Discord held Fluttershy close, as if this was the last time he could hold her, which it is. He pushed his sharp talons through her pink mane. His eyelids hung of sleepyness. He shook himself awake, he wasn't going to waste his last day in life. All living things must die he thought, tears coming to his eyes.

Fluttershy looked up, her eyes filled with tears. She will miss her wonderful husband, but tonight she couldn't think of that, she wouldn't! Tonight she will make the most of it. "Discord.." she whispered.

He looked down at her, a tear slid down his cheek. "Yes.." he whispered back, voice cracking.

"I love you.." she whispered, moving closer to him.

"I love you too.." he said, sitting his head on hers "Flutters.." he sighed, "take care of her.."

Sobs racked her body, "I-I p-promise.."

"Take care of our precious daughter.." he said tears falling down.

Fluttershy said nothing as she drifted to sleep still crying.

Discord layed her down beside him, before getting up and walking to the open window. He stared at the snowcovered world beyond. This will be the last time he would get to see the stars, the moon, the ice glistening on the trees. He sighed, closing his eyes and alowing the sounds of the world drift away.

At sunrise, when the sky was orange and the clouds pink, Fluttershy awoke to find the bed was empty. She stared at the spot where Discord used to be. She turned to the door of the bedroom as a young filly walked in and looked around.

"Mama, where's daddy?" the filly asked.

Fluttershy turned to look at the open window, tears in her eyes again. "Gone.."

AN/ Discord dies.. did ya cry? No? Good! Did not want to make this to sad.

Based on the song Daylight by Maroon 5