Author's Note: Well! I'm finally posting this! It's been a little while, but I finally finished the whole story! There will be a chapter posted each day! Hope you readers enjoy this!
Luigi's Mansion Adventure
Chapter 1: Into the Creepy Mansion
Shaking and in total trepidation, the green plumber stalked through the dark woods alone and equipped with only a flashlight in the dark night. There was a full moon above and it looked like it was about to rain. Lightning constantly flashed across the sky and thunder boomed loudly like explosions were going off.
It was all very frightening!
Teeth chattering uncontrollably, Luigi started to regret ever searching for the mansion that he had mysteriously won yesterday. Every little noise he heard scared him and caused him to jump. He thought something was watching him from within the shadows.
Taking out his map with the directions on it, Luigi stopped for a moment, trembling. He looked down at the map, studying it. The map portrayed all the directions on how to get there. Plus, it showed a picture of a beautiful mansion on a sunny day, a rainbow towering over the lovely mansion. It was all so sunny and bright.
Unfortunately, when he looked up from the map, he caught sight of the mansion and it looked nothing like the picture. The mansion towered ahead over everything, looking dark and gloomy. Lightning flashed overhead, making it look even creepier than it already was.
Mama Mia! Luigi thought, forcing himself to approach the mansion. He glanced back down at the map in his hand and then took a good look at the ugly mansion in front of him, trying to make sure he was at the right place.
Unfortunately, he was.
Passing through an iron gate, Luigi put his map away and shined his flashlight on the path ahead of him. He walked and walked, noticing the crows hissing at him from a dead tree. They were eerily watching him as he got closer and closer to the front doors of the mansion.
Mario is actually in there waiting for me?! Yeesh! Luigi pondered in his head as he finally reached the doors. With a trembling gloved hand, he grasped the doorknob and hesitantly pulled the door open, shining his flashlight into the dark place.
"Hello?" He belted out, trying to see through the darkness. The plumber stepped into the massive mansion, shutting the door behind him and observing the place. He was now in the Foyer. There was a door in front of him that was oddly sealed shut with violent, thorny vines that pulsed with a purplish glow. There were two staircases leading up to the second floor and a chandelier hung from the ceiling in the center of the Foyer.
"Mario?!" Luigi called out, wondering why it was so dark in the mansion. Shouldn't Mario have been waiting to greet him? Something was very odd here…
Suddenly, a yelp of fear pierced his ears and he jumped back in fright when his flashlight's light made contact with a person in the Foyer. The person was a fox and was standing in front of the right staircase, looking scared and confused. Placing a hand over his heart, Luigi realized it was none other than Miles Prower, better known as Tails.
"Tails?" Luigi gawked, blinking as he shined his flashlight in the fox's face.
"L-Luigi?!" Tails was just a shocked as he was. The male approached the guy, squinting his eyes in the bright light. A flummoxed expression danced along his facial features. "What are you doing here, Luigi?"
"I should be asking you that!" Luigi retorted, eyebrows raised high in perplexity.
Tails shook his head and flinched with lightning flashed outside and thunder sounded once more. "U-Uh…I was told Sonic was here, so I decided to come meet him, but I don't see him anywhere and it's so dark!" He explained.
"Wait, wait, wait," Luigi said. "Sonic's here?"
Tails nodded immediately. "Yeah! He said that Mario told him about you winning a mansion or something and that he and Mario were going to be here to explore the place, but it doesn't seem like they're around!"
"Er…" Luigi was trying to make sense of all of this.
"Congratulations on winning the mansion, by the way!" Tails yipped.
"Uh thanks…"
"Anyway, I'm glad I have some company! It's pretty spooky here!" Tails admitted, taking out his own flashlight and turning it on, shining it in Luigi's face.
"My eyes!" Luigi wailed, almost dropping his flashlight.
Tails put the light on something else, chuckling. "Sorry about that!"
Luigi just waved a hand, seeing colorful lights in his vision. "Mama mia…"
"Anyway, we should look for Mario and Sonic together!" Tails announced, happy that someone was there with him. He started walking up the staircase to the second floor of the Foyer. "Come on, Luigi!"
"I-I'm coming!" Luigi commented, now becoming frightened again as he followed the fox up the stairs. Once they made it up there, Tails hurriedly went over to the double doors. He wasted no time in grabbing the doorknob and twisting it, trying to open it.
When it didn't budge, Tails released it and looked at Luigi. "It's locked…" He said in disappointment.
Suddenly, there was an odd sound in the Foyer, almost causing Luigi to have a heart attack.
"Holy macaroni with extra cheese and bread on the side, what was that?!" Luigi squeaked, eyes wild with fright. He shakily shined his flashlight everywhere, trying to calm his rapidly beating heart.
"I-I don't know…" Tails trailed, roaming the place with his eyes. "Let's investigate."
"Are you crazy?"
Tails was already heading down the stairs again, curious to know what made that sound. Sighing dramatically, Luigi quickly followed the boy to the first floor of the Foyer. Right after that reached the bottom, an orange light appeared in the center of the room, floating in the air along with a key.
Luigi paled and almost fainted at the sight due to his immense trepidation. Tails, however, was scared stiff, unmoving and staring at the strange, orange light. The thing dropped the key and then let out a strange noise, hurrying up the staircase and then going right through the double doors, disappearing.
"W-What was that thing?!" Luigi forced out through chattering teeth, knees shaking.
"A-A ghost, perhaps?" Tails suggested, pushing his fear away and trekking over to the fallen key. He picked it up and then instantly figured out what it was for. "This must be for the locked door upstairs!"
"That's great and all, but I really think I should be going now." Luigi said and then turned to leave, heading towards the front door of the mansion. However, Tails stopped him by grabbing the back of his overalls.
"Luigi!" The fox snipped. "We can't just leave Mario and Sonic here in this creepy place! We have to look for them! Don't you want to find your brother?"
Luigi released a heavy sigh and replied, "Yeah."
"Then come on!"
The fox pulled Luigi up the stairs and to that same double doors. The smart fox pulled out the key and was about to unlock the door, but Luigi stopped him with his words.
"Wait, wait, wait just a darn minute now!" Luigi exclaimed in a shaky voice. "You're not actually considering on going in there with that…that thing, are you?!"
Tails blinked. "Well, yeah…"
"Have you lost your mind?!"
"No! I'm just curious, that's all!"
"We could be killed!"
"Don't be such a pessimist!" Tails rolled his eyes and then unlocked the door with the key. He grasped the doorknob and then turned it, pulling it open. The two of them then entered the room, Luigi being extremely reluctant to do so.
Luigi was so scared that he was shaking uncontrollably from head to toe with every step he took. Tails, being the much braver one, strolled along, noticing that they were now in the Parlor and out of the Foyer.
Suddenly, completely out of the blue, an orange and hideous ghost materialized in front of the green plumber, almost scaring him to death. Luigi released a girlish shriek and jumped up into the air before falling onto his rear, staring up at the ghost in horrible fear.
Well. He thought miserably. This is it. I'm going to die here.
"A-A ghost!" Tails squeaked out, eyes wide as he dropped his flashlight due to his shock.
Then something strange happened…
An old man with a vacuum thingamajig strapped to him came out of nowhere and started assaulting the orange colored ghost by trying to suck him into the vacuum. The ghost released and inhuman squeal and tried to get away. The old man chased the ghost around the Parlor with the vacuum.
Tails and Luigi just watched in complete shock.
The old man guy struggled to capture the ghost in his contraption, but the ghost reeled back a hand and struck the old man hard, sending him flying and tumbling back. The ghost then laughed in glee before disappearing.
"Oh man…" Tails muttered, hurrying over to the old dude. "Are you okay?"
Luigi got up from the ground and went over, looking at the old man in concern.
"Ouch…" The old man groaned, head bowed. "Ooof…I sure take a lot of knocks in this line of work."
Tails grabbed one of the old guy's arms and helped him to his feet. "Are you alright, sir?" He questioned him.
"I'm fine," The old man answered. "Thanks, sonny boy."
Tails frowned. "Sonny boy…?"
The old man turned to look at Luigi, ignoring Tails. "I'm getting too old for this ghost-catching tomfoolery," The man explained through a weary sigh. "Anyway, nice to meet you. I'm Professor E. Gadd."
"Uh…I'm Luigi." Luigi introduced himself, still a bit shaken up from what happened.
"You can call me Tails!" Tails chirped with a smile.
"Luigi and sonny boy, got it." The old man, Professor E. Gadd, talked while nodding his head.
"It's Tails…"
"This house…I swear it seems to have more ghosts everyday!" The old guy rambled on, seeming not to hear Tails.
"M-More ghosts everyday?!" Luigi's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head. "We need to get out of here!"
"No! We still have to find Sonic…and Mario!" Tails reminded him.
Luigi deflated. "Oh yeah…"
Professor E. Gadd turned to look at Tails and Luigi, appearing genuinely curious. "What's two young fellers like yourselves doing around here anyhoo?" He wanted to know, tilting his head to the side.
Right when Tails was about to explain everything, three of those orange ghosts appeared out of nowhere, letting out strange and horrifying noises that almost made Luigi faint.
"Uh-oh! This looks ugly!" The professor guy claimed, seeing the ghosts.
"Ugly? More like horrifying!" Luigi trembled.
"Oh, they're not that scary looking, Luigi!" Tails rolled his eyes and shook his head as the ghosts floated towards them, ready to eat them…or something.
"All right, youngsters, look lively!" The old dude remarked suddenly. "Follow me, posthaste!"
Then the trio fled like wild geese…