Disclaimer: I do not own the hobbit.

Bilbo was made to work from the age of three. His mother had begged to be allowed to bring him to the castle to look after him while she was caring for the young prince with the two other caretakers as the king and queen had more important things to do. She had been preparing food for the young prince when he broke out of his crib and managed to get himself stuck in a hole in the wall, head first. Bilbo, having been left on the floor to entertain himself, found the prince and un-stuck his head. Maya, the head nanny, approached and, seeing baby Bilbo and crying baby Thorin, had slapped the small hobbit across the face. Thorin's crying stopped immediately and he grabbed onto the hobbit, holding him tightly against his body. Maya had tried in vain to pry the two apart but after a few hours it was evident that Bilbo was Thorin's favorite new toy. The dwarf prince would not be separated from the hobbit, and brought him everywhere, dragging him along by the hand as if he were a doll. The king and queen were distressed at their son's attachment to the lowly creature and fired Mrs. Baggins. She got sick as the years went on, and when Bilbo was three, she died. Thorin's parents acquired the boy as a slave pet to appease their son, not even knowing it was his once favorite toy. Thorin remembered him though, and grew attached once again. Bilbo was made to sit outside the room when Thorin was tutored, made the young prince meals, cleaned his room, and anything else the dwarf desired. They grew up in that manner, Bilbo servant to his master and soon enough, at the young age of seventeen the dwarf became king. With the entire castle at his disposal, he still never tired of demanding chores of Bilbo who never tired of pleasing his master.

"Why do you do this Bilbo?" Thorin asked one day as Bilbo watched his king eating dinner.

"Do what sire?" Bilbo asked as he refilled Thorin's glass.

"You take such good care of me." Thorin said.

"My purpose is to bring you pleasure master." Bilbo responded.

"And if I were to set you free from your bonds?" Thorin asked. When Bilbo was first taken on as a slave he was made to wear shackles on his legs, they clanked loudly and gave Bilbo terrible sores on his legs and when, despite Bilbo's attempts to hide his misery, Thorin saw the marks on Bilbo's ankles, he'd cried for a week until his parents had allowed Bilbo to be free of his chains, not of his bondage though. Bilbo was shackled with the biting chain of slavery. Thorin had never wanted to free Bilbo, fearing the hobbit would leave him.

"I would stay by your side. I shall remain yours until the end of my days sire. Bonds or no bonds I am yours." Bilbo said as he began clearing up Thorin's plates.

"Why?" Thorin asked.

"You are my king; it is my honor to serve you sir." Bilbo said.

"I wish to go hunting tomorrow. Make sure my pony is well rested and taken care of for tomorrow. Prepare my saddle and hunting gear and make sure I have something to eat for the morning before the ride. You know how I hate riding out on an empty stomach." Thorin said.

"Yes sire." Bilbo said as he moved towards the door with the stack of plates and cups and silverware. "Is that all?" Bilbo asked.

"Tell no one of this. I wish for it to be just the two of us." Thorin said, seeing Bilbo tense. Thorin knew Bilbo disliked hunting.

"Are you sure you do not wish for a more suitable companion for this outing?" Bilbo asked.

"I am. Do not question me Bilbo." Thorin said as he stood from his table. "When you are done with the dishes and before you see to all that come here I wish to retire for the night." Thorin said.

"Yes sire. I apologize." Bilbo said before bowing and leaving the room. In an hour Bilbo returned and changed Thorin's clothes before tucking him into bed. Bilbo hummed a sweet little tune that he'd learned from his mother before she died and soon enough Thorin was snoring, fast asleep. Bilbo set off to complete the tasks given to him by his master. He mucked out the stable, fed and watered the ponies, gave them each a blanket for the chilly night, cleaned Thorin's saddle, laid out his hunting clothes and gear, prepared a quick meal for the king, and then went back to Thorin's bedroom. He scrubbed the floor until it shone; it was hard work after Thorin's messy dinner. Bilbo made a mental note to make something less messy next time. It was nearing dawn so Bilbo curled up on the floor at the end of Thorin's bed for a few hours sleep before he had to rise to do it all again.

In the morning when Thorin awoke he found his room, spotless, his clothes lay out, his gear packed and loaded onto his already saddled pony, and his breakfast sitting on the table. He smiled as he looked out the window at Bilbo preparing his own pony for the ride. By the time he'd finished eating and getting dressed Bilbo had everything prepared and waiting. He hopped on his pony and they were off. Thorin led Bilbo to the spot he usually left the horses and they dismounted. "Bilbo?" Thorin called. Bilbo hurried to his side.

"Yes sire?" Bilbo asked.

"I free you." Thorin said. Bilbo was silent; he tied the horse's reins to a tree branch and gathered the supplies. "Did you not hear me? I free you from your bond." Thorin said.

"I heard you sire." Bilbo said as he put the pack on his back and turned to his dwarf master.

"Then what are you still doing?" Thorin asked.

"My job sir." Bilbo responded flatly.

"It's not your job anymore." Thorin said making Bilbo frown deeply.

"Sir, I have seen you through betrothals and breakups, bad times and beautiful ones, I tuck you in at night and wake you in the mornings. I live for you, to please you, to take care of you; there is nothing else I know how to do. Nothing else I want to do sir. So please don't fire me because I'd die. My life would no longer have a purpose." Bilbo said.

"Do you love me Bilbo?" Thorin asked.

"Yes master." Bilbo said.

"Just because you were told to as a slave or because I'm your master?" Thorin asked.

"Because you are the most wonderful person I have ever met." Bilbo said.

"I mean...do you...love me?" Thorin asked again. "As in...Romantically." He clarified. Bilbo thought for a moment.

"Do you want me to?" He asked. Thorin frowned.

"I don't want you to love me like that because I want you to. I want you to love me like that because you just do." Thorin complained.

"I've loved you like that since I pulled your head from that hole in the wall." Bilbo said smiling.

"Why did you never say anything?" Thorin huffed with a pout.

"I did not wish to bother you with such trivial matters." Bilbo responded smiling. Thorin sighed and got out his bow. He loved Bilbo but he was a hobbit and a slave no less. A lesser being that he, and yet, he loved him. It could never be, Thorin had to have an heir, something Bilbo could not produce for him. He went back and forth, round and round with the thought until he could think of it no more. His stomach was in knots and his thoughts were fuzzy and muddled. The two went back to their ponies unsuccessful with the "hunt" something they had mixed opinions on.

"Do you not have any hobbit suitors?" Thorin asked as they started their slow trot home.

"I spend all my time taking care of you. I do not have time to build relationships with anyone else sire." Bilbo said. Thorin felt relieved that he could have Bilbo all to himself, frustrated that he could not pass Bilbo along to one of his suitors, and sad that Bilbo had no free time at all for himself. Thorin slowed his pony to a stop just outside the castle gates.

"I love you like that too." Thorin said looking down at his hands rather than at Bilbo.

"But you must know sire. As well as I do at least, that it can never be." Bilbo said. "We're from different worlds, you and I."

"Would it be such a bad thing? If our two worlds were to...collide?" Thorin asked looking longingly at his hobbit.

"If a slave and his king were to wed? There would be unrest throughout the land to say the least." Bilbo said.

"Surly they would understand. We are in love." Thorin said reaching out to take Bilbo's hand.

"I love you master and you say you love me. But we both know it can never be. The two of us will never work. Your duties you would definitely shirk." Bilbo said slipping his hand out of Thorin's.

"I love you." Thorin whispered as he got off his horse.

"I'm sorry sir. I love you too. But this hobbit, you cannot woo. Maybe in another life. But in this one you need a wife." Bilbo said as he too slipped off his horse.

"I love you." Thorin said as he slipped his hands into Bilbo's.

"My master, I am yours to take but fires of rage we will wake. You need an heir, someone to lead. That is not something I can breed."

"I love you." Thorin shouted.

"Hush sir they'll certainly hear you-" Bilbo didn't get to finish his rhyme. Thorin had yanked the hobbit to him, pressing their lips together. His arms slipped around Bilbo's waist and held him close. For being so against it, Bilbo was very passionate about the kiss. When they broke apart they were both breathing heavily.

"I love you." Thorin huffed.

"I love you too sire." Bilbo sighed in defeat.

"We'll make it work." He said. "Because I love you."