Author's Note: Hello everyone. It has been so long since I have updated (almost three weeks) I am an awful human being….Sorry. I have just been really busy with school and such. But I am on Spring Break right now so expect the updates to resume as normal…or maybe more than normal…no promises though. Haha. As always, THANK YOU FOR READING!
I also forgot to say I do not own the cover art. I belongs to its respectful owner.
Disclaimer- I do not own Kuroko no Basket or Nisekoi. The titles and characters belong to their respectful owners.
Chapter 8- A Debt Can Never Be Repaid
Tokyo- 8 Years Prior
"I hate everything. No one needs me anyway. Everyone in this world only cares about themselves." The blonde snarled to himself as he made his way through the crowded streets. Lights flickered and signs shone brightly advertising everything from clothes to food. Mouth watering smells filled the air as shopkeepers persuaded confused tourists to buy their overpriced goods.
The blonde kicked an empty can on the ground and watched as the aluminum can tapped against the wall. He maneuvered past excited tourists and continued his aimless walk, staring expressionlessly at his surroundings while chewing on a loaf of stale bread. He tried to savor food, but his stomach was hurting from not eating for over two days. Giving in to his temptations, the blonde tore at the bread voraciously, making sure not to drop a single crumb. As soon as the boy finished his meal he licked his fingers and sat down on the cold cement floor behind a pastry shop.
His stomach continued to growl as he rubbed it gently, taking in soft breathes to take his mind off of his insatiable hunger.
"I need to find some more food." The yellow haired boy thought to himself. "If I don't find any food soon, I will be in trouble."
Steadily, the boy stood up and dusted off his haggard clothes. He maneuvered past the dumpsters and bags of trash piled up on the curb. He was determined to find food. Making his way through the crowd, the boy eyed the Magj Burger fast food restaurant. His eyes watered at the posters of burgers and fries. He licked his lips hungrily and he could feel drool dripping at the corners of his mouth. The little boy raised his hand and wiped away the saliva.
Suddenly, a person bumped into him pulling the blonde out of his trance. He turned to catch a glimpse at the tiny bluenette, holding a Maji burger and milkshake. The bluenette was wearing a dark black suit, with a teal tie that perfectly complimented his light teal eyes. His shirt was ironed nicely, and tucked neatly into his pants. A company logo was embroidered on his breast pocket, and Kise could barely make out the words, "Shiros" on it in bright white letters.
The yellow haired boy began to drool, even worse this time staring at the food before him. The food was so close to him, he could almost taste it. He eyed the burger the boy was holding in awe and jealousy.
A pair of warm blue eyes met his own.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" The bluenette inquired softly. "If you are hurt, I can get you some help." The boy said, cocking his head to the side cutely while sipping his milkshake. He stood in front of Kise with an innocent expression, waiting patiently for Kise's reply.
"I'm truly sorry!" The yellow haired boy replied coldly.
Confused, the bluenette continued staring at blonde.
Unexpectedly, Kise reached forward and pushed the teal haired boy to the ground. The boy landed on his butt in a rain puddle, tossing his burger and his milkshake in the air. Eventually the cup fell to the ground, spilling its contents on the street. Kise however, caught the burger before it hit the ground and his eyes lit up at his new snack.
"I'm truly sorry." He said.
Angry, Kuroko stared up at the blonde, eyes wide.
"What was that for?" He asked the yellow haired boy. His tone was supposed to sound upset, but it was tinged with worry. Somewhat like a mom who was upset their child left them without permission but was actually worried about their safety. Again, Kuroko stared into Kise's sullen yellow eyes while dusting off his now dirty suit.
"I'm sorry." With that, Kise took off running towards the alley between the two abandoned buildings.
"Wait!" The teal haired boy said to the running boy, finally getting up.
Kise knew the blunette wouldn't follow him there. Given the nature of his clothes, a rich boy wouldn't bother running after a sewage rat like him. He knew he would be safe.
Kise retreated a safe distant from the opening of the alleyway. Satisfied, Kise curled up beside a cardboard box and looked down at the burger. He eyed the bite missing from the burger and began to feel really guilty. Strangely, this was a feeling he was not used to. Normally he was okay with stealing food to survive. He made sure to never take more food than he needed. But why?
Why did this time feel different? What was he feeling? The blonde eyed his burger in confusion; gradually he bit at the burger eagerly. Warm, hot meat danced on his tongued and his stomach did somersaults. It was so long since he had meat. He nibbled on the burger slowly, attempting to relish in the food's taste. Little did the boy know, a certain bluenette was standing next to him, eyeing him sympathetically. The bluenette had followed him all the way there.
The boy held up his hand to say something, but he decided against it. He just watched quietly as the somewhat larger boy finished his burger, and withdrew back behind the alleyways. A warm smile crossed his face as he departed from the scene.
Kise thought he had seen the last of the bluenette, but he was completely wrong. The strange boy started to visit him every day at the cardboard box bringing him small treats. Though the two boys never talked, the teal head just showed up in the alleyway everyday handing Kise food. Food ranging from fruit to rice cakes.
Not once did Kise mutter a word to the boy. The bluenette would hand Kise a snack everyday and watch in silence as the yellow head ate it. He always waited for the boy to finish eating before leaving and without saying a word.
One day while handing Kise a peach, the teal head asked the blonde a rather peculiar question.
"Come home with me." It was not a question, it was a statement. He looked at up at Kise with warm teal eyes, waiting for Kise to answer,
Kise pretended not to hear the bluenette's statement and started to gnaw on the peach, avoiding the teal head's eyes. The sweetness of the peach filled his mouth.
"If you don't want to. It's fine." Kuroko said standing up and dusting off his pants.
"But my offer still stands."
With that the teal head carefully stepped by Kise and walked off. Kise watched as Kuroko's tiny silhouette disappeared past the alleyway.
The two boys' interaction continued for what felt like an eternity. The teal head continued bringing the blonde food each day and asking the same peculiar question. And every time Kise pretended like he never heard the bluenette's question. Granted, the bluenette was never angry when the blonde never replied to him. He just looked at the yellow haired boy apathetically each time and turned around to walk home.
Truthfully, Kise wanted to go with the bluenette. For the first time in a long time he felt needed. He felt wanted. Like somebody was happy to see him. However, he could never tell the powder blue haired boy that. He did not want to bother him. That is why he pretended to never hear Kuroko's request. He did not want to trouble the boy. He had nice intentions, but they were wasted on a cold, useless boy like him. Having the strange boy visit him was enough. It was enough.
Kise frowned and looked down at the plum he was eating. He was lying to himself. That was not how he truly felt. Not at all.
One day the bluenette came especially early to visit Kise. Kise had just finished collecting aluminum cans when Kuroko walked up to the blonde outwardly exhausted. He stopped to catch his breath before talking to Kise.
"Guess what today is?" The shadow asked, waiting for the blonde to reply.
Rain was beginning to fall in the cold winter breeze. Droplets hit Kuroko's white umbrella softly as he glanced down at Kise. He gripped his umbrella tighter as a cold breeze blew past the two.
Kise just stared at the bluenette blankly, sitting on his bed of newspapers. He struggled to keep himself dry from the rain but to no avail. Rain continued to pelt him from above.
"It is Christmas!" The boy said, eyes lighting up, cautiously leaning the umbrella closer to the blonde to shield him from the elements.
Again, Kise did not answer the smaller boy.
"Who cares about Christmas? Especially when you are alone." The somewhat larger boy thought to himself. He pulled his knees to his chest and laid his head between his knees.
The teal head continued to stare at the homely boy before him. Gently, he took out a small bag of Christmas cookies from his pockets. The bag was tied with a red ribbon and had little reindeer adorned on the plastic.
"So I thought…."
"You would like some cookies." He finished, offering Kise a warm bag of cookies.
The yellow haired boy eyed the bag of cookies suspiciously. Giving the teal head an evil glare. As if asking, "Why do you care about a sewage rat like me? Are you making fun of me?" But he never asked, he just dug his head deeper between his knees, turning away from the teen.
Noticing his hesitation, Kuroko sat down next to Kise. He placed the cookies in his lap and stared into the blonde's cold, unfeeling yellow eyes. He lay the open umbrella down on the ground.
The rain was now starting to fall heavily.
"I care…..because you remind me of myself." The boy responded.
"How can you, a rich boy. Relate to a kid like me?" Kise wondered to himself.
As if he could read the blonde's mind, Kuroko continued to speak.
"Of course. I cannot completely understand what you are feeling. We come from different worlds." The teal head turned to the distressed boy.
"But. I understand your loneliness. You shut out people, because you are afraid of getting hurt." His voice was barely above a whisper. "Not again."
Instinctively he reached over and patted the blonde on the head. Kise could feel a small, warm, tender hand on his head. Not knowing what to do, his body leaned closer into Kuroko's hand, eager for affection.
Surprised, Kuroko continued patting Kise's head. "But I, won't hurt you. I promise." Kuroko said holding up his tiny pinkie finger.
"Come back with me." Kuroko stopped petting Kise's head, but his hand was still rested in the blonde's hair.
"And together, you won't be hurting anymore."
Overcome with emotion, the distressed blonde fell into the teal blue haired boy's arms. Tears fell down his face as he held onto the bluenette's dress shirt.
"I want too. I have always wanted too. I. I. " He cried into the smaller boy's chest. "I want to come back with you."
Kuroko opened his arms and gently placed them around Kise's waist, engulfing him in a kindhearted loose hug.
Rain continued to fall on the cold winter day, giving way to the warm sunlit days ahead.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Scene Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Akashi Seijuro sat at his computer desk, tapping at his keyboard, quickly browsing through seemingly classified documents. He quickly clicked in and out of documents at lightning speed.
Pit. Pat. Pit. Pat
After Murasakibara gave him shallow information about the Kuros group, he decided to take matters into his own hands. Surely being the heir of the Akashis, had to come in handy sometimes.
The Akashis were the most powerful lawyer conglomerate in all of America. Ever since its existence, the firm has not lost a single case. To the public, the Akashis were an unrivaled and unparalleled lawyer firm.
However, that was just a public façade. The underground knew that the Akashis were hiding a rather dark secret.
Ironically, Akashis were actually one of the most powerful and notorious group of American gangsters. The police were in constant pursuit of the rather aloof faction. Rumors had spread that Moros and the Akashis were connected, but no concrete proof has surfaced of their relation to one another.
Which came in handy when Moros did one of their more, should you say…shady dealings. Knowing and having control of the law was just one of the reasons that Moros was always one step ahead of the authorities.
Akashi glanced back at his computer when handful of locked articles piqued his interest. The documents were password protected. He thought about calling Murasakibara and asking him to unlock the files. Though, he decided against it. It was rather late.
The red head raised an eyebrow at the locked files. He started to incessantly put in various police passwords and government codes he learned from being around his parents while they worked.
Password Accepted. Initiating Reboot.
The red haired boy smirked at his little victory as the documents started to load, one by one. When complete, he clicked on the most recent article and began to read the headline.
"Shiros heir kidnapped." The boy clicked on another article.
"Case shrouded in mystery."
"Refusal to cooperate with authorities."Then another. All the articles were talking about the Shiros faction heir kidnapping.
"Was Kuroko…" Akashi thought to himself.
Akashi continued to read the articles more in depth when a name caught his attention.
"The Akashis assist Shiros in kidnapping case."
Akashi's eyes widened when he read his family name. His mind flashed back to his father's words: "We are childhood friends."
"My parents helped in the Shiros kidnapping case?"
"But why?"
Akashi thought back to Kise's words. "I couldn't protect you then."
"Protect him from-"
Everything started to make sense. The red haired boy's head started to hurt at the revelation. Almost as if he was trying to remember something he was not supposed to remember.
"Then that means." Akashi idly walked over to the picture frame at his bedside. He touched the wooden frame and pulled back the cardboard backing of the frame in one swift movement revealing another photograph.
The picture was of a group of four boys on a flowery meadow. A green haired boy was holding a stuffed frog and a purple haired boy was eating a slice of cake in pure bliss. The two boys lay comfortably on the hillside. Next to them were two smiling boys who sat leisurely admiring the lake. One with bright red hair and one with soft powdered blue hair.
To Be Continued
Snippet of the Next Chapter
"Remember yet? Akashi Seijuro. I have come to kill you."
Author's Note: Kuroko was not always expressionless, in fact before he was a bubbly young kid. That is until….I will get into that later. Did you all like KiKuro's backstory? Was it cute? AHH, I love them. Writing Kise as cold and unfeeling was super fun. It is totally opposite of his normal personality. And AkaKuro's backstory is next…Dun Dun Dun. Did you guys see that coming? Please leave a review with your thoughts. I would love to read them.
I was not planning on saying this, but I had to get it off my chest. Many of you guys have been asking me why KiSekoi was put on hiatus. Well…
Part of the reason why KiSekoi went on hiatus is because chapter 7 was poorly received. This came after a constant dwindling of viewership in the story, from chapter to chapter. This really depressed me and killed my motivation at the time. I know I should not worry so much about readership and feedback, but saying that it does not bother me would be a lie.
After much thinking, I decided to continue KiSekoi because it is my responsibility as a writer to finish what I start. Whatever happens happens.
I hope you all continue reading the story and supporting me:) Thank you everyone. Reviews and Comments make me happy.