Basic idea is that if there was a 10th walker that was a girl. Tell me what you think. Set in the scene where Frodo leaves and Boromir dies and Merry and Pippin are taken, etc. You can read this as a oneshot and ignore the next chapters or you can read it as a multichapter, in which case this is a prologue. Either way is fine. Enjoy

Disclaimer: I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I saw the creature lift its bow.

I saw him draw an arrow.

I saw him pull back the string.

I saw him aim.

I saw him release it.

I felt the arrow.

It hit me right in the shoulder, making me drop to my knees. I looked down, confused as to how it had gotten there. I hadn't felt myself moving but I somehow I had ended up in the way of the arrow.


I had leapt in front.

To save him.

I looked at him now; the gorgeous man with the golden hair and the beautiful smile. He was fighting his way through enough orcs to make a small army to get to me.

I loved him, I realized. I loved Boromir. I was in love with Boromir.

The creature raised its bow once more and I struggled to my feet.

I wouldn't let him get Boromir. I wouldn't.

I moved towards the creature, slowly. It shot me for a second time but I couldn't feel the pain.

My mind was numb as I reached the foul thing and stabbed it.

This time it fell to its knees. I managed to lift a sword off the ground and with one swift stroke, I beheaded the horrible animal.

Suddenly I felt dizzy and weak. I collapsed into a heap on the ground. My hand went to my stomach and I felt something wet. I realized that the creature had stabbed me at the same time I had stabbed him.

A voice broke through the haze that was my mind. Boromir.

"You're going to be alright," he told me. "You're going to be fine." He seemed as if he was trying to convince himself rather than me. A single tear rolled down his cheek as he pulled my limb body into his arms and rocked me.

"Shhhh," I told him. "Don't cry."

"Why?" he asked. "Why would you do that?"

I smiled softly. "It was aimed at you," I said. "How could I not?"

"No." He continued to rock me back in forth. More tears leaked from his eyes. "I forbid you. Never do it again. You are worth so much more." He kissed my forehead. "So much more."

"I love you, you know." I said, absentmindedly. "I'm completely, hopelessly in love with you."

He was full out crying now, cupping my face in his large hands. A small bark of mirthless laughter escaped his lips.

"I love you," he told me. "But it took us too long to figure it out and now-" his voice broke. "And now there won't be enough time."

I smiled once more. "It would've never been enough." I reached up to touch his face. "Now at least I know you're safe. At least I know I died for a reason. Protecting the man I love." My eyes began to close.

"No!" he yelled. "No! You cannot go! No! Oh, please do not take her from me! Please!" Tears streamed down his cheeks as he pulled me closer to his body. I could feel my strength leaving me. There was nothing he could do.

"Goodbye, Boromir," I whispered.

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