The following story is based upon the Pokemon universe of a very good friend of mine, Kao1214 (Kao for short.)
Within the universe, there is a famous trainer named Brian in his mid-twenties. He is the owner of the largest Pokemon Ranch in Sinnoh, Skyline Ranch, located in Solaceon Town and financed by his winnings after defeating various regional champions, making him a multi-millionaire. His many Pokemon make their home here as permanent residents, and many come to the ranch to breed, mate, train etcetera.
One of his closest friends is Ross, also in his mid-twenties, an aspiring Pokemon psychiatrist, who lives outside of Lilycove. He treats Pokemon with mood and behavior disorders, and is known for allowing Pokemon to stay with him in his home as guests while he treats them. This is where the story comes in to play…
Meet The Characters:
Riley the Lucario
Age: 20
Riley is an intensely shy and sensitive Lucario, taking his name from the famous trainer. He was taken into Ross' custody two years prior to when the story takes place. Riley is also chiraptophobic, meaning he has a fear of being touched. Though timid, he is golden-hearted and insightful.
Steffi the Blaziken
Age: 21
Steffi is a beautiful, bespeckled, and buxom Pokemon. Though she possesses looks a supermodel would kill for, she would rather be left alone so she could engage in her favorite hobby, reading. Analytical, sarcastic, and incredibly intelligent.
Stevie the Blaziken
Age: 21
Stevie is the twin sister of Steffi. Stevie is much more athletic and outgoing than her twin, but is known to be more impulsive and hot-headed. Adamant and protective of her sister.
Serena the Gardevoir
Age: 23
Brian's right hand woman and closest friend, Serena is second-in-command on the Ranch, sharing a psychic link with Brian and playing the role of mother to a number of Pokemon. Though warm and friendly, she is just as willing to harshly scold troublemakers.
Morgan the Aggron
Age: Mid-thirties
Morgan is a testosterone fueled joker who enjoys smoking cigars and poking fun at those he meets. Although he may come off as a jerk, and he'll admit it, he actually has a soft and gentle center, though it takes some doing to get to it.
Penelope the Flygon
Age: Mid-thirties
Preferring to go by Penny, this Flygon is fiercely independent and very competitive. She holds an extreme rivalry with Morgan, but is more mature and assertive than him.
Gallium the Metagross
Age: Late-forties
Ask Gallium a question, he'll give you every inch of the answer, no matter how simple the query. Enthusiastic about almost any subject coupled with an eidetic memory, Gallium is the knowledge reservoir to end them all.
Myra the Gardevoir
Age: 41
Myra is an aloof and brittle Gardevoir, known to hold grudges and be downright unkind to strangers. Resents Serena for being Brian's choice Gardevoir, but is loyal to her teammates.
Duster the Krookodile
Age: 22
A loner, Duster doesn't have much to say to friends and strangers alike. He used to be a tremendous douche bag when he was younger, but has since cooled down and fallen in love with his mate Zoey.
Zoey the Zoroark
Age: 21
Zoey loves making her own fun, be it playing elaborate practical jokes on others or simply practicing her shape-shifting. Sharp as a tack with an inventive sense of humor.
Janet the Toxicroak
Age: 22
Fiery-tempered, aggressive, and mildly sociopathic, Janet is the designated villain of the ranch. Janet loooves fighting, hates losing, and enjoys picking on those who she deems weak. She has a conscience, but it plays second fiddle to her over-inflated ego.
Mara the Floatzel
Age: 23
Quick in words and decisions, Mara is a curvaceous and fun-loving speed demon. Janet's only friend, she enjoys a good fight, but has a big heart and would never actually hurt anyone unless they really had it coming.
Shannon the Lopunny
Age: 23
A friendly and jovial face around the ranch. Mated with a Garchomp named Aruj, Shannon loves gossip, but prefers to keep anything that would seriously hurt another person's feelings secret.
Ernie the Politoed
Age: Sixties
Ernie is an eccentric and wise Pokemon, playing the role of Grandpa and teacher to many of the young Pokemon on the Ranch. Supremely friendly, he can also be drop dead serious in a split second.
Jake the Raichu
Age: 9
A little kid with a lot of energy, a lot to say, and only a little time to do it. Jake runs the local troupe of children under the name The Fearsome Five, but lacks street smarts and gets himself into a lot of trouble easily.
Salazar the Hydreigon
Age: Unknown
As volatile as he is incoherent, Salazar is a ticking time bomb of explosive destruction. One minute he could be carefree and innocent, the next he could be ready to tear you in two for looking at him funny. The extra heads don't help his sanity much either.
Melody the Milotic
Age: 20
Bubbly and social, Melody, preferring to be called Millie, loves being around people. Almost always up to date with any social event, Millie knows what's going on around her before everybody else.