This story was written by Yuki-Obsidian and Mixe, over AIM. It is an ongoing rpg, which contains, or will contain in the future: yaoi, nudity, violence, angst, coarse language, pointless fluff, love triangles, insane humour...all that fun stuff! *wink*
Mixe plays Kai, Max, Kenny, Dizzi, Lei, and Kevin.
Yuki_Obsidian plays Rei, Tyson, Gary, Mariah, and Mr Dickenson.
Additional characters will be alotted out as we get to them. As mentioned, this is a work in progress, and we're nice people on our good days, so any requests will most likely be incorporated, unless they really suck. *grin*

Disclaimer: We don't own 'em, and we don't have anything valuable, so don't bother suing.

Chapter 1: Good Mor~OW!!!

Kai woke up at exactly 5 am, every morning, regardless of whether it was a competition day or not. Walking silently to the bathroom, he relieved himself, showered quickly, then dressed. Returning to the bedroom they all shared, he paused in the doorway of the living room to call to the Chief, "Kenny. It's morning. Go to bed."

Kenny looked up in surprise. "Already?! Aww...I guess me and Dizzi lost track of time. Sorry about that. I was working on a way to increase the power of your bit beast's attack." Kai sneered in response. "I don't need any help. Waste your time on someone's beyblade." Turning sharply on his heels, he stormed into the bedroom, and turned his anger onto the 3 boys still sleeping. "GET UP!" he bellowed, pulling the long blanket off their sleeping forms. "We have stuff to do today. Move it!"

Max blinked groggily, rubbing his eyes. "Huh? What's going on?" Frowning, he rolled over and fell back alseep, with his face burrowed against Rei's shoulder. "Just 2 more...minutes..........*snore*"

Rei murmured softly. It was way too early to get up, no matter what Kai wanted them to do. As Max buried his face into Rei's shoulder, the chinese boy pressed his face against the soft blonde hair, one arm wrapping around the other beyblader's shoulders.

The moment Tyson heard Kai's voice, he let out a loud snort and rolled, landing right behind Max. He wrapped his arms around the blonde, and his leg around both Rei and Max's waist before he started to snore loudly again, inhaling bits of Max's hair then blowing them back out with each one.

Kai growled, and grabbed onto a random leg. "GET UP!" he shouted, as he tugged and began dragging Tyson from the bed. Kenny entered the room and blinked in confusion at the sight. "What's going on in here?" he asked, looking from the pile of boys to the angry team captain. "Kai?"

"They won't get up! What does it look like?!!" He screamed, turning to glare at the chief. "Well, you're going about it wrong. " Kenny said, before stepping to the foot of the bed. "First you have to wake up Tyson, then Max will follow. You know how Max is about Tyson. And Rei will get up as soon as he realizes the bed is empty, and everyone else is already going. Watch." Leaning over the bed, he called softly, "Quiet, we don't want Tyson to wake up or else we'll have to share all the FOOD!"

Tyson didn't even notice when Kai pulled on his leg, but the moment that food was mentioned, the dark-haired boy's eyes burst open and he hopped right up in bed, unintentionally landing on Max's hand. "Food? Where? Where's the food?!?" he bellowed before hopping off the bed and doing a quick check of the room. When he came up with nothing, he bounded over to Kenny. "Don't hide it out on me! Share the food!" he said as he began to shake the young genius. "Hand it over, food hog!"

"OWW!!!!" Max yelped, sitting up and grabbing his hand as tears sprung up in his blue eyes. "What was that? Kai?" he asked sadly, believing the older boy had hurt him in his sleep. He turned to pout to Tyson, and was stunned to see the spot next to him empty. "Huh? Tyson?" The blonde looked around and spotted the loud boy, and quickly rolled over Rei to bounce onto the flor and join his friend. "What's up, Tyson? What food?" he asked, turning his gaze onto the short computer whiz.

Kenny blanched. "Uh well, see guys, the food isn't ready yet. But as soon as you're all dressed, we can go get it, ok?" Kai snorted as he watched the two boys in their underpants begging for food. "Pathetic," he muttered, before glancing over at Rei again. "At least he isn't a complete idiot," he said quietly, crossing his arms across his chest. The smallest of smiles flitted across his face. Rei was only in his underwear too.

Just like Kenny had predicted, the minute Max left the bed, Rei's eyes slowly fluttered open. Of course, it didn't help that Max had decided to roll over him to get out of the bed. Without saying a word, he crawled out of bed, muttered a quiet 'Excuse me' to Kai and made his way to the washroom.

"As soon as we're dressed? Ok!" and with that, Tyson ran out of the room, only to find the bathroom was currently occupied. He groaned and banged on the door. "Reiiiiii! Hurry up in there!" he yelled, only to be met with the sound of the shower starting to run. He face faulted then ran back to the room and started collecting his clothes from where he had tossed them all around the room. "Hurry Max! The sooner we get dressed, the sooner we can eat!" he said as he tugged his shorts on.

Max watched Tyson begin to dress for a few minutes before he suddenly jumped into action. "Yeah!" he exclaimed, as he dashed across the room to grab his bright overalls. "I better get dressed too!" His bright arm bands and shoes soon followed and then he turned an unbelievably bright smile on his friends. "I'm all ready guys! Let's go eat!"

Kai snorted. "About time!" Crossing the room, he banged on the bathroom door. "Rei! We're going down to eat! Hurry up! I'll try to save you something, but I can't make any promises with those two!" he added, throwing a sidelong glare at Tyson and Max. Shaking his head, he ordered, "Let's go!", and started out of the room and down the stairs to the hotel restaurant.

"C'mon Max, before all the good stuff is gone!" Tyson said as he grabbed Max around the wrist and pulled him out of the room, racing for the restaurant. He pushed past Kai, and went right into the restaurant, not even waiting to be seated. He picked the table closest to the breakfast buffet and pushed Max into the booth first before sitting beside him. "I'm so getting the buffet! Where's the waitress? I'm hungry!"

"Me too!" Max agreed, as he always agreed with everything the dark-haired boy suggested. He sat up higher on the booth seat and looked around. "That might be the waitress over there. Yep, Kenny's talking to her. Ooooo. here she comes!" He dropped back onto the seat with a bounce and grinned up at the 50 something year old woman.

"What'll it be, boys?" she asked in a high, nasal voice. "We'll have..." Max began, but was cut off by a deep, rough voice. "They'll have cold cereal and water," Kai said as he approached the table, glaring at Max and just daring him to try to argue. "We'll all have that. We have a lot of training ahead of us, and a big meal will only make you two slower." Sitting down across from them, he leaned back and closed his eyes.

"Hey!" Kenny whined. "I'm not training, so can't I have the buffet at least, Kai?"

"No, you're getting a little pudgy. You could do to skip a few meals," was the bored reply, and, blinking back tears, the chief fled the restaurant, returning to the comfort of the room and his laptop. "So weak..." Kai muttered, as he watched the boy leave. "Good riddance."