AN: Sorry I haven't updated in so long. Being a freshman in high school sucks :P

I'll be updating weekly until the summer is over unless something happens. I hope you enjoy the new chapter, it's mainly going to be about the present and how the gang finds out that Harry is in the past. Just a head's up, my work is unbeta'ed so excuse any mistakes. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters.




Chapter Seven: Time Travelling Royalty

"Is it finished yet? Why do you write so slow, Ron?" Ginny whined impatiently.

"I'm done!" Ron shouted triumphantly. "Pig, come here!" Obediently, the owl came to him, and hooted loudly.

"Hello, Pigwidgeon." Hermione smiled. "We need you to find Harry and deliver this letter to him. It's very important that he get's this so that we can contact one another. Make sure to stay with him until he sends a reply, okay?" Pig cooed excitedly at the mention and Harry, and flew off with the letter.

"There!" Ron huffed. "Now we just have to wait for a re-" Ron never got to finish his sentence when Pig flew back into the Owlery, hooting confusedly.

"Pig!" Ginny yelled. "Why didn't you deliver the letter? Hermione, what does it mean?"

"I...I don't know Gin." Hermione replied shakily.

Back in the past, the Founders and an elemental elf were looking into elven royalty. Unfortunately, they could not find any information that they didn't already know. Godric was becoming increasingly frustrated and Rowena had a sour look on her face. Harry had fallen asleep on Salazar's lap while Salazar just mumbled while carding his hand through Harry's impossibly wild hair.

"Why is this so difficult?" Godric growled. "How is it that there is so little known about elves? It is maddening!"

"Elven society is very isolated." Rowena sighed. "Elves are some of the purest beings in the world and do not like to mix with other beings. They are hunted down because of their beauty and their power. It is a wonder that we have the little information that is inside these books."

"Well, I say that we take a break. It is quite late and I do not believe we have eaten yet." Helga replied.

Godric brightened up at the mention of food, which caused Salazar to sneer at him. Nonetheless, he begrudgingly realized that he needed to eat. Sighing, he began to wake Harry. His heart almost stopped when dazed emeralds opened up only to meet a small fist. The adorable scene led to the other Founders cooing at Harry and Salazar glaring at them.

Harry blinked, before speaking. "Sal?" Due to his state of sleepiness, Harry's slur in speech only made him more irresistible. Salazar quickly hid Harry from the other Founders' view by pulling him to his chest before replying.

"Did you have a nice nap, Submissive?" At Harry's nod, he gave a pleased smile. "Good, the others and I will be going to the Great Hall to dine. Would you like to join us?" Again, Harry nodded. With his reply, the group made their way to the Great Hall, where the house elves had already prepared a meal for the Founders, along with a separate meal for Harry.

When they entered, the Founders couldn't help but notice that Harry's meal looked and smelled better than theirs.

Godric pouted. "Harry ate earlier and is getting better food than us? No fair." Harry just shrugged before moving to his meal. He couldn't help but be delighted at his meal. He was given a thick clam chowder and a spread of shellfish that he loved eating: scallops, crabs, lobsters, and shrimp. To finish off his meal, the house elves had made a sweet coconut jelly dessert for him to eat. He began to eat vigorously.

Rowena and Helga stared at him before wordlessly moving to their own meal. The Founders' supper was noticeably less luxurious. They had received a tasty yet thin chicken soup followed by several roast sandwiches. Their dessert was a standard but delicious treacle tart. Although they couldn't disregard the blatant favoritism the elves displayed towards Harry, they began to discuss how they would find out more about elven royalty. After a heated discussion about what to do, Harry cut in, with his head tilted to the side cutely.

"Why don't we just asked to house elves?" he asked. "Bet they know about elven society." The Founders gaped at Harry for a good minute before they began sputtering. Harry just giggled at their reactions and plopped into Salazar's lap. Harry nuzzled into his Dominant's neck at sighed contentedly while Salazar snapped for a house elf.

With no clue what to do next, the trio made their way to the current Headmistress of Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall. They yelled the password as they ran past the seething gargoyle and burst into her office, surprising a very stressed out Headmistress.

"Headmistress!" Hermione panted. The Head of Gryffindor just glared at the three while she waited for them to catch their breath.

"Miss Granger, Mister and Miss Weasley, what are you doing, bursting into my office like a group of gallivanting graphorns?" She snapped, causing the group to flush with embarrassment. "I have pressing matters to attend to and have no time for your tomfoolery."

Hermione was the first to recover, and informed their Head of House about Ron's idea and what happened. As she told the story, the Headmistress became pale, her eyes were hard and her lips were pressed thinly together. After a moment, she spoke.

"...Thank you for informing me about this, Miss Granger. That was a clever idea Mister Weasley, you should be proud of yourself, now I have other matters to deal with, so if you could please remove yourself from my office."

Before the three were allowed to protest, they were pushed out of their office.

"That was helpful..." Ron grumbled. "How could she just abandon Harry like that? After everything he's done for the world!"

"I'm sure she has a reason, Ron." Ginny said. "Better be a good one..." he muttered.

"This isn't the time to argue about this. I'm going to go to the library. There has to be something in there." Hermione said, before running to Hogwarts library.

"'Mione, wait for us!" Ron exclaimed, before he ran with his sister to catch up to the closet Ravenclaw.

When they found her, it was after the Weasley siblings had been warned by Madam Pince to keep quiet. They found her, entranced into the thick tome, 'Hogwarts, A History'.

"'Mione, you read that ages ago! What's that got to do with Harry?" Ron whispered, wary of Madam Pince's fury.

"Quiet, Ronald, I remember reading it is! Okay, according to this book, Hogwarts is sentient." Hermione stated triumphantly. At their blank looks, Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Honestly, I would expect this from Ronald, but you Ginny?" Both Weasleys flushed, and urged her to explain.

"It means that Hogwarts is, for lack of a better word, alive. She has magic and is conscious of everything that goes on in the castle. Sometimes, Harry would just stare at a wall before smiling. I'm guessing that means that she favors him." Both Weasleys gaped before scowling.

"How does this help us find Harry?" Ginny asked. She wasn't dating Harry. It was like dating her brother. She shuddered at the thought of dating Ron or Percy. She wanted to keep her brother safe. It was the least he deserved after the whole 'Dark Lord' debacle.

"It means, that at least Harry is safe. Hogwarts wouldn't allow Harry to be harmed. She cares for him too much." Hermione replied. As if in agreement, the Gryffindors felt a hum of magic, a signal from the castle that she was right.

"Well at least there's that..." Ron sighed. The three began to relax when Ron's stomach growled. He flushed in embarrassment while the girls looked at him pointedly.

"C-can we get some food?" Ron asked meekly. He knew his ravenous appetite roared in at inappropriate times. Luckily, the girls nodded in agreement. While they three excited the library, they didn't notice the words in 'Hogwarts, A History' vanishing, waiting to be replaced by new information about Salazar Slytherin and his mate that appeared out of nowhere...

Back in the past, several house elves were nervously gripping their rags. They were surrounded by the Founders, but what made them nervous was the petite elf poking his head behind them. Harry beamed at them and they relaxed slightly. Taking that as a good sign, Harry began the questioning.

"Do you guys know anything about elven society?" He asked. The elves tensed at his question, intriguing the otherwise silent Founders.

The only female house elf there, Misty, answered cautiously. "Is Master Harry Potter wanting to know his heritage?" At this, Harry smiled winningly and nodded. The house elves glanced at each other before looking at the Founders. Noticing this, Harry said," It's okay. We all want to learn and they wouldn't hurt you guys."

A male elf blurted, "Not hurt us Master Harry Potter! Us elves not important! Is you important!" The elf then lowered his face.

Harry frowned slightly before reassuring the elf, Blinky, that they would never hurt them. With that established, the house elves began to warily tell the Founders and Harry about elven society and history.

In the present, students were talking and eating boisterously in the Great Hall. Hermione was arguing with Neville about the properties of gillyweed in fresh versus salt water. They were soon joined by Luna, who promptly distracted Neville and caused his face to flush. The Gryffindor boys were about to begin teasing Neville about their new relationship when Luna spoke, dreamily.

"She takes pity on her favored childe, and send him to his other half.

He appears in front of the Great Four, changing the past irrevocably.

Her childe is living in bliss but will face a horrible trial, with the Four.

He will save the Lion with his power and love the Serpent King.

Others will try to separate them, but their bond will prevail...

He will finally know peace and love from his mate."

With that, the Great Hall fell into silence, before they were thrown into chaos. Maybe people began to question her, but Luna only hummed and smiled her mysterious smile, before saying, "The Wrackspurts are finally stopping the Nargles. Soon, his misery will end and he will be happy." She pressed a chaste kiss to Neville's face before skipping out of the Great Hall, humming a happy tune.

After Luna's Prophecy, the three made their way back to their table in the library.

"What do you think Luna was talking about Hermione?" Ginny asked.

"I don't know Gin." Hermione replied. "It's obvious that 'She' is Hogwarts, and that 'her childe' is Harry, but I don't know what or who his 'other half' is. I have a sneaking suspicion who 'the Great Four' are, but I hope I'm wrong."

"Why 'Mione? Who are the Great Four?" Ron asked.

"If we follow the Prophecy, then I think that the Great Four are the Founders." Hermione answered reluctantly, earning incredulous looks from the Weasleys.

"Well, Hogwarts 'sends' Harry to 'his other half'! He saves the 'Lion' and loves the 'Serpent King'! It sounds like Godric Gryffindor and...Salazar Slytherin." Hermione defended fiercely. She faltered, before saying weakly, "I also think that we're the 'others' that 'will try to separate them'."

The three were at a loss for words. Suddenly, Ron stammered before pointing to the tome on the table.

"'Mione?" he questioned weakly. "The book is-" He was cut off but two heads spinning. While Ginny was speechless, Hermione said what they couldn't shakily.

"The b-book, 'Hogwarts, A History' is being rewritten..." She read aloud the new words, before fainting along with the other two from shock.

"In a pop, a young man named Harry Potter appeared in front of the desperate Founders..."

So how was the new chapter? Sorry it's so short. I promise that the next one will be longer ^^

How was my incorporation of Neville and Luna? They're going to play a bigger role later, I promise!

Thanks, and please review?
