Chapter 10: PMS $ Driger... A Dangerous Combination

Kai started to walk forward just as Rei slammed the door shut and was knocked onto his ass. "Hey!" he muttered. "If you didn't want people looking, you shouldn't leave the door open!" he called, before rising slowly and going back to the bathroom. "Rei locked you out," he told Max bluntly, and the blonde paled.

"What? Why? My dress and shoes are in there!" he yelled, before running back towards the washroom, calling a quick apology over his shoulder to Tyson. "I'll be back soon, buddy!"

He tried the doorknob, but it was locked, so the blonde pounded on the door instead, calling out insistently, "REI! Let me in!!! I'm not dressed yet! 'Cmon Rei! Why did ya lock the door? I said I'd be right back!!! REI!!!!"

"You left the door open and Kai saw me in a thong... a -girl's- thong... MARIAH'S THONG! And it was -pink- and -transparent- and did I mention that it's a THONG?!?" Rei exclaimed from behind the locked door, showing no intentions of wanting to let the blonde back in.

Tyson was disappointed when Max ran off, but couldn't help but laugh when he heard Rei's little rant. "Not only is Rei dressing the part, he's acting it too! I don't think I've ever heard someone PMS so bad!" he said but made sure to keep his voice quiet enough so that Rei couldn't hear since he didn't want the chinese boy to come out and give him his own tiger claw attack.

Kai snorted, but did let himself smile. "Why are you whispering?" he teased in his serious voice, "Scared Rei will hear you and come out? I don't know if he would come out....maybe you should try it," he said in a monotonous voice, not letting the other boy know whether he was serious or not.

Max, meanwhile, was pouting and banging harder on the door. "Reiii....." he pleaded, "I'm sorry!!! Soooo sorry! PLEASE let me in!!! Please? They both saw mine too! It's not like you looked -bad- or anything! Kai was smiling when I saw him! And you would have shown him anyways, right? So it's not so bad! LET ME IN!!!!" he wailed, slipping down the door to kneel on the floor. "REIII!!!!"

"I'm not about to tell Rei that he's PMSing! That would be like signing my own death certificate!" Tyson exclaimed, his voice going much higher then he originally intended.

Rei growled from behind the door, hearing what Tyson said and not liking it one bit. He dug his beyblade out of his pants pocket and attached it to the launcher before opening the door a bit. He then let his Drigger fly out the door, not needing to watch as the beyblade bounced off pieces of the furniture then soared towards Tyson's head, hitting him right behind the ear before spinning back to Rei's open palm. The chinese boy smirked before reaching out and pulling Max back into the bathroom then closing the door behind them.

"Ahhhh!" Tyson exclaimed as he rubbed the spot where Drigger hit him. "Didja see that? He attacked me!"

Max glared at Rei. "Why did you attack Tyson, Rei?! He didn't do anything! I was the one who you're mad at! Leave him out of it!" He tried to act angry, but it just wasn't in him to show that kind of emotion, so his eyes began to fill with frustrated tears instead. Crossing his arms over his small, bare chest, the blonde turned his face away and dropped the gel on the counter before wandering over to sit on the edge of the tub to fiddle with the chain he was going to wear tonite.

Kai looked over at the closed door, wondering if there was going to be trouble in there. He had seen the angry looks on both Rei's and Max's faces, but doubted Max was capable of starting any kind of trouble. And even if he did, he knew Rei could handle it. Turning, he let his attention focus on Tyson instead. "Well, I didn't think he'd really do it. He has good aim. If you trained more instead of being so lazy, you might have been able to hit him back before he shut the door."

Rei frowned, his eyes softening as he looked over at Max and how sad the blonde seemed. He stepped forward, keeping a distance between them as he idlely played with his ponytail. "Listen Max, I'm sorry. I didn't think before I acted and I'll apologize to Tyson as soon as possible, okay? I didn't mean to upset neither of you...."

"Shoulda known you'd start nagging me about practicing again," Tyson said as he rubbed behind his ear. It hadn't hurt too much and he knew it wouldn't leave a mark but it still tingled a little bit. "I'll practice tomorrow once we have a little fun. Don't you want to have fun with your new boyfriend, Kai?" he grinned, not sure whether Kai and Rei had even made it official yet. "Cuz if you do, stop thinking about beyblading and being perfect!"

Kai paled. "Boyfriend?!" he yelled, loud enough for the people two floors up to hear. "No, we're just.... well,..." he glared. "It's none of your business! Finish getting dressed if you're so eager to go!" He hastily began dressing himself, before asking more calmly, "Why? Are you and Max an item now?"

Max looked up at Rei and smiled. "Don't worry about it buddy! Sorry I got upset too. Let's just finish getting ready, and forget about it! I don't know what PMS means, but knowing Tyson, I'm sure he deserved that hit to the head!" Max laughed and bounded up off the tub to perch himself on the counter again. "How about you finish whatever you need to do to my face, then I'll do your hair! So it's fair! Mariah told he all about teasing hair to give it more 'oommpphh'!" he said with a twisted smile.

"I wish we were! But I guess we kinda already are, we just never agreed on it verbally. I'd love for him to be -my- boyfriend. He's the best guy in the world! He's fun, perky, lovable, huggable, cute... everything! He's one of my best friend's, after Kenny of course," Tyson said as he slipped the tie over his neck then started to tie it like his grandfather had shown him. "Don't you feel that way with Rei?"

Rei smiled back. That had definately worked out better then expected. He began finishing up the last touches on Max as he made a face. "Teasing? There's no way you're going to tease my hair, Max. Teasing makes it look like a giant afro, like those guys we battled back in Asia and you gave them your old blade? Remember that? I don't want hair like that but I'll let you do my hair if you do what I tell you... and keep the teasing comb away from me."

Max smiled, and extended his hand in a thumbs up. "Deal!" he exclaimed, as he grabbed a brush. "You're the boss! Just tell me what to do! I think I'll put mine up in one of those bushy bun things. They look pretty on girls. What do you want?"

Kai smiled. "You guys belong together," he said. For once his voice was sincere, without a trace of sarcasm. "As for me and Rei, I know how I feel, but who knows how he feels, or what will happen. No point worrying about it now." He turned to avoid the boy's gaze, signalling that the coversation was over for now. He really didn't want to say anything that would only make him look weak or foolish if Rei decided Kai wasn't good enough for him.

Rei smiled. Max's hair would look pretty in a bun which is what Rei was going to suggest that he do. The chinese boy dug through Mariah's bag before out a curling iron and pulling it in so it could heat up. "What you're going to do," Rei said as he undid his hair wrap and let his long hair flow down his back. "Is use that curling iron to lightly curl my hair. Basically just make it wavy," he said before going into explanation of how you do it.

Tyson tipped his head but didn't take the hint that the conversation was over. "I'm sure Rei likes you a whole bunch too or else he wouldn't be in the bathroom getting dressed like a girl. He wouldn't do it for just anyone ya know," Tyson said as he put on his suit jacket then sat down on the bed. "So you really got nothing to worry about... unless you don't know how to dance. -Then- you might have a problem since Rei does know how to dance and is pretty good at it."

Kai turned his head slightly, a frown pulling the corners of his lips downward. "He is? Are you good at dancing too? I haven't actually danced before. I've had better things to do," he said defensively, already beginning to wonder if letting the team have a day off had been such a good idea after all. He'd rather risk Rei's anger then embarass himself on the dance floor.

Max grinned, and went to work, slowly combing out Rei's long, silky hair, then seperating a few strands to curl with the curling iron. He worked slowly, only pausing every few minutes to yelp and suck on a burnt fingertip. "This thing is hot," he whined after the fourth burn, before grinning and patting Rei on the shoulder. "All done, buddy! Take a look! Tell me whatcha think!"

Tyson laughed loudly before shaking his head no. "Me? Dance? You gotta be kidding! I got two left feet, no co-ordination and lead in my shoes! I'm the worst dancer known to man-kind! I'm even worse then my grandpa's crazy kendo poses!" he joked even though he was being completely serious.

Rei turned to look in the mirror, his eyes widening when he saw his reflection. He didn't expect Max to do such a good job but he did. His long hair was now in lil waves and looked almost princess like. All of spikes were gone, and framed his face instead, making him look much more feminine. "You did a really good job, Max... I'm impressed," Rei said sincerely before reaching up to pull a couple of strands back to pin at the back of his head, to fancy his hair up a lil

Max just grinned, pleased that Rei was happy with his hair, before getting to work on his own messy blonde locks. He brushed his hair out slowly, then put a small dab of hair gel in each palm and smoothed back his wild bangs. Pulling all his hair up, he fixed it into a loose bun, letting a few small wisps of blonde hair spill out to frame his face nicely. Turning, he smiled at his reflection in the mirror, before adding the finishing touches - two small blue dragon barrettes he had bought at the mall after seeing the poster for the dance and hearing Tyson's plan. They reminded him of Dragoon, and he placed one just under each of his temples, before turning, struggling to put on his bra, and slipping his medium blue dress over his head carefully and down over his slim hips. It was shiny, with spagetti straps and fell to mid-thigh. He slipped his feet into his shoes, wobbling slightly becasue of the heels, then turned to face Rei with a huge grin and a wink.

"Well? Am I a pretty girl or what?!!"

Kai snorted. "Dancing is a waste of time. But I suppose we should make an effort to do well tonight, for Rei and Max. They both seemed excited about this, after all." He looked at Tyson a moment, before turning to face the door. "What's taking them so long anyways?! We're both done......go bang on the door."

"You're definately a very convincing one," Rei agreed as he smiled at the blonde. Max really did make a good girl, he had the slim figure and with his hair and make-up, it was nearly impossible to tell that he was a guy except for his voice. Now it was Rei's turn to get dressed. He put on his bra then stuffed it full of toilet paper and kleenex, making sure none was peeking out before slipping into his dress. His dress was a dark red, that was about the same length as Max's, except it had an added piece of material just underneath the breasts that ran around the dress and went to about the knees and was open at the front so you could see the tighter dress underneath. Once that was done, he put on his shoes then made sure the black choker around his neck was facing the right direction before turning to look at Max.

"How do I look? And tell the truth."

"They're girls now, they gotta take a long time to get ready," Tyson joked before going to the door and knocking loudly. "You two okay in there? Are ya almost done? I wanna see!"

Max smiled up at Rei. "You look great! Really! Your boobs look really real!" he exclaimed shamelessly, as he began readjusting his own so they'd look more like Rei's did. When he was satisfied with his chest, he slipped on the BBA chain, and was about to open the door when he heard someone begin pounding on it. "Huh? Tyson?!" he squealed as he turned the knob and threw the door open. "Hey buddy! We're all done! Wow! you look great! Is that Kai's suit? It looks good!" He turned his gaze to the other blader and grinned even wider. "You look great too Kai!" he called loudly. "Come look at Rei though! He looks even better!"

Kai fought back a grin at Max's compliment, but rose obediently to see how Rei looked. If he looked half as good as Max, the team leader would be pleased beyond words. As he approached the door however, his eyes widened noticably, and he gasped. "Rei?!" he said, surprised. "Wow!! You look....good."

Tyson was staring wide-eyed at Max and Rei. They both looked so amazing! "Wow..." Tyson barely managed to say before pouncing and giving Max a tight hug. "You look awesome, Maxie! Even better then I expected. You too, Rei. Wow! You two really managed to pull it off! Me and Kai had better keep a close eye on the both of you or else some other guys might try to steal you away from us!"

Rei thanked Tyson for the compliment then looked back at Kai. He smiled softly, amber eyes twinkling. "Thanks Kai. You look really good too."

Kai smiled back, not caring what anyone else might think for once. Rei really did look beautiful; the older boy wished he could find a moment, and the words, to tell him so, but for now, his smile would have to do. Crossing the space between them, he stopped a few steps from Rei and looked into his eyes.

"Are you ready to go?"

Keep up with the nice reviews! Sorry it didn't get updated earlier, but you know how it is around the holidays... and check out Chibis? Let 'Er Rip! For even MORE Beyblade yaoi couples!