothes which consisted of a fading black shirt with a red Uzumaki swirl on the back and the symbol of Konoha on the front, faded black cargo pants held up by an old leather belt where he put his two pouches that held kunai, shuriken on the right and various ointments and medical supplies on the back. He slipped on his black sandals and made his way outside.

After getting dressed, Naruto went over to his "kitchen" to get two cups of ramen. Naruto did not really have much to eat outside of cups of ramen which he bought from Ichiraku's Ramen. However, Naruto wasn't stupid enough to only eat ramen. He ate fruits, vegetables, and meats whenever he could. Seeing it was 2:30 A.M. he took two cups of ramen and a small old pot with him out and locked the door.

There was overcast outside and it was pretty cold. With the overcast it would be harder for various patrol ninja to see him, and even if they did, Naruto had several alleyways to get to safety. Naruto's apartment was located in the poorer area of Konoha, and he made his way toward the hokage monument. He used back alley routes and once he reached the base of the mountain. He sprinted up the stairs as fast as he could toward Training Ground 17 at the base behind the mountain. No one really used these grounds because it was far and rather underdeveloped with only a small open field and lots of trees.

These grounds were perfect for someone who didn't want to be disturbed in the middle of the night. It was 3:00 by the time Naruto got water from a nearby stream and cooked his ramen, and he looked around at the various traps he placed the night before for potential meat to eat. Sadly, he found none tonight. Afterwards, Naruto began to work on his taijutsu. Naruto never really learned a specific style, but rather used a self-created style that consisted of heavy offense, and defense that always tried to create openings for quick punches and kicks. Naruto got inspiration from watching his classmates spar or other ninja spar, and he took what he liked and tried to incorporate it into his technique.

Naruto began by various exercises to build body strength like pushups on one hand, crunches, leg raises, squats, pull-ups and curling his whole body on a nearby tree branch. He then began to shadow box working specifically on the speed of his punches because he wanted them to be as fast as possible to get jabs in at small time frames. At his stage he could get in 4 punches per second which was impressive for his age. He then worked on various combinations for an hour with jabs, crosses, hooks, uppercuts. He also worked with using his elbows to inflict severe punishment to opponent's heads. Afterwards he began to work on various kicks by kicking trees, but unlike punches Naruto emphasized power in his kick. Along with his kick he used his knees to potentially open up or finish opponents. In the beginning, kicking trees really screwed up his shins, but they healed and became hard as metal. Naruto worked on various grappling and holding techniques when he could, but having no sparring partner really prevents one from effectively apply grapples and holds. Lastly, Naruto worked on sidestepping, moving backwards, lunging, and moving short distances at high speeds to help with dodging and packing more power in hits. By the time the sun began to rise, Naruto would run several laps and take a quick bath in the stream nearby. He ate his other cup of ramen and began to head back to his apartment. He quickly changed into a new set of clothing that didn't smell like someone rolled in trash. Konoha was quite empty as he made his way to the academy.

Naruto entered the empty classroom and checked the time. It was 7:20 A.M.

'As usual,' Naruto thought, 'no one bothers to show up until 7:45.'

He went to grab a book on chakra control and read it as he did daily to try to improve his abysmal control. He made his way to the back of the classroom and sat at the desk near the window and began to read. By the time the other kids began to pile into the class, he didn't really mind and didn't say anything until Iruka did attendance.

"Naruto. Naruto. NARUTO!" Iruka screamed. Naruto replied with a simple "Present."

The school day continued as it usually did with other kids ignoring him, and often making fun of him by calling him a loser, loner, and a failure, but he did his best to ignore these comments, but it still got to him. Tomorrow would be the exit exam and he decided it was in his best interest to listen to Iruka give a crash course on everything they've learned.

Afterschool, Naruto made his way to his apartment and began to practice chakra control. He fell asleep at around 6:30. That night Naruto made his way to Training Ground 17, and began to try to walk up trees like he read in one of the many books to improve control. Naruto found the exercise to be rather difficult, and kept at it throughout the night and gave himself a 2 hour period of meditation instead of physical workout to relax and focus his thoughts and not exhaust himself. He packed extra food to be at top condition for tomorrow's exams.