'I can't believe its been 3 years' the raven haired beauty thought.

So much has changed within the Inu-Tachi team since their journey came to an end.

Sango and Miroku got married and moved back to the slayers village. They are now proud parents of 3. Their eldest being their 2 year old twin daughters Akemi and Akeno, who takes after their mother in both beauty and birth right. Akihiko was the youngest of the 3 being only 5 months. He took after his father in looks.

Kaede remained the Miko of the village with young Rin as her protégé.

Speaking of the beautiful little heartbreaker, Kagome was beyond words when she met up with the 11 year old once again. She was no longer that oblivious, gaped tooth little 8 year old sweet heart any more. She was a mature young woman. She was kind, gentle, and insightful. She saw the world for what it truly was and more.

Speaking of maturity, Kagome had to do a double take at her son Shippo. He was no longer the little kit that slept in her arms and napped on her head while traveling. No, he was now a handsome young man that came up to her waist. He was now 14 years old and a warrior in training. He would leave the village months at a time to complete his exams in becoming the best Kitsune warrior he could be. Even his fox magic matured and became more of a threat to others.

Kagome couldn't have been more proud.


Ironically, this one was full of surprises.

"Hello Sesshomaru-Sama, I see you are fairing well" she said bowing respectively.

Once she found out Inuyasha and his half brother had a truce, she nearly fainted. He would come by from time to time to check on Rins' well being as well as her progress in becoming a healer.

She was surprised when he started conversing with her. Nothing big but it wasn't idle either. Sometimes they talked about her times politics and beliefs vs. the ones practiced in the feudal era. Sometimes he would ask about the development of humans and demons. He was a little taken back at knowledge his species was over thrown by humans let alone extinct, but did nothing to show it of course.

"As of you Miko. . . I see you have decided to embark yourself upon another journey"

Once she came back to the Feudal Era, her heart and mind were dead tracked on having a life with Inuyasha, but things didn't go as well as she had hoped. It seemed their hearts grew apart. They remained best friends through thick and thin but the relationship part of it was a little awkward for the two.

After a few test trials, they both decided that it would better if they remained friends, if not brother and sister.

Since there was nothing really there holding her back, she would go and travel the country side learning all sorts of new things on the way. She learned about all sorts of herbs and treatments and how they could be such a success in her time for all those diseases.

On her journeys, she would meet a lot of interesting people. Monks and Mikos included. They helped her with her spiritual powers and meditation. They taught her how she could bring her powers fourth for protection and how she could extend them to help protect others as well.

"Yes I have I suppose" she giggled softly "With Sango and Miroku busy with their growing family, my son with his training, and the status of Inuyashas' and I relationship, there really isn't anything holding me there" she said softly as they continued walking "whenever I find myself with too much free time I would leave for a few weeks than return"

"Hn. . . what seems to be the reason behind this particular journey" he questioned as his tone portrayed nothing.

"No particular destination in mind" she sighed contently "just going where the wind takes me I suppose"

"What seems to be the reason behind your visit My Lord" she asked "not that I'm not honored to have you in my presence, but I always assumed with the title of Lord, a great deal of responsibility and stressful amounts of paperwork followed close behind" she half joked.

"You are correct in your assumptions Miko but since the spider is no more, this Sesshomarus' work load has decreased significantly. Any paperwork that awaits me can be handled by my advisors"

He glanced down at her to see her smile sweetly up at him indicating she was listening. He watched as the light breeze played upon her face as her hair began to lightly dance in the wind.

She was no longer that clumsy, mindless, weak female he pegged her as.

No, now she was an intelligent, powerful, graceful female with a mind of their own.

He could barely register just how much her physical appearance changed in the time she was gone.

Her mid night blue hair was longer almost passing her beautiful round rare.

You could not tell by her Miko clothing, but under that was a body of a goddess.

There were times he accidently came across the Miko at the springs.

'I really despise that monk'

During the time of there journey, Sesshomaru traveled with them in hopes of getting rid of Naraku faster. Along the way, he would notice the monks behavior around beautiful women.

'Disgraceful bastard'

'Like you're the one to talk'

'This Sesshomaru came across the Miko unclothed once by accident'

'Yea, and whats your excuse for the several other incidents'


'That's what I thought'

'Bastard monk is contagious'

Her body was now fuller with beautiful legs that ran for miles.

Completely flawless, but what attracted him more were her eyes. Those rare electric blue eyes. The same eyes that got him hot and bothered when clouded with anger and passion.

'Apparently the monk took on a protégé' his beast snickered.

Sesshomaru refused to even entertain that comment.

He didn't know what trickery it was that led him to sought out the Mikos' company, but he was not complaining.

He found that he liked their little conversations. He was surprised she could keep up with him, even others in his position could not hold conversations such as theirs for so long.

He was not sure why nor when it happened, but he found himself rather attracted to the Miko.

She was indeed beautiful, for a human or demon. She was intelligent and well spoken. Unlike humans of this time, she came from a respectable middle class family and was well educated and respectful.

"Who knows" she giggled amused "I might find someone to finally call mines"

That did not sit well with him.

"My Lord is everything alright" she asked a little concerned hearing him growl.

'No one will take our Miko'


"It is of no concern Miko"