Callie sits on the couch next to her brother, Jude, and sighed. She was terrified.

It's Christmas Eve.

She wraps her arm around Jude's shoulders, and looked at the Christmas tree that her mothers had made her help the family with.

Jude smiles at her, and she smiles back, even though she was still terrified. It was going to be the first Christmas since her mother died and her father ended up in jail. Callie isn't worried about herself, she's worried about Jude. She hopes that Jude would be happy tomorrow morning, she knew he would. The fosters had made their love for her and Jude official when they asked if it was okay to adopt them, even though it was their wedding day.

Why was Callie worried? She isn't sure. She could tell that they loved Jude as much as she did herself.

She kisses Jude's cheek, glad that she broke up with Brandon to be here.

Callie felt horrible at first, but Brandon understood. She loved him, just liked she loved his family, and his family wanted her. Callie didn't want to turn that down, especially after she realized how much she needed them, her moms, and the twins.

Callie looks back down at Jude, who fell asleep on her shoulder. Callie was tired herself, but her brain refused to let her sleep. She gives Stef a small smile as she comes into the living room, who's face lit up when she saw Jude sleeping on her shoulder.

"Do you want me to take him up?" Stef asks quietly, still smiling. "It's not a big deal, Callie." She adds as she senses Callie about to tell her no.

Callie looks back down at Jude briefly.

"No, it's okay," Callie answers, looking up at Stef. "Really."

Stef sits in the empty spot next to her on the couch.

"Something's bothering you," Stef points out. "What is it? You've been stressing out all week. Are we making y-"

Callie let's out a small quiet laugh at Stef's concern. "It's not you at all! Trust me. I'm just scared for tomorrow," Her fingers find her mothers necklace around her neck unconsciously. "We haven't had a good Christmas in such a long time. I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. I just want Jude to be happy tomorrow."

"Callie," Stef says, grabbing Callie's cold hand her warm one. "We want you to be happy too! We're trying our best, Callie, we really are. I understand your afraid from the past, but we really want you to be happy, Love."

Callie rests her head on Stef's shoulder, still holding her hand. "I know. I am happy." Callie closes her eyes for a few minutes before she stands up. "I'm gonna go take Jude up."

Stef starts to complain, but Callie stops her. "It's getting late. I'm going up stairs to go to bed, anyways. Come on, Jude," She says quietly as Stef kisses her head and murmurs her a goodnight. "It's getting late, baby."

Callie brings Jude to bed, and notices that Jesus bed is empty, but doesn't question it. "Goodnight, Baby." Callie tells Jude as she kisses his forehead, and goes back downstairs.

She takes the same seat on the couch as before, and stares at the tree, telling herself that tomorrow wouldn't be so bad; she has her family.

Jesus comes in and sits down next to her. "I heard you and mom before," He tells her, looking at her. He had to admit, Callie was naturally beautiful. "You don't have to worry. We all love you guys."

Callie nods, and he notices a tear falling down her cheek, and he rests a hand on her leg. "Hey," Jesus tells her, not sure what else to do. "What's wrong? Never mind, you don't have to tell me if you want t-"

"I'm fine," Callie tells him, wiping away the tear. "It's just that the last Christmas I had with my mom, the next day sh-"

"Hey," Jesus mumbles, wrapping his arms around her body, which is shaking with sobs, and she buries her face in his chest. "Hey, don't cry. Please?" His fingers find her hair, and run them through it, in hopes it would calm his foster sister down. It scared him to see her so vulnerable and weak; he was so used to her hiding and controlling her emotions and being strong. It didn't really scare him to see her like this, he hated to see her like this. It makes him know how much luckier he was than her, not going to foster house to foster house. Mariana and him got sent her, and they stayed here. But Callie, she took years of abuse for Jude. She heard people tell her that she was worthless. But she wasn't. He felt her tears staining his shirt.

"Hey," He whispers in her ear. "It's okay, Callie."

Callie looks up at her foster brother. "I know. I'm sorry. I'm just scared. I'm just worried that it's going to turn out bad again."

Jesus wipes away the tears that were still on her cheeks. He stares at her tear-stained face, and smiles at her. "It's okay. I understand. Me and Mariana never had very good Christmases until we came here. We were used to having our mom high or something. When you have a bad past, it doesn't mean you can't have a better future. Don't worry," He says, taking her hand. He never thought that he would ever had a deep connection with Callie, at least not like what the connection between her and Mariana have became like. "It's getting late."

Callie follow Jesus up the stairs, not letting go of his hand. When they get to her and Mariana closed bedroom door, she suddenly wraps her arms around his neck. Surprised, Jesus hugs her back, his hands on her back.

"You're a good brother," Callie says. "Thanks again."

"No problem, Cals."

"Cals?" Callie questions him, letting go of him.

"Yeah! I figured I'd come up with a nickname for you. It's okay if you don't like it. I won't call you that."

Callie let's out a small laugh as she opens her bedroom door. "Nah," She says. "It's okay, J."


"Yeah. It was the first thing that I could come up with, and it's shorter than your real name, so I thought it would do."

Jesus laughs as Callie quietly opens the door.

"That's lame," He tells her jokingly, still laughing. "Goodnight, Cals." He says as the door closes, but he can hear her say something back through the closed door.

"Goodnight, Jesus."

Jesus woke up at exactly four in the morning the next day, hoping to get Callie a good present. After talking to her last night, he wanted to make sure that this Christmas was going to be one of her best. He quietly leaves his room, making sure that Jude is still soundly asleep before going to wake up Mariana, who automatically starts complaining.

"Shh! You're gonna wake up Callie!" Jesus whispers. "Get dressed and meet me downstairs."

Twenty minutes later, Mariana walks down the stairs, giving him the death stare.

"This better be good. You forgot to get Lexi a Christmas preset, and just realized that?"

"No, I forgot to get Callie a present. Last night she was talking to be about how she was afraid that today wasn't going to turn out good because she never really had a good experiences with them."

His twin face suddenly softens. "You're a good brother, Jesus." Mariana tells him as she kisses his cheek and walks over to the door, bracing for the cold air of the early morning.

"Yeah, whatever. Just help me find something that she'd like that's not a necklace."

"Why can't it be a necklace?"

"Because she has her mothers, and she never takes it off. I want it to be something that she'd wear."

"Can't you just give her one of your beanies? She'd look nice in them."

"No," Jesus says, walking down the street, wanting to get back before everybody wakes up, or at least before Jude and Callie so they didn't realize that him and Mariana were gone. "It has to be something nice, like a bracelet."

Mariana groans and he pulls her along with him, ignoring her complaints. He was surprised to see the Jewelry shop open.

"Come on, Mariana!" She doesn't answer, and he snaps his fingers in her face. "Wake up! Help me find Callie a nice bracelet."

"Wha? Wha-"

"Help me find a bracelet. We only have like 3 hours before everybody in our house wakes up."

"Callie doesn't have very high expectations, Jesus. Just find one and let's go."

Two hours later, Jesus finally found a bracelet that stood out to him, that he knows that Callie would like. He quickly pays the old man working there who tells him good luck, and leaving about two or three ones left in his wallet.

When they walk through the front door, Lena and Stef are sitting at the table, drinking coffee.

"Where have you been?" Both of them demand, startled to see them up this early, Jesus carrying a small box.

"It wasn't me," Mariana says, going up the stairs. "Ask Jesus!"

Both if them turn to him, and he's prepared.

"I was talking to Callie last night," He explains. "And she told me that she was worried about today and that it wasn't going to turn out well, so decided to get her a present to make sure that it would be nice for her, since I put in some money for the iPod we got for Jude."

"Your a good brother," Both of them say, hugging him. "Mommy sandwich! I'm so proud of our little Jesus!"

Jesus smiles, and hugs them back. "I'm going to get some more sleep."

"If you don't fall asleep, wake up everybody else! We aren't going to open the presents until everybody wakes up!" Stef calls behind him as he races up the stairs.

Jesus double checks the small box, making sure that the bracelet was still there. He sits in his chair, feeling that it still wasn't enough. He looks over at his brother, who was still asleep.

He was thinking about what Mariana saying that Callie would look good in one of his beanies, and he sighs, and grabs his favorite beanie, his lucky grey one. He'll just get himself a new one.

He'll admit that picturing Callie in it made him know that Mariana was right. Callie would look good in his hat.

He looks back over at Jude, and decides to wake him up.

"Jude!" He shouts, jumping onto the younger boy. "Wake up! Its Christmas!"

"Go away," Jude mumbles, waving him off. "I'm tired."

"But Santa came!"

"Santa's not even real, Jesus. Let me sleep."

Mariana shows up in their doorway. "Do you mind?"

"Well, way to ruin the Christmas spirt, you two." Jesus says as he sits on the edge of his brothers bed.

"Judicorn!" Mariana shouts, tickling him. "Come on! It's Christmas, and Santa came!"

"I tried that," Jesus tells her. "He just rolled over and told me that Santa isn't real."

"Well, he's real in my heart! Judicorn!"

Jude finally sits up, and rubs the sleep out of his eyes. "It's Christmas?" He asks sleepily.

"Yup! But we have to wake up Callie before we can check the tree."

"Can we scare her?"

When Callie wakes up the next morning, she's surprised to see Mariana, Jesus and Jude hovering over her.

"Woah! Holy shit! What the hell!" Callie exclaims, grabbing the fabric of her blankets.

"Merry Christmas!" They say together, smiling.

"A nice good morning would've been fine." Callie mumbles, and they laugh.

"Moms told us to wake you up before we started opening presents, then we'll eat breakfast," Jesus tells her as Mariana and Jude race down the stairs, and Callie climbs out of bed. "That's how we settled in on waking you up. No offense, Cals, but you sleep like a rock sometimes."

"And you don't?" Callie questions as he follows her downstairs were Stef and Lena are sitting on the couch, a video camera set up, Mariana and Jude laughing tougher on the floor. "I don't understand how you wake up in time for school."

"That's my speciality," Jesus says as he sits next between Jude and Mariana, and pats the space next to him. "Come on! There's stuff for you too."

Callie sits down between her two brothers, and smiles at Jude. "Merry Christmas, Jude." She mumbles as she kisses his cheek, making his smile widen.

The rest of the morning was full of happiness. Even Callie was enjoying herself, laughing at Mariana's expression when she realized that Callie was the one who payed for some of her new clothes, and quickly handed her the present she got her.

Callie opened the presents that were for her and thanked Stef and Lena, and payed attention to what Jude got.

Some more clothes, mostly shorts, a new game for the PSP that Connor gave him, and the iPod touch that everybody paid for.

Jesus got a new set of wheels for the skateboard they gave him at the quince, clothes, and a video game that Callie got him. She wasn't sure what else to get him, and Mariana claimed it would be fine.

Callie was sitting on the couch a few hours later, music playing, watching as Stef and Lena danced with Jude, and Mariana danced with her boyfriend, Zach, who decided to surprise her by coming over today.

Jesus walked in and sat down next to her, like last night.

"You forgot to open a present," Jesus says, handing her a small box and a grey beanie. "Here. Open it."

Callie listens, opening the box he handed her.

Jesus watches her carefully as she opens the box. He and Mariana had went out together two weeks ago, and he decided to get Callie something. He wasn't sure what to get. He wanted to get her a necklace, but he didn't want it to be something she hardly wore, due to her mothers necklace that she always wore. So he settled in on a gold bracelet and a grey beanie that was lucky.

Callie felt like his present put the one she gave him to shame. Just dumb video game that he probably already had.

"Thank you, Jesus." Callie say, and Jesus know she means it.

"It was the only thing I could think of to get you. I figure that I would get you something, you know. To remember our first Christmas as siblings."

"I feel bad that I only got you a video game. Mariana told me it'd be fine."

"Nah, it's okay. It was my lucky beanie. I'd thought maybe you'd like it, but don't feel bad," Jesus answers as he puts the beanie he gave her over her curls, some of them still sticking out and fixes the bracelet on her wrist. "I have something in mind that can make up for it." He says as he stands up, holding out his hand.

"No," Callie answers simply. "I can't dance."

Jesus laughs. "Really? You should have seen yourself at Mariana's party and moms wedding! You can't dance?"

Callie shakes her head. "Well, I am pretty decent. I just don't trust your dancing skills."

"Hey! Come on! Please! Just to one song?"


Jesus grabs Callie hand, ignoring her complaints. "I'm not going to let my pretty sister sit alone on our couch all night on Christmas."

Callie laughs as he trips over his own foot. "I would have prefer that. You're really clumsy."

Jesus sighs, and puts a hand over his chest, pretending to be hurt. "You're meaner than Mariana."

Callie playfully punches his shoulder. "Okay, I'll add that to my quality of being a sister list. Got anything else you want me to add?"

"Yeah. I really need to give you the rest of my beanies. You look really good, Cals."

"You know what?" Callie asks Jesus, smiling, proud to be calling him her brother.

"Christmases aren't so bad?"

I know it's like 3 months late, but I wanted to write a short story about Callie and Jesus, when she and Jesus start to have more of a closer relationship. Please review if you like it, and I might add more, but for now it's a one-shot.