hi every one sorry it took so long but hear it is the new chapter

i do not own fairy tail

Lucy was waiting at the train station slightly nerves this was the first big mission she'd been on without her team. She's still going with some capable members of fairy tail but it seems a bit strange she was actually hoping to go on some solo missions to become more self-reliant, starting to feel a bit like she wasn't so useful to her team so she wanted to become stronger. After the attack on fairy tail it became clear she need to hone her skills , even though Laxus said that she did well she didn't feel like it, maybe going out with another team might be good for her. She was pulled out of the thoughts by plue.

"Pun pun." plue chirps worriedly.

Lucy give a small smile to the little celestial sprit.

" I'm fine plue don't worry were not going with Natus and everyone but Laxus is one of the strongest mages in the guild and the Raijinshū tribe aren't slouches either. Well be great and I have my new ability's to try out and I wouldn't mind working with Laxus either after his help I kind of want to get to know him a bit better. " she blushes a little at the though and doesn't notices Laxus has been standing behind her.

"Pun pun." plue says trying to point this out to her.

"It's not like that I just think he's an amazing mage and it would be good to work with him. That's all! "But it didn't sound convincing at all and the redness of her face doesn't help

Laxus has been watching her for a while but for some reason didn't just go up then he got a bit intrigued by what she told the sprit and had a little sly smile so she wanted to spend some time with him then shuck his head thinking better of it . Started walking up to greet her.

"Blondie your hear early. "

She looked up still a little rose in her cheeks with big eyes with surprised "yeah sorry old habits die hard I get here first to attempt to stop Natsu and Grays fight from damaging property."

"How bad can they really bad can they be? Actually forget I asked I'v seen what they've done at the guild before." he says shaking his head

"Yeah and on missions their worst I think they actually hold back at the guild. " Lucy sighs

"I'm surprised you're here before freed I always had the impression that he would be the first here. " Lucy say and as if by magic no pun intended Freed walks with the grumpiest look on his in towards them with Bixlow laughing and bouncing around beside him .

"Actually his job is to get Bixlow hear on time since ever isn't here to do it. " he says with a shrug

Lucy giggle "he doesn't look like he's too happy about it. "

"You did that on purposes I can't believe you. You knew we had a mission today." Freed fumed

"Yeah I had a girl in my bed to make you uncomfortable please that was purely for my benefit. " Bixlow said sticking his tongue out with a chorus of " my benefit " said by his dolls .

"And...d that women she's so brazen that card reader should have seen that coming and atlessed had clothes on."Freed stuttered out in his rage

"Wait a minute you and Cana. " Lucy says shocked she obviously didn't see that coming I don't know why they been together a lot more recently . but then again she hasn't been in the guild much she been training with erza and that damn matchmaking demon.

Bixlow ignored Lucy " well she wasn't spending last night telling fortunes she was too busy making mine more worth wile "

"So where all here now so we should get going!" Lucy says quite loud her face bright red 'she looks so cute when she's embarrassed' Laxus thought

"Actually where waiting on one more " Laxus says the a little mage with ash hair comes running up with a large rucksack on her back that looks two sizes to big .

"Sorry running a bit late mira-nee was being fussy, Lucy have you been running too your all red. "

Laxus chuckles lucy tries to give him a dark look but he thinks she just looks more like an offended kitten and laughs a bit more .

"errm no I haven't we should go get on the train. " lucy says trying to not make everyone look at her they start to walk to the train but it didn't fool bixlow .

"Cosplay you embarrassed it's all natural has no one had a talk with you about the birds and the bees don't worry it's a looooonnngg train ride." lucy groans this was not her day . she was going to be tortured all the way there .

"So it all starts with girl meets guy and at one point or another maybe a point in a relationship or one night stand or even fuck buddy they decided to have sex, fuck, bumping uglys whatever you might want to call it but that's the end of the story were going to start with fore play "Lucy and Lisanna both looked very uncomfortable.

"Laxus he'll listen to you make him stop please he'll listen to you! " Lisanna urges

"Yeah please ill give you these motion sickness pills "Lucy says trying to bribe him

"We will do what ever you say for the rest of the day." Lisanna says quickly just trying to get him to agree.


" trust me Lucy it's the lesser of two evils. " Lisanna say as Bixlow is getting on to fingering techniques.

"Ok fine we'll do whatever you want us to for the rest of the day just…please "Lucy concedes

"Make it two request to call in at any time instead of the rest of the day and I still get those motion sickness pills and you have a deal "Laxus says he would have done it anyway but this was just too good to pass up.

" deal" they both say in unison as bix is getting to the finer points of licking a girl .

"Ok bix come on the girls are successfully mortified I think you can stop. "Laxus says

"But I was just getting to the good bit. " Bixlow pouts as the board the train. They all stork onto one of the carriage Bixlow Freed and Lisanna sat on one side well Lucy and Laxus sat on the other.

"Give me those damn pills Blondie. " Laxus say Lucy obliges and passes him the bottle well he shakes out to pills and pops them in his mouth puts the bottle in his pocket and rest his head.

"Ok guys so what's the mission." Lucy asks

"Monster terrorising a town at nights they think it's connected to a dark guild." says freed

"Ok then why ask for me. I mean I can fight but I'm not exactly the first person you think of, if it's a trap why not ask for erza if it had a dark guild involved and have the key as a reward she would have brought me and the team anyway and it's an s-class so they couldn't send me alone. What's there angle I don't get it now were prepared for a trap. Hmmmmm… maybe there being forced and that's there only way of a warning. "

Laxus looks over at her quizzically shes already figured all that out but if it is a warning that means there being watched. Damn this mean getting answers won't be easy.

Lucy sighs

He looked over at her thinking about just a few weeks ago when she almost died. Lucy doesn't know just how bad it really was he skimmed over most of it and I don't think anyone else will tell her. the fear of us all looking on well she looked so small and broken ,then the poison taking effect seeing her wake up he could have been more relieved. He doesn't ever want to relive terror like the fear of losing her, then this damned mission falls in their lap.

"Well we'll figure that out later but I'm more worried about your team showing up and making a mess of things. " Laxus says

" I doubt, that the only way they would is if they figured out where were going and I don't think Ezra would have said if master told her not to even though she wasn't happy about it ." Lucy ponders trying to hide how worried she was.

But Laxus notice her nervousness around this so he leans over and whispers " are you nerves because they might come or because you wish they would. " hearing her heart pick up and skip a beat and her breath gets uneven he smiles at the effect of him being close to her.

"Hey this train doesn't go all the way there are we camping tonight?" Lisanna says

"No were staying at an inn and catching a cart in tomorrow. "Laxus says reluctantly turning away from Lucy as she realising that there are three other people hear and blushes.

"Yay begsi sharing with Lucy." she says happily Laxus was about to retort that they sort that out when they got the but the train started moving and his stomach rolled

"Why aren't the motion sickness pills working? "Laxus sickly

They arrived at the inn and went into the suite they booked with it had three adjoining rooms with a living room in between Laxus, Lisanna, Lucy, Bixlow and freed where sitting in the room.

"Ok now to get down to important matters who's a room with Bixlow. "freed says cringing

Lucy and Lisanna shiver not that they don't like Bixlow but he can be very perverted and in a room with him in the dark is a scary prospect even freed didn't want to Bixlow didn't look offended just sat there humming with his dolls doing the same .

"How about Bixlow has the solo room and me and Lisanna share and freed and Laxus." Lucy says solving all the problems except one

"No I could possible share a room with Laxus sama. It would be inappropriate for me to share with someone of Laxus stature "freed says dramatically as if he was taking about sleeping in the kings bed

Laxus frowns but he notices Lisanna get a twinkle in her eye like her sister would get when match making …. He shrugs it off he must of imaged it.

" well then why don't Lucy and Laxus share and freed shares with me since he's trying to get in my sister pants he won't do anything untoward ." Lisanna says freed is turning ten different kinds of red

"Well can you blame him Mira's got the most amazing t..." Bixlow starts

"Don't you talk about her like that either of you she's an amazing beautiful women who deserves respect. "he shouts angrily

Lisanna smugly taps Lucy as she sighs and hands Lisanna I wad of money when did that happen they talked a lot on the train and they disappeared for a while I'll have to ask about that later.

"Great so it's been decided then. "Lisanna yawns "come on freed lets go to bed."

"Wait! What?! "Freed says as Lisanna is pushing him towards the room with 2 twin beds.

"Great I'm wiped see you to in the morning. "Bixlow says sticking he's tong out and walking into the single bedroom.

"What just happened? " Lucy's says in shock of what went down before her Laxus couldn't help but laugh she looks it was kind of cute.

"Guess your sharing a room with me blonde come on. "Laxus gest towards the last available room

The walked into the spacious room it was modern decorated but it only had one king-sized bed in it. Lucy blushed but doesn't make a big deal if it was natsu or gray she's probably start shouting about they should sleep on the floor, when they'd just ignore her and sleep in the bed with her anyway. Secretly it's comforting on dangerous missions to know they're there. Plus she doesn't mind sleeping beside Laxus being near him kind of makes her feel safe she has no idea why it just does. She gets her night stuff and goes to the bathroom to get changed into some night shorts and a vest top and goes back into the room. when she get back to the room Laxus is there in sleep shorts he's chest is bare she can't help but stare standing there with her mouth open he turns to look at her and smirks. "Like what you see Blondie. "

"I… what ….. No…. shut up. "Lucy finishes lamely.

What else could she do she all but admitted it she looks down and blushes. "Sorry. "She mutters and goes to her side of the bed.

He chuckles he couldn't help it and to be honest it wasn't like he wasn't looking at her either. In those cute little shorts and the cameo pasted to her body showing every curve could you blame him." no problem Blondie I'll just take it as a complement"

"Well night" Lucy says curling it to a ball on her side facing away to fall asleep

Laxus sigh and turned away falling into an uneasy sleep

"Wendy come quick its lu Chan." levvy says Wendy trying to heal her then her heart pumping slowly slowing to a stop, everything was unreal like the whole world was fading out Wendy was doing chest compressions on her body just lying there lifeless. He vaguely herd someone saying." Wendy you have to stop." Something inside his head was screaming. He didn't know how long it had been but he knew he had to do something he knelt down beside her. "Move. "He stated in a calm voice which showed nothing of the turmoil going on inside his head and heart. making a fist with his hand and letting lightning coat it and slamming it into her chest over and over Mira came to put her hand on his shoulder probably to tell him to stop "live dammit "and slammed his fist into her chest one final time with as much electricity as he could manage sudernly her eyes sprang open and she gasped for air. " Wendy quick." some one said I think it was natsu or gray I don't really know I was to intent on listening to her heart beat and watch her chest rising and falling . "Laxus "that sounded like Lucy how could it be she's right hear unconscious "Laxus wake up ".

Laxus springs up in a cold sweat from his nightmare. Lucy next to him looking on with concern "are you ok? You where trashing around in you sleep. "Lucy say he just looks and her for a second and crushes her to his chest. "Oomph Laxus are you ok? " Lucy gasp he lies back down holding her to him like a talisman, he hears her heart accelerate and feels her warm from blushing, Reminding him that she's here and the dream is just that but it's not … " Yeah I'm fine Blondie just stay like this for a while " Laxus sigh Feeling himself relax with her so close the bloody mess left behind her warm in his arms. She leans up and touches his face gently with the palm of her hand with a soft smile on her face with a faint blush and yawns. "Go back to sleep Blondie. " Lucy rest her head back down on his chest "ok are you sure you're ok? You don't want to talk about it?" Lucy ask tiredly. 'God no' Laxus though he couldn't talk about especially not with Lucy. "Yeah. I'm ok Blondie. "He's says kissing the top of her head and they both fall asleep not long after.

Mean wile in the twin room where Lisanna and freed are meant to be sleeping Lisanna is knelt on the bed with a glass beaker to the wall " damn I can't hear anything " Lisanna pouts freed sat on the other bed reading a book " well of course not the rooms are sound proof Laxus sama has sensitive hearing "freed says .

"Gah damn it .hey wait Bixlow you can see souls what are they doing. " Lisanna pleads

"Wait why you are in here anyway? "Freed ask

"Couldn't sleep Laxus soul was in distress and it woke me up the sound of a soul screaming no one could sleep through that "Bixlow say

"Wait you mean? "Freed blushes

Bixlow cackles at him "No he was having a nightmare of some sort or something but his fine now almost content. "

"What does that mean tell me everything "Lisanna say with heart in her eye both boys sweat drop thinking 'ahhh another matchmaker "with a sigh

"There was some flares earlier from both just attraction not actually doing anything not big enough flares for them two. Now they both seem content both sleeping my guess is there cuddling." Bixlow shrugs

"Ah ha I knew they liked each other." Lisanna say

"What are you talking about?" freed says oblivious

"Like each other's a bit tame for them." Bixlow says with his 'babies' chanting tame

"What do you mean?" Lisanna asks

"There soul mate. " Bixlow says off hand

"What?!"Freed screeches

"Come on freed it obvious they like each other. Soul mates you sure? "Lisanna ask

Bixlow gives her a pointed look " I'm a Seith mage souls is what I know there soul mates 2 half of a hole, hard to believe I know but after seeing Laxus when she got hurt even if you're not a Seith mage you should be able to spot a dragon slayer and his mate. I really don't see how nearly everyone can miss it including those two they still don't get it but I guess it's going to happen when it's meant to."

They all sat in silence for a minute "why did no one tell me? "Freed wined

thank you all for being so patience with me and not filling my inbox with hate mail let me know what you think xoxox it wont take me as long next time to update so see you soon guys