Author's Note: Im going to try and keep these to a minimum. This is a collection of stony one shots that I can write whenever I get the urge yeah about once or twice a day. Umm... I may take requests in the future? They'd have to be really good though. Anyway, enjoy.

Disclaimer: I could own the avengers...I won't... But I could...

Fourth of July

It wasn't a big deal. Not really. But deep inside, Steve couldn't help but care, just a little bit. Sure he wanted to celebrate his birthday. Anyone would, I mean... It's a birthday. But... It was complicated. Captain America, oh how ironic his birthday was on the Fourth of July. He would never hear the end of it, ESPECIALLY if Tony found out.

Steve found it quite annoying how he was never anything but cap, or capcical in his eyes. This would only contribute to his teasing. Steve hated the teasing, but otherwise, the man wasn't all bad. He was sort of...kind of... Nice maybe? Ok so maybe he liked him a little more than he'd care to admit, but was that such a crime? Steve laughed at this. Of course, it USED to be...but not anymore. Besides, Tony didn't have to know. No one had to know.

Steve told himself this over and over but he never fully believed it.

Yet, tomorrow was the Fourth of July. Oh great.

"It'll be awesome, I have my own fire cracker launcher and everything. It'll be like Christmas." Tony promised the group of people now in his living room. They've been living there a long time, it's not new.

Natasha was smiling in amusement. "Stark, why must you always be so...festive?"

Tony scoffed. "Thats nothing. Steve will be making pancakes for everyone! The best breakfast you'll ever eat, easily."

Of course he never consulted Steve about this, but he was currently nursing a cup of...juice and couldn't very well respond at the moment. His only response was a very deep blush at which Tony smirked.

"Right Steve?"

He swallowed. "Uh...sure I guess."

Tony started walking around his chair menacingly. Very close to Steve. He could smell his strong cologne, yet only a hint of it here and there, and he could make out every single wrinkle and crease in his suit. A handsome suit actually. Fitting to its owner. So close... All he had to do was reach out, just slightly... No. No no no no no. Nope. Not happening. No.

Steve stiffened and restrained himself. "I mean it would of helped if you'd asked first."

Tony chuckled and rested on the edge of the armchair ever so gently, brushing Steve's arm. "I don't ask captain, I do." He claimed as Steve bit his lip.

"But hey, it's the Fourth of July! If anyone should be excited its you cap. Fourth of July, America, captain America, is anyone else here making the connection?" Tony questioned standing up again.

Steve's mouth went dry suddenly. What was he playing at?


"No no, I mean it's just... So you. Don't you think? Hey, here's an idea, you could wear your suit! Everyone looking at the top of my tower would get a nice eyeful of good old spangles over here." He said, patting Steve on the shoulder like they were old friends.

Right. Right, Steve should of assumed. But he couldn't concentrate. Tony still hasn't moved his arm. He didn't dare look at it, or draw any attention to it at all. But that didn't change the fact he could still feel it. Burning through his shirt. No. Tony didn't- it was just- no, this wasn't happening. Tony's fingers tapped in place where they were, obviously bored. What could only be defined as electricity shot through his shoulder at each tap. Don't think about it. Don't you even dare!

"-so you'll do it right?" Tony asked.

"What?" Steve blinked, coming out of his little coma. Tony's hands stop tapping and left his shoulder. Thank god, now he could think.

"I said, you'll wear your suit right?" Tony rolled his eyes.

Now it was Steve's turn to roll his eyes. "I don't think so."

"Oh come on!" Tony whined.

Steve stood up to leave. "I said NO." He growled firmly, already desperately trying to forget his little shoulder stunt.

Of course tony wasn't talking about his birthday. No he was talking about the Fourth of July and how funny it would be if a certain mr spangles showed up. No one tried to stop Steve as he retired to his bedroom. Tony didn't care about Steve. He cared about Captain America. That would be like Steve falling for iron man. He didn't want to think about loving a mere suit of armor, nor did he want tony to notice him just because of his get up. It sure seemed like he did though. Steve sighed and buried his face in his pillow. Get out of my HEAD already!

The next day Steve woke up and made pancakes for everyone, just like Tony asked/nonchalantly demanded. Natasha ate her red velvet ones, satisfaction clear on her face as they waited for everyone else. Bruce walked in and smiled at his placemat. There lay one giant pancake covered in syrup.

"Clever." He mumbled as he took his seat.

Just as he sat, Clint walked in, his hair ruffled like he hadn't slept at all.

He glared at everyone as if daring them to say anything. Instead, Steve pointed to his usual spot on the counter where his plate held pancakes in the shape of wings. (With a side of berries).

At this he brightened considerably and hopped up into his usual position already picking at the berries.

Steve leaned against the counter, the comfort of the morning settling in.

It was only missing one thing. Come to think of it-

"Where's Tony?" Steve asked, as if he couldn't care less, taking a sip of...milk.

Everyone shifted and the feeling in the room quickly fell from comfort to tension.

"He's uh.. down in his lab...still." Bruce coughed, cutting off a few small pieces of his pancake.

"Oh, but don't worry about Thor." Clint added sarcastically. "It's not like he's not here either."

Steve felt a familiar heat rise up his neck, burning pink. Ok, so maybe he should of noticed Thor wasn't there. How suspicious it looked that he only noticed Tony's absence. He was just about to make some lame excuse as to why he didn't mention him too when they all heard a booming voice drawing near.

"But I did not MEAN to, friend Tony!" Thor cried as he entered the kitchen, cradling a broken coffee maker.

"I don't want to hear it point break." Said genius grumbled. "It's going to take forever to fix it."

Steve relaxed at the distraction. "Your pancakes are on the table." He nodded to a very aggravated Tony. They were shaped like gears.

"Cute." Tony noted, completely ignoring them while fidgeting with the remains of his beloved coffee maker. Steve guided him to his seat.


Tony looked up at him. Dumbfounded. "I don't eat anything without coffee in my system first." He stated, moving to get up.

Steve shoved him back down. "You're always down in your lab drinking coffee. I think you can hold down breakfast for once."

Tony stared at Steve with a look that could only be described as amused.

"Okkkk then..." He muttered, picking at the food.

Natasha, of course didn't show it, but she was surprised. Not many people told the great Tony Stark what to do and got away with it. Well, besides pepper. But he still had a soft spot for her, even if she couldn't handle dating him anymore.

After Tony "finished" his meal he gazed up at Steve and pouted. "Can I leave the table now mother?"

Steve laughed and stepped away. "Sure, why not."

Already moving on from their little bonding session, Tony started working on his beloved coffee machine. "Alright, so everyone will be at the roof at eight right?" He questioned over his shoulder.

Everyone sighed in agreement. Like hell Tony would take an answer other than that.

Steve nodded, but he knew he wasn't going to be there. He was looking forward to a nice quite evening in his room. Well not completely quiet because this was New York, plus it was the's not like he didn't hear the fireworks they've been shooting for two weeks now.

The rest of the day was spent with Steve helping Pepper bake pies and more than a few other treats, Bruce hanging red, white, and blue streamers everywhere, Natasha keeping Thor busy with the fireworks on TV, and Clint off doing who knows what. Tony? Actually, no one knew what he was up to. Someone should really look into that. Of course no one did, considering how busy everyone was. No one even seemed to notice... Except Steve. To be honest, it was bugging him way more than it should of. Steve jumped as he burned his fingers on the pan he (very stupidly) had taken out of the oven, without any gloves.

"Ahhh!" He screamed, dropping the pan while sucking on his poor fingers. Pepper frowned and bent down to inspect them.

"You burned yourself! Luckily it's not that bad..." She fretted wrapping it up with a rag.

"Thanks- and uh.. sorry about the cookies." Steve blushed and bent down to pick up his mess.

"It's alright. We still have plenty more." Pepper shrugged, icing yet another cupcake.

Just then Tony burst in, wearing jeans and a stained tank top. He had grease smears on his hands and his cheek. "What happened? I heard Steve- I heard someone scream." Tony stuttered, his eyes looking around the room frantically.

Pepper smirked. "He just burnt himself that's all. How did you hear? Here's a better question, where have you been?"

"Fixing the firework machine to my liking. Are you sure nothing happened that needs... I don't know, medical attention?" Tony cringed at the sight of Steve's (half assed) bandage.

Steve his his hand behind his back. "It'll heal in a little bit." He whispered.

"Oh, that's right." Tony said, relaxing when he didn't see blood. "You've been busy." He observed the numerous treats on the counter and more than a few pies. He took a cookie and bit into it.

"Mmm, good job." He complimented.

Pepper grinned. "Oh, I didn't make those."

Tony swallowed and his eyes widened considerably. He turned to notice Steve shuffling his feet and staring at the floor.

"Uh, good job?" He repeated.

"Thanks." Steve mumbled, refusing to look up at anything but the floor. How interesting it seemed all of a sudden. Why was tony here? He looked so concerned when he rushed in, distracted from his work. How did he hear Steve scream if he was on the roof? He closed his eyes. He felt worse than a high schooler. Crushing on someone and jumping to conclusions every time said person did anything nice for him. Stop it.

He mentally kicked himself.

Tony grabbed another cookie and decided to (not so discreetly) leave the room. But Before he left, he called, "You guys. Me. Top of the tower. 5 minutes." Leaving a slightly aggravated Steve and pepper in his wake. So demanding. Steve would say only slightly because he was still getting over the fact that Tony Stark complimented him.

Pepper sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "What are we going to do with him?" She shook her head, grabbed a tray of something random (she didn't look), and followed. Leaving Steve all alone.

Thank god. Now if he could just sneak off to his room... Ok. He made it. Alright, good. Don't just sit there, open the door before someone sees you,idiot!

Right. Good. Was it really that easy? Steve opened the door. Of course not.

There stood Tony looking out the window, as of Steve had never entered.

"What're you doing here?" Steve nearly cried.

"The more important question is... What are you doing here?" Tony said, turning to face him.

Steve blushed. "How did you know I wouldn't come?"

"Simple." He let his eyes trail down. Steve's eyes followed and he noticed a cupcake in Tony's hands. Two candle shaped "9" and "5" stuck on top. Steve swallowed. "I'm not an idiot Steve. When I hacked into shield, I have to admit that I found it pretty ironic, but I do know it's your birthday. We're friends right? Why didn't you say something?"

Steve tried to speak. In the end all he could manage was, "Why do you care? Why didn't you tell everyone? Could've had a nice laugh about it couldn't you."

"It's your birthday man! You always do this! You don't tell anyone anything and then lock yourself away like some sort of teen. I can't want to get you something on your birthday?" He explained.

Steve glared at him. "You mean for Captain America."

Tony ignored this statement. "Seriously, there must be something you want. What is it?"

"I don't want anything."

"Sure you do." Tony insisted, setting the cupcake on his dresser.

Steve shifted. "It's not that simple."

Tony scoffed. "In case you didn't notice, I'm Tony Stark. I can get pretty much whatever I want. Cap, name it, and it's yours."

Steve laughed half heartedly. "I seriously doubt you could get me what I want."

"Try me."


"Why not?"

"Because it's just not that easy Tony. You can't buy this!" He snapped.

"What is it? Some sort of dream thing that doesn't exist? I can build it, seriously be creative."

Steve grabbed at his hair. "Ugh! Tony, just let it be!"

"No. I refuse to leave this room without an answer."

"Well it looks like neither of us is getting what we want tonight." Steve retorted, annoyed.

"How complicated could it be? Just one thing! I know you want at least one thing!"

"You couldn't possibly understand."

Tony quieted. "What, do you want your real friends or something?"

"No! It's not-that's not-you know what? Stop guessing!"

"I'm beginning to want you to make me." Tony stepped forward so they were only inches away from each other.

"You're just making it worse!" Steve cried in frustration.

"Is it so expensive you just can't ask? Too dirty? Let me guess, you want to earn it or something."

"Stop- just please stop!"

"I don't see why it's such a big deal!"

"Then why are you making it seem like that?" Steve countered.

Instead he went back to guessing. "Can you not explain it? Is it revenge? Want to move out? How about-"

"IT'S YOU,YOU ARROGANT LITTLE ASS!" Steve finally yelled, stopping Tony mid-sentence.

Steve continued, figuring he had just messed everything up, why not fuck it up some more? It's been KILLING me not telling you how much I like you! How much I lOVE your smile, your clothes, your looks, your laugh, your science obsession, ALL of your obsessions, the way you yawn after denying you're not tired, your snarky remarks, EVERYTHING. AND YOU NEVER NOTICE! YOU never notice anything except for CAPTAIN AMERICA, because that's obviously all I am to you! Now do you believe me? How Unbelievably screwed up everything is now!?" Steve blurted turning to leave. He couldn't even bring himself up to look at him.

"...Steve...?" Tony whispered, stopping him from turning the door knob. He said his name. He said it.

"What? Want to make fun of me, I'm guessing? Go ahead. I'm ready."

He turned and he saw Tony standing there, his eyes wide in shock, his mouth moving but nothing coming out. "Did you just say what I think you said?" He asked quietly.

"...well...yes." Steve faltered.

"One moment." Be brushed past him and into the hallway where the whole world could hear him shout. Whooping and cheering as loud as he could for what seemed like only seconds,then coming back in to a very confused Steve.

"Now that that's out of the way... "He muttered, grabbing Steve's arm as he drew him in for a kiss. It was deep, and passionate. Very long, leaving Steve dizzy and breathless when tony finally broke it.

"I have a secret too." He whispered, containing his joyful laughter.

Steve couldn't talk. He just couldn't. God had come down and taken his ability of speech just to toy with him.

So he wrapped his arms around Tony's waist instead.

"Is this real?" He breathed in Tony's hair. He just had to know. This couldn't- it was too good. So unbelievably surreal.

"As real as it gets." Tony replied, muffled by Steve's shoulder, the heat of his breath warming his skin through his shirt. "You were there for me when I needed it Steve, and I took advantage of it like I always do with everything and messed it up by making you feel like this. I'm just being an ass with no concern for anyone's feelings but m-" he was cut off by Steve's lips, and he relaxed into it for a brief moment.

"No Tony, you're not as selfish as you think. If anything you care to much. It's just- this can't be happening." Steve breathed. He was sitting there hugging and kissing his all time favorite person in the world who possibly LIKED HIM BACK. He could fly right now, he was that happy.

Tony guides them to Steve's bed, and they sat. Steve's arm wrapped around tony while the billionaire rested his head on his shoulder. It was so perfect he just didn't want to move. He immediately rethought this notion as Tony turned them and started leaving trails of lazy kisses up his neck. "You sure this is what you want?" He asked, grinning against his skin.

"Jesus yes." Steve gasped as Tony bit a patch of sensitive skin under his jaw.

"Good lord you're a tomato." Tony snickered when he pulled up. (Much to Steve's disappointment.)

"S-shut up." Steve shuddered as Tony pushed him down. (well he let him) They were laying down now and Steve had a good idea where this was going.

"I'm just happy you finally used my real name." Steve smiled and Tony decided to snuggle down by Steve for a while, changing the pace and nearly giving Steve whiplash.

Tony sighed contently as Steve's arm encased him, pulling him into the soldiers warm grasp. He felt Steve's other hand run through his hair and he moaned. "I never want to leave this room."

Steve grinned evilly and rubbed his thigh against the others causing Tony to gasp. Steve wasn't letting Tony get away with what he pulled. He was going to get something out of this other than a confession. Tony seemed to feel the same way. Just as fast as before, he moved so he was suddenly on top of Steve, straddling him.

"You know..." He mused, his hands traveling lower and lower down Steve's body as he flashed a seductive grin, causing Steve to whimper. He absolutely ached with want.

"If this night goes like I think it will, then I'm going to be saying your name a whole hell of a lot more than before."

Well there you go! Hope you enjoyed that perfect little ending. ;D Don't go anywhere, there's more to come in the future. It will never be complete, so you can look forward to that at least!