The rare Animagus
Harry never really understood his Animagus abilities. He never focused on one form and half the time he could only trigger a blind transformation. He never knew what he would become. And every time he did a blind transformation he didn't even know what it was he transformed in. He always wondered why he could transform in to so many different forms, why he didn't have only one form and why it was him who had this ability.
For awhile he hated it, but eventually he began to see how much he had improved in other aspects of his life simply because of this ability to transform into different kind of creatures. He began to learn and understand most of what the animals felt, wanted, needed and did. He began to understand their emotions, their way of living and after a while he began to live more with the animals than with the humans. He began to see that the animals weren't as dumb as the humans thought they were. The normal humans, the non wizards, the muggles, never examined animals in a way he did. They did not see how intelligent an animal could be. And because it were always the muggles who always did the animal research, many creatures who were magical or had a magical gift were never examined.
It is only because of the first dozen Animagi in the Wizard history, that many wizards knew and understood one simple fact: Many creatures are capable of doing thing beyond human intelligence. Many creatures however does not mean that all of them are as intelligent as a human. Most wizards thought that all animals were dumb and treated them like they were dumb, simply because a few where not as intelligent as others. Because of that many didn't know how to interact with the animals and creatures.
Once Harry realized that he was an Animagus he realized why he found it so easy to interact with other creatures and animals. He understood that he could interact with the creatures better than others because he was an Animagus and they weren't. He understood it even more when he found out that he wasn't locked to just one form but to multiple forms. Discovering that he began spending time with the animals and creatures. And each experience he had with them, taught him a lot about the animal kingdom. He also learned that, either they would all gather together and slaughter the humans or become extinct before they can do so.
After the war against The Dark and most evil Lord Voldemort was over and the peace in the magical society had returned all hell broke loose. Muggles found out about the magical world. At first they left the magical world alone, but when they gained more technology the extermination of wizards began. Slow at first but when years passed the muggles started to make it more obvious what they where doing.
Soon the muggles all gathered together and started an all out genocide of the magical world. It was like world war two all over again only much, much worse. Children were suffocated and had their necks broken while they were asleep. The rest of the magical humans were moved to an empty island and locked up. Their wands were taken away and destroyed. Then the mass genocide began, muggles came to the island to hunt the wizards down. When captured the wizards were brutally killed. Young children who went with their family to the island had to watch as their parents and family got murdered, before they to were brutally killed. After ten to twenty years almost every wizard was gone, murdered. The ones still alive were hiding, afraid for the muggles. But they were found and Harry was one of them.
They fought but many of Harry's small group got killed, including his two best friends, their children, his wife and his own children. Only Harry survived and he ran away, fleeing to save his self. He knew he had to hide and he knew he was one of the last magical being left alive. Because of that the muggles forgot that there was still one wizard alive, when all others where finally dead. They continued destroying earth, not knowing what they had done to their home planet. And Harry being the last wizard, the last earth protector felt how the muggles were killing earth. he felt the pain of the earth mother, Gaia, every day. It tired him out, made him feel weak and defenseless.
The muggles were spreading around the globe, like a virus, destroying all the live around them, killing animals and all of the magical creatures for their own gain. And within fifty years all the green, every tree, plant, bush and all animal live form was gone. And by the year 2140 they had fully killed their planet. They attained space travel, and inhabited worlds beyond their own solar system, stripping them of resources, because their own planet was barren of them.
The last magical person left on the earth was one Harry James Potter black. He had survived the all out genocide because he could not die. He had long ago become the Master of Death and had also been chosen by magic herself to keep all magic in balance. He had failed when the muggles killed the magical world. When they destroyed everything that crossed their path until there was nothing left. Harry had of course tried everything in his power to stop the slaughterings. But he was only one wizards. He may have been and still is powerful but even he could not do anything against the overwhelming force of muggles.
When all turned out to be hopeless he hid himself deep within the earth. Hidden in carefully crafted tunnels, made by earth herself. He hid there, using his magic to survive and aid magic as much as he could. She, however knew that he could not go stay with her forever. She tried to use her power, her energy to heal herself and soon she went insane. She started taking the magic of the last beings with magic left alive, causing them to die. Harry, who knew he was not yet the last wizard felt her take the lives of her own children. He didn't try to stop her, he knew he couldn't do anything to stop her. She was to powerful, to strong for him. He didn't want to feel more people die, but he had no choice. He was her most favored child, her chosen one. He felt everything related to magic and life. He felt life die as the muggles kept taking and taking. He felt the pain of Gaia as she struggled to stay alive. Soon when she started to go weak she turned on him. She clawed at him, tried to rip his magic away from him.
She cried in his mind, begged for him to give her his power. To give what she had long ago given him. Harry never gave in and shielded his mind and magic as much as he could. He pushed her away, not wanting to feel her suffering. She hurt him not only with her trying to take his magic, his life, but also with her dying. He knew it wasn't her fault, it never was her fault. She didn't create the muggles. Something or something else had created the parasites called Muggles. And the Magi, Gaia's children, had accepted them. Harry's own people had long ago raised the Muggles to understand their ways. Until the Muggles became greedy and started to fear the power of the magi. That was when the Magi went into hiding, and they stayed that way until they where once again found out by the Muggles.
Harry knew it was, in a way, his fault that his mother was dying. He had killed the Dark Lord, who turned out to be the only one who could get rid of the Muggles. But because he was insane and killed so many of his own people, Harry had been born to get rid of him. Gaia didn't want her children to be ruled by a crazy Dark Lord. She didn't want her children to die either. She had tried so hard to protect them from the Muggles, her chosen one had tried so hard to save them.
Harry had suffered through countless beatings, starvation's, rapes, tortures and countless of other types of abuse. He he had escaped the muggles again and again and again. Sometimes he managed to take others with him, other times he had to leave with a guilty hart. Listen to the pained screams of all those he left behind. He had seen so much pain and heard to many screams of agony. He had seen man, woman, children and pregnant people get murdered in front of his eyes. Muggles had picked him as the magical leader, they had tried to break him by having him watch as they killed his people. They made him watch them kill his surrogate family, his friends, his nieces, nephews and his own wife and children. He had suffered so much and by the time he went into hiding he already had enough. But he stayed to help Gaia as much as he could. But now that she was insane and dying he has enough.
Fed up with the pain and the suffering in Harry's live on Earth, he stowed away on one of the space ships and spent several years in Zero Gravity. His own magic placed him into a comatose state so he would survive. Afters five years on a ship he arrived on a beautiful planet with so much live on it that he felt like he was drowning. There was nothing but jungle and ocean. There was so much live, so many plants and so many creatures. The energy of the planet made the green eyed Magi feel alive. To Harry the new planet, his new home was amazing. All of the artificial structures built by its native inhabitants were built with the planet... and he didn't mean like the way muggle had built on Earth. The inhabitants on Pandora had planet merely given shape to what was there already, in the form it had. A tree grows, the roots that become exposed as dirt washes away and becomes a den, and the hollow interior becomes the home.
When the ship landed Harry woke up fully and hid behind a few craters, using a spell to remain invisible. He could feel his magic telling him something when he looked out a small window again. When he saw the planet he knew that he had found his new home. He sneaked out of the ship and ran into the Forrest, unseen by anyone. He soon found out that he could breath the air on Pandora while the muggles couldn't. He examined the Forrest and ended up on a flying mountain. There he passed out from exhaustion. When he woke up, Eywa spoke to him. At first he was wary to let her in his mind, his body but soon she had proven to be no threat and he let her in. She comforted him and saw his live, his pain. She was surprised to see that he looked young while he was at least 165 years old.
From that day on he learned from Eywa. She taught him how to live on Pandora, how to see like the Na'vi did. She taught him the ways of the Na'vi and she taught him how to control and use his Animagus ability. After five years he was a wizard unlike any other. He could use magic without a wand, like very first Magi of old times did with their Magic. His control over his Animagus forms was incredible and he could become any creature he wanted even non existing ones. He learned a lot and Eywa was proud of him, she never favored one person and she never took a side but she favored him and she took his side. She wanted the muggles away from the planet and she wanted them to stay away. So Harry decided to help her chase the muggles away, he wouldn't let them hurt or kill Eywa like they did with Gaia. He would not let her be driven insane. He would help her as much as he could even if it meant his own end.