Summary- Kuroko Tetsuya is the son of a yakuza faction in Tokyo, Japan. Akashi Seijuro is the son of a group of American gangsters. The two groups are sworn rivals and are in a feud that seems to be on the brink of boiling over. To prevent of the feud between the two groups from leading to violence, the leaders of both factions decide to pair up their two only sons. Let the KiSekoi begin. KnB/GoM in a Nisekoi inspired setting.

A/N- This a Nisekoi inspired story. I have only seen 6 episodes of Nisekoi, therefore my knowledge of Nisekoi is pretty basic. Therefore, there may not be exact relations to certain characters. (Ex- Akashi being Raku etc.) Also, because of this I am unsure of how closely or loosely it will be based of Nisekoi. I hope I can do it justice, sorry in advance. I am going to do my best.

I am a very avid fan of KnB. I have read the manga, and am caught up with all the episodes. I hope I can do it justice. *fingers crossed*

The characters may act a little OOC at times, Hey, it's a fanfiction right? Don't hate me. *Sakurai Voice- Gomen no Sai*

Disclaimer- I do not own Kuroko no Basuke. If I did, AkaKuro would be canon. I also do not own Nisekoi or any of the characters.

KiSekoi Chapter 1

"Did you hear the news? Kuroko and Akashi are going out!"


"Don't you see them holding hands?"

"No way! There is no way that is true, aren't they both heirs of rival factions?"

"Yeah, apparently, but the feud between the two factions have settled down since the two have gotten together."


"How did this happen?"

"That's what I want to know."

Kuroko tried to suppress the voices of the girls as he walked by briskly. Normally, he would have walked more slowly but today he was being led by a certain red head. Akashi was gripping his wrist tightly as they walked by the school gates. He led Kuroko through the crowds of whispering students and into the bathroom. When the two were finally alone, the red head let go of the teal haired boy's wrist.

"Akashi-kun, be more gentle next time. My wrist is now red from your pulling." Said the teal haired boy while rubbing his wrists.

"This is ridiculous." The red haired boy's voice was deep and firm.

"I am absolute. How did I get stuck with such a…person who is not ever victorious?" Akashi flashed his heterochromic eyes and slowly folded his arms while staring out the window. He leaned gently against the window pane seemingly lost in thought.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean." Kuroko said softly, avoiding the boy's gaze.

"In this world, winning is everything; winners are validated and losers are denied. Until now, I've never lost at anything, and I won't in the future. Since I always win, I'm always right. If you oppose me…I'll kill you, no matter who you are."

With that, the red haired boy walked out of the bathroom.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Scene Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2 Days Prior

The teal haired boy lay comfortably on his bed. His room was simply decorated with minimal furniture. The boy liked it, even though the room was quite plain. The sun slowly peeked through cracks in his blinds and shone into the room. As if on cue, the boy's alarm clock rang to signify that it was time to get up for school.

The teal haired boy vigorously wiped his eyes and leisurely opened them. He yawned silently and slowly made his way to the bathroom. The boy glanced into the mirror and stared intently at his bed head. He reached for his hair gel and began patting down the teal wild strands. His bed head seemed to be getting worse and worse with each passing day.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Scene Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The red haired boy pushed the OFF button on his alarm clock right before it was programmed to go off.

"I still have 5 seconds left." The red haired boy smiled to himself at his little victory.

It is not like he needed the alarm clock, he always woke up 5 seconds before the programmed time. His body was a well accustomed to his habits. The boy just liked the simple pleasure of always beating the alarm clock to its job.

Content, the red haired boy slid out of bed.

"Akashi-sama, it is time for you to get ready for your flight. You leave for Tokyo in-"

"2 hours, 26 minutes and 54 seconds."


The maid stood in the doorway not knowing how to respond. She knew the young master was really good at telling time, but it still surprised her every time.

The boy noticed the maid's hesitation. His thoughts ran through his mind.

"I am absolute." He thought.

"I am already aware. Do not fret; I will be ready in time for my flight." With that the boy made his way into the bathroom to get ready.

Seemingly satisfied, the maid curtly nodded and exited the room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Scene Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kuroko briskly exited the bathroom and put on his school uniform. He slid on his blazer and began to button the large buttons. Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door.


"Excuse me, Kuroko-sama, but you are about to be late for school." Said the voice.

"Hai, I am aware. Thank you." Answered the teal-haired boy with a blank expression as he buttoned the last button on his blazer. When he was finished, the teal haired boy then turned to his bed and slipped books into his bags gently.

The man who knocked left the boy to finish his morning activities.

You see, this morning would have seemed like any other morning, if it were not for the fact that….




"Young Master"

Multiple voices and bodies crowded around the teal haired boy as he was making his descent from his bedroom.

The multiple voices were all from yakuza members. Not just any yakuza members mind you, members of the most respected and feared faction in all of Japan. Although feared and strong, all these yakuza members had a mutual love and respect for their faction's young master. The members cared for the boy dearly and always doted on him.

"Have a good day at school young master!" Screamed the tallest member while handing Kuroko a vanilla milkshake. The member took the moment to lightly pat the boy on the head. He tousled the boy's hair gently to make sure it did not get messed up.

Kuroko smiled and took the milkshake.

"Oh, our young master was just so cute." Thought all the faction members in unison. The members watched in bliss as Kuroko happily sipped his milkshake.

"Thank you everyone." Kuroko answered in the same monotonous tone. Secretly, the boy was very pleased. The members of the faction always treated him well.

"I am leaving for school." Kuroko said as he walked through the faction gates.

The yakuza members just gazed attentively as the young master's silhouette disappeared beyond the faction gates. Gradually, the members got back to work.

"Such a beautiful day." Thought Kuroko as he sipped his milkshake. The boy always loved admiring the beautiful cherry blossoms that bloomed once a year. It always brought a smile to his face. He watched as the beautiful pink petals danced in the wind. Content, the boy continued his walk to school.

Kuroko eventually reached the crosswalk. He waited for the light to turn green and made sure to look both ways before crossing the crosswalk. When he deemed it was safe to walk across, Kuroko began his hurried walk across the street. All of a sudden he heard the sound of a car heading down the road. A car heading right for him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Scene Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Gentarou you just blatantly disregarded the stop sign back there." Bellowed the red haired boy. He was growing increasingly impatient at his driver. He was about to be late for his first day of school. To stop himself from blowing up at his driver, Akashi decided to stare out the window and tapped at the window panes gently.


"I'm truly sorry Akashi-sama, I am just not used to the Japanese roads yet. AH-"

Gentarou quickly slammed on the breaks when he realized that there was somebody crossing the street.

"Gentarou what the hell was that for?" Screamed Akashi from the back seat.

"Akashi-sama, there was someone crossing the street."

"No there isn't."

Just as Akashi spoke those words he noticed a peculiar teal head laying in the middle of the street. He started to roll down his window to get a better view of the boy. Slowly the boy stood up and walked over to the car.

"I'm sorry, but that was dangerous. Please be more careful next time." Said the boy in a monotonous tone as he was dusting off his bag and his clothes."

"Sir, I am very sorry. Are you hurt?" Gentarou questioned.

"Not at all, its fine." The teal haired boy gave the man a smile and on impulse, glanced over to the window that was rolled down.

A pair of heterochromic eyes glared back at him.

Kuroko was startled. The boy seemed really angry.

"We offer our condolences sir, but in our defense it was your fault for crossing the street without checking both ways first." Said the red head defiantly, in the backseat of the car.

"I'm sorry but the light was green. Therefore, I had the right of way." Kuroko said, staring deeply into the pair of heterochromic eyes.

"Even so, you should be more careful." Answered the fuming red head. No one ever talked back at him. No one. Also, no one looked him in the eye while he spoke. Only people he approved of could. The boy was beginning to get irritated and ever so impatient.

"Yes but-"

Suddenly, a pair of glistening red scissors whizzed by his cheek. Kuroko touched his cheek, he knew the scissors did not cut him deeply, but he did it on impulse. He felt a fine line of blood roll down his cheek.

"No one talks back to me. I am absolute. The only ones, who are allowed to look me in the eye as I speak, are those who serve me. Know your place."

With that the red haired boy rolled up his window and told his driver to speed off.

"Well, that was pleasant." The teal haired boy murmured as he finished dusting himself off and continued his way to school.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Scene Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Teiko High School

"Kuroko Tetsuya"


The teacher finished taking attendance and began put his papers in order. The students waited in anticipation for the teacher to finish. As soon as the teacher finished putting the papers in order he stood up and walked to the front of the class.

"Students I have an announcement. Today we have a new student that will be joining us. Please make him feel welcome."

With the announcement the students sat up eagerly awaiting the new student to walk through the door.

Gradually, the classroom door slid open. A certain red head walked into the classroom and stopped at the front of the class.

"Introduce yourself please." Said the teacher expectantly.

"I am Akashi Seijurro. I am Japanese but I grew up in America." Spoke the boy with power and authority. After he spoke, the boy gave the class a tight smirk. His first day here and they already feared him. It was perfect.

The class was quite puzzled by the new transfer student. For some reason he seemed really intimidating; his smile downright terrifying.

"Don't get on his bad side." Thought the class.

The class struggled to avoid the transfer student's gaze. Meanwhile, the boy just stood there waiting for the teacher to tell him his seat.

"Hello, Akashi-kun. Please take a seat next to Kuroko over there." Said the teacher pointing to the empty seat next to Kuroko.

"Hai." Said Akashi as he was started to walk to his seat.

"Interesting. They said I had to take a seat next to this Kuroko student, but I don't see anyone next to me." Akashi pondered as he began to put his bags down lightly. After he finished, the red head looked over to his seat mate.

The red head stared at Kuroko's seat intently. Finally, he was able to make out the outline of another student.

"His presence is so dim. You would not even notice he was there unless you were looking for him."

Slowly but surely, Akashi was beginning to notice there was someone sitting next to him.

"He seems to be asleep. How unfortunate. I was interested to see who this Kuroko is."

Akashi continued to stare at Kuroko while he was asleep. The boy did not know why, but this boy peaked his interest. Suddenly, the boy softly shifted in his sleep and his face was finally visible.

Akashi's eyes widened in surprise as he realized who Kuroko was.

To Be Continued

A/N- I hope you guys liked the first chapter. Reviews and such make me happy. Please tell me what you think, and what you want to happen in the chapter. What KnB events/Nisekoi events do you want to happen? I am at your service. What pairings do you like?

Please tell me any mistakes you see in the story.

Fun Fact: Do you guys realize why I called the story KiSekoi?

(Generation of Miracles=Kiseki no Sedai+Nisekoi= KiSekoi-Generation of Miracles: False Love) Haha, I'm corny.

Seriously, thank you for reading. It means so much
