Disclaimer : I own nothing.
The day was as beautiful as she could have hoped. Since she heard about the news, she was uncontrollable. She was supposed to help Misha in the tavern but she couldn't stay in place, so she was told to wait elsewhere. So here she was, keeping a close watch over Amphipolis, waiting for her target.
When was the last time, when did she last put a foot in her childhood village, when did she last saw her ? She couldn't even remember. Time went by so quickly. These past years, her sole preoccupation was ruling over her Empire. Being the Conqueror, this was her priority. But now that her realm was stable she started to think about what she left behind. Since the thought came to her mind moons ago, she wasn't able to get rid of it. She never backed off from anything but this, this was different.
The Conqueror sensed Patrocle, her second in command approaching before seeing him. "My Liege. We should be in Amphipolis on time."
The Conqueror didn't respond which bothered the man. It was never a good sign when his Lord was so deep in thought.
"Do you need anything else My Liege ?" It took the Conqueror a few seconds before answering with an unconcerned expression.
"No it will be all"
The Conqueror barely acknowledged him. Whatever is concerning her he was hoping it didn't involve an immediat threat, they certainly didn't have the manpower to defend themselves against a serious attack.
It had been a tough battle between him and the Conqueror to organize this journey. The Conqueror insisted that it had to remain private, no one had to know what they had planned. Patrocle didn't know the reason of the visit, all he knew was that the Conqueror wanted to go over there as soon as possible. Only two days before their departure they sent a messenger to Amphipolis to announce their visit. The Conqueror refused to make this an official visit, so they left with minimum security, and only trusted men, to the displeasure of her second in command.
"They're here ! The Conqueror is here !"
Upon hearing this, people gathered together at the entrance of the village. Everyone wanted to get a good look at the Conqueror. Children were ecstatics, many stories were told about the Great Conqueror, her legendary battles, her bravery, how strong she was. Some say she has godly powers, much like Ares himself. They were not disappointed by the view. The Conqueror entered the village in full battle dress surrounded by guards in uniform. She mounted a huge and beautiful black horse. The sight frightened some of the children who prefered to retreat toward their parents. The adults themselves were not reassured. The Head of the village took a tentative step toward the beast some called a horse.
"Conqueror, this is a pleasure to welcome you back here in Amphipolis" the man was bowing as low as he could. "My name is Liam, Head of the village."
"What happened to Pius ?" The Conqueror said suspicious, refusing to dismount her horse. She realized long ago that this view seemed to have a particuliar effect on people, she was usually getting quicker answers that way.
"He passed away my Lord, about six moons ago. He had been sick for a long time" The man couldn't find the strength in him to look her in the eyes.
The news sadden the Conqueror. Pius had been Head of the village for as long as the ruler could remember. She respected the man.
Just when she was about to finally dismount, something crashed into her horse. She saw her guards getting to their weapons when she realized what has crashed into her horse was far from a threat. She gestured to her guards to lower their weapons. To her surprise, her horse didn't mind the presence which made her smile inside because, to her knowledge, she was the only human being her horse didn't try to kill so far.
"Ouch." She would definitely have bruises tomorrow. The horse crasher was getting herself back on her feet when she heard someone calling her name. This couldn't be good.
"Alexa ! For heaven sake child ! You will get your-" She heard Misha before seeing her. She turned toward the voice to see the woman stop dead in her tracks, her eyes wide open. Less than a second later Liam approached the Conqueror surely expecting the worst for the little girl.
"Lord Conqueror ! Please excuse the behavior of the girl, everyone was excited to see you today, some more than others" He was smiling at the girl who looked at her feet sheepishly. "I can assure you she meant no disrespect."
Alexa dared a look at the woman standing next to her and she was immediately amazed by what she saw "You're so tall".
The Conqueror humored by the statement looked back at the girl raising a perfect eyebrow.
Misha was staring at the scene, horrified. It was time for her to intervene. "Alexa, show some respect !" she hissed gesturing for her to curtsey.
Alexa remembering finally who she had in front of her put her right hand on her heart and bowed lowly. "I'm sorry My Lord, please excuse my rudeness". Alexa thought to herself that she was pretty good at this, Misha was wrong she could act like a lady.
"I'll excuse it. This time" acknowledged the Conqueror sternly. Her stiff behavior didn't seem to have an effect on the girl though.
"I'm Alexa by the way".
"Child !" Misha murmured angrily. She grabbed the girl, bowed before the ruler and made a beeline toward her house. One more word and she was sure the Conqueror was going to take strict measures against the impolite girl.
Once inside, Misha let go of her frustration.
"Are you out of your mind !" she tried to keep her voice down. "Have you suddenly forgotten who is the woman outside ?" Alexa hadn't forgotten, far from it. She had heard every story about the Lord Conqueror, she had talked to every bard who came her way. "-and you just rush toward her almost getting you killed by her guards and talking to her like a commoner !" Misha was on a roll, that meant she was in big trouble.
"I'm sorry, i got excited. I was afraid i would miss her so i ran. I didn't mean to collide into her horse." Indeed, she didn't. She could feel a lump on her head. What was that horse made of ? The older woman noticed the bruise too.
"You need to put ice on this if you don't want to have a second forehead tomorrow".
While the older woman was busy making ointment, the bruised troublemaker was deeply thinking about her previous encounter. She was in awe, the Conqueror was even more impressive in reality. She needed to know more about her.
"Is she going to stay in the tavern ?"
"With her men yes."
"Why do you think she is here ?" she asked eagerly. But she got no answer. "Do you think it's because she misses her village ?" Still no answer.
One thing Misha was sure of was that the Conqueror certainly wasn't missing Amphipolis. She never ever came to see her brother and her mother even though they were both buried here.
"Do you know how long she plans to stay ?"
"A few days i presume." The woman distractly answered. "Keep the ice on your head and stay put while i go to the tavern".
Alexa wanted to protest but her earlier adventure made her reconsider. Misha was already mad at her she didn't need to make things worst. Besides she didn't want to take the risk of bumping into the Conqueror in her state, that would be embarassing.
The tavern was bustling. To the owner surprise, the news of the presence of the Conqueror wasn't having an impact on her customers.
Misha was busy preparing diner, she hasn't seen her famous customer since her arrival in the village. She prepared an early meal for her and her men but the Conqueror asked for it to be served in her room. The woman was going to get the food out of the kitchen when one of her employee came rushing in.
"Misha ! The Conqueror, she's asking for you" The poor girl had difficulty catching her breath.
"Take those plates, i'll be right back" The woman walked briskly toward the room of the Conqueror, passing by guards after guards who were looking suspiciously at her. She came upon the last man in front of the ruler's door. She didn't know him but she guessed he was someone important. He was not wearing the same uniform than the other men and he was looking at her more friendly than his colleagues.
"Ma'am." He saluted her and opened the door for her. When inside, she noticed the fire was alive, and all the lamps were off.
"I hope i am not disturbing your work calling you here" The Conqueror's voice surprised Misha who couldn't see her in the darkness of the room. "It seems to be busy downstairs".
"It is" she managed to utter. Finally she saw movements at the end of the room. Misha realized the woman was busying herself looking out the window, probably checking for potentiel danger.
"Diner was good, better than what i eat in Corinth."
"Thank you. I had a great teacher." She couldn't see the expressions on the face of the ruler but she could guess and was sure that she was smiling right now.
"Indeed" The ruler murmured to herself.
"I'd like to apologize for Alexa's behavior earlier. Sometimes she can be a little too reckless."
The Conqueror remained silent. For a second Misha thought that maybe her apology wasn't enough. She was in front of the ruler of half of the world after all, surely people have died for much less than attacking her in plain sight and talking to her like she was a simple peasant. Just when she was about to further excuse the attitude of Alexa, the ruler started to talk.
"How old is she ?"
Misha was surprised by the question. "She just turned fifteen".
A silence again. Misha was still standing close to the door while the younger woman still remained hidden in the shadows of the room. The atmosphere in the room was unsettling, it was too much for the tavern owner. "May i ask why you called me here ?" she said anxious.
"To talk about her future." The Conqueror answered without hesitation.
"Her future ?"
"Decisions need to be taken."
Misha was cought of guard. She didn't understand what the Conqueror was talking about.
"I'm not following you"
"The Empire is strong. I can't hide behind my duties anymore." Finally the Conqueror decided to fully show herself. Earlier, Misha didn't take the time to look at her but now being all alone in front of her she couldn't avoid it and what she saw startled her. Like Alexa remarked earlier, the woman was taller than normal, much taller than most of the men in the village. She was wearing a simple battle dress, her muscles in display. Her stature was impressive and strangely appealing. Misha would never admit being afraid of the woman, but she could fathom why people were. Her body, her charisma, everything about her screamed of danger, of power and violence. "She's old enough to understand".
"Is it why you're here ?" The tavern owner asked in disbelief.
"I'm here to offer her a way out. Corinth will offer her much more opportunities than Amphipolis."
"We both know that when the word spread out, her life will never be the same. One foot in Corinth and she will become everyone's attention, she will become a pawn. She wasn't raised to assume this." Misha was outraged.
"What choices does she have here ? Between being a tavern owner and marrying a farm boy. I can provide for her with the best education. She will be able to see the world, meet the brightest minds of our time." The Conqueror wasn't used to people discussing her intentions, and she wasn't known for her patience. But she knew this time, to have her way, she will have to convince and not threaten.
"And become a political tool"
"Do you think i am that shallow, using a teenager to accomplish something" The Conqueror was disgusted by the accusation.
"You can't blame me for not trusting you. I raised her because you wouldn't. You put your realm before her and now you come back years after expecting what exactly ? That i give her to you without asking questions ?" Misha couldn't contain her temper, she didn't care that the woman in front of her could order her demise. She approached the ruler and angrily pointed out to her, "Outside you may be the Great Conqueror but we both know that here in Amphipolis you're just Xena, at least to me. I'm not afraid of you, i won't let you put her safety in jeopardy, not without a fight." They stared at each other for what seems like hours, Misha wanting to be sure her point has been made and the Conqueror not wanting to lose this argument. But the older woman had a point, here in Amphipolis, she was just Xena, she didn't want to force anything, so she gave up for now.
She moved toward her bedroom door, a sign the discussion was over. Before letting Misha go, the Conqueror needed to have the final word "You can't keep her emprisone in a cocoon. She's old enough to make her own decisions. Let her decide, this is her life after all."