
I personally love the Aerie romance, but despite how much Aerie wanted to keep quiet, I just think at least Imoen should've been allowed to know that she was going to be an aunt, so I wrote this. I just made up a lot of the dialogue between Lindar and Aerie, because I don't remember what was said.


Imoen X Aerie (friendship)

Imoen rather disliked nighttime. Sure, she used to be a thief before she found out her magic was off the scale and thieves worked best under a cover of darkness, but she never liked it very much. It was much too easy to get attacked out of nowhere. It was especially scary when Lindar and Aerie would run off together when they thought everyone was asleep. Imoen knew very well what went on, she was practically part of it since she had helped them get together that night at the Copper Coronet when they first realized they both loved each other. She too loved Lindar and Aerie, and she loved the thought of them maybe getting married someday. She just worried the group would get attacked without their leader around one of these nights. Even though she was Lindar's sister, she was no leader. Without Lindar in command, she didn't know how she'd handle herself in a battle.

Lindar and his group had decided to rest in the forest when Aerie had started complaining about her feet. If it had been anyone else, especially Viconia, Lindar would've kept on going, but he would do anything for Aerie. Imoen wasn't very tired herself, even though she had spent two hours studying scrolls, which often would put her right to sleep. Aerie and Lindar had run off into the forest an hour ago (apparently the elf girl's feet had healed pretty fast), and Imoen hoped they didn't get attacked despite the fact that the two of them could more than hold their own against almost anything.

After a while, Imoen decided to go find herself something to drink besides what Viconia and Jaheira were drinking, watching the fire. Imoen could smell it…vodka. She liked to drink but didn't want vodka. Last time she had had that she "stole" her own pack and threw it down a well, and then called Aerie an inappropriate name when the avariel told her exactly what she had done. And the way Viconia was acting when she drank…spouting all kinds of nonsense in drow language…Imoen was sure some of that was sexual towards Jaheira, and that was beyond disturbing. It was already bad enough the drow had done some horrible sexual things to Nalia.

Of course, being outside of town there was probably nothing to drink. Viconia had gotten a bottle of vodka before leaving town, probably in an attempt to make Jaheira more suggestible, but nobody else had anything as far as Imoen knew. Lindar had left his pack, so maybe he had something he intended on sharing with Aerie…if the elf girl even drank alcohol, and Imoen wasn't sure whether or not she did. Imoen searched through the pack but found nothing to drink, just Lindar's personal belongings and an adorable little drawing Aerie had made for him.

Imoen decided to go off and find a stream, maybe find some plants to mix with water to make some tea or something. She knew there was a stream nearby, she knew this area. Off in the distance, she heard Aerie and Lindar talking about something. She knew it was rude to eavesdrop, but Aerie sounded a bit frantic…although she clearly wasn't upset. Imoen had to know if the avariel was okay. Imoen sneaked as close as she could get, slowly, having to take great care so Lindar and Aerie wouldn't see or hear her. She had to keep her breathing quiet; Aerie had excellent hearing.

"It's unexpected, I know, and I will understand if you don't want me to stay. I should not be continuing to put myself in danger," Aerie was saying.

"Aerie, I love you and I'll protect you. Don't leave. We'll do this together," Lindar said.

"You can't tell anyone. It's wonderful, but I don't want them to worry about me. Or try to make me leave because of the dangers we face. I can almost hear Viconia's reaction, damn that drow. If you tell anyone, I'll either have to leave or be forced out."

"Not even Imoen? Aerie, Immy is my sister. I think she deserves to know that you're carrying her nephew."

Imoen bit down on her hand to keep from squealing. Aerie was going to have a baby! This was something Immy had hoped for, even though she didn't think it would happen for another couple of years. The young woman knew she'd be a wonderful aunt.

"No Lindar. Especially don't tell Imoen. You know she can't keep her mouth shut. Remember when I was trying to find a way to tell you how I felt and she just blurted it out to you ever-so-happily before I could say anything. Don't tell Imoen about this," Aerie said.

Imoen ran back to camp, feeling like she had been slapped. Aerie didn't trust her. She loved the elf, as much as she loved Lindar. Aerie was her closest female friend, and she didn't trust her with this wonderful news. And Imoen couldn't let anyone know she had been listening in, because she couldn't tell anyone that Aerie was pregnant. She wished she had just gone to bed instead of gone out.


Imoen still felt bad the next day. Lindar and Aerie were at the front of the group, singing and playing, like they always did. Imoen looked at Aerie. She didn't look any different than usual. Of course, elves had longer gestations than humans and she wasn't that far along. It had only been three months since that night at the Copper Coronet, and Aerie probably hadn't conceived the first time. Immy resolved to be a better friend to the elf, mostly because Aerie didn't trust her enough to tell her about her pregnancy.

"Lindy, can we go to Trademeet? That's the closest place they would have produce. I really want a tomato," Aerie said. She really liked tomatoes.

"You always want a tomato," Lindar joked.

Viconia was back with the rest of the group sulking. Even though she was a drow, she loved Lindar and couldn't stand that he had chosen Aerie over her. Imoen was tired of her, and was not happy she had to stay back with her to keep her from picking on Nalia because she wanted to sleep with her; and the wild mage girl Neera, because she had once had a relationship with Lindar and even though they broke up it was farther than Viconia had gotten.

"I should have Lindar. He's perfect, at least as perfect as a male can get; and I'm perfect," Viconia growled.

"I thought you didn't like half-elves, since you constantly have to make comments about me since I'm a half-elf," said Neera, perfectly happy to be traveling with Lindar again even if he wasn't with her anymore.

"I think it's just you she doesn't like. She wants to sleep with Lindar, and she's jealous that you got to," Imoen said.

"It was only twice."

"That's twice more than she's had him."

"Gods, you three are giving me a headache…" Nalia muttered.

"Vicky, you're hurting Nalia. Could you go one day without torturing someone? Is that even possible for drow?" Neera asked.

"Shut up, you stupid brat! I'm not jealous of a half-breed who can't even cast magic without turning herself into a rodent!" Viconia yelled.

Lindar and Aerie stopped playing at that outburst and glared at Viconia. Neera almost burst out laughing, simply loving the stares they were giving the drow. Imoen once again looked Aerie over, knowing it was too early to tell, but knowing also that there was something there. It was driving her crazy.


The inn in Trademeet was crowded but Imoen and Aerie had found a room to study scrolls in. Lindar was out trying to get a room for Nalia that was warded against being invaded by horny dark elves, and keeping said elves from finding a way in regardless, and that was probably going to take all night. Aerie was content enough, since Lindar had found her a tomato. Imoen was happy too. It had been a long time since she had been alone with Aerie.

Aerie got up and laid down on the bed, stretching out. Imoen looked at her some more, but got embarrassed and looked away.

"What's wrong with you Imoen? You seem preoccupied with something. You can tell me, we're friends," Aerie said.

I can't tell her I was listening in on her and Lindar, she already doesn't trust me. Imoen thought. She tried to think up a lie, but couldn't think up one that Aerie would buy. The avariel had always been very perceptive.

'"It's nothing, Aerie. Really," Imoen said at last.

"It's got to be something. You've been staring at me all day. You don't think I haven't noticed?"

Imoen couldn't take it anymore. Aerie was her friend, and Imoen hated lying to her, and she saw right through her anyway. She had to say something. "Aerie, are you pregnant?"

Aerie sat straight up, a horrified look on her face. "Oh my Baervan! Imoen, how did you…? You're not supposed to know yet! I didn't want anyone to know. Does everyone know?"

"I haven't told anyone. And I'm not going to. I kinda overheard you talking to Lindar last night, and I'm hurt. We're supposed to be friends, Aerie. How can you not trust me? Lindar is my brother, and any child you have with him will also be related to me," Imoen said.

"I didn't tell you because you can't keep quiet! You tell everyone everything private and unpleasant. You regaled us with your stories about sleeping with Haer'Dalis," Aerie snapped. Imoen had never seen the elf so angry. Aerie was completely infuriated, and it made Imoen feel bad.

"I can keep secrets, Aerie. I chose to tell you all about my secret, but there's a lot to that story I'm not telling anyone," Imoen said in a tiny voice.

"You said so yourself; we're supposed to be friends! Well. That goes both ways! How can you eavesdrop on me and Lindar anyway?! Don't you know how rude that is?! I don't want everyone complaining how selfish and evil I am because I'm putting a child's life at risk!" Aerie yelled.

"Aerie, I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have listened in. I was curious,"

"Curiosity killed the cat, Imoen."

"And I don't think you're selfish or evil. I love you. I'm happy for you and Lindar. I've always wanted to be an aunt. I will do anything for my niece or nephew," Imoen said.

Aerie calmed down just a little. "Nephew. It's a boy. Elves can tell these things, even if it is early," she said. Imoen went and sat down next to her.

"I promise you Aerie, when you decide to tell everyone, I will act surprised."

Aerie hugged Imoen. "I don't know what I'm gonna do, Immy! What if I get hurt? Or if I even get killed again! It would be the worst thing I could do to deliberately endanger this baby," she said.

"We could research spells. It's possible there are spells to protect the two of you."

"That would be wonderful, but I still don't know."

Imoen held Aerie close, keeping her safe and happy. "How does Lindar feel about being a father?" She asked.

Aerie smiled. "He seems overjoyed. We've talked about it, but I don't think he expected it to happen just yet. I know I didn't. It's just so wonderful. I'm so happy, Imoen, even though I'm still very afraid. Please, we need to find some way to protect us. I think I'm gonna go find some scrolls, maybe mix a few. I wonder if Neera has anything. Mixing scrolls and inventing spells sounds like her kind of thing, even though I'm absolutely not telling her yet," she said.

"You seem to have a problem with that wild mage," Imoen said.

Aerie cringed, "I don't really know if I like her that much. That girl scares me a little," she said.

"Well, her personality is rather harmless. She'd never intentionally hurt you. It's her spells you need to worry about. She never means for things to happen, they just do, and some of them are actually rather hilarious," Imoen said.

"You think everything is hilarious."

"Aerie, you can see the world as funny, or you can see it as depressing. I prefer funny, even though you'd think someone like me would be really depressed. Well, I'm not. And I'm really happy for you and Lindar. Are you gonna marry him?" Imoen asked.

"Yes, I suppose that would be best, wouldn't it? I would love to marry him, I hope he feels the same way. I hope he asks! I would pretend to have to think about it!" Aerie exclaimed excitedly.

"There's no law saying you can't ask him." Imoen said.

"You really think I could? It just doesn't seem like my place. My mother always used to tell me it's the man's place to propose, but then again, she is really old fashioned," Aerie said.

Imoen hugged Aerie to her tight. "Whatever you decide, I'm here for you. Know that. You can come to me for anything. I will protect you and Lindar and your child no matter what. You are my family, and we need to depend on each other," she whispered.

And that was the best thing Aerie could've known…