Sea of Storms

Standing on the rocky shore,

The wind blows in my hair.

The sea is stormy, clouds are tortured,

It mimics my despair.

My father has yet to return,

The same goes for his crew.

Their wives they worry, children cry,

I don't know what to do.

The sea is deep, provides for us,

Its fish, they fill our nets.

And its wind, it fills our sails,

Freedom, it begets.

But the sea is deep and sometimes reaps,

And now it's reaped its toll.

And standing here, out on the shore,

Lonely is this atoll.

They say I cannot sail,

But this reaping cannot stand.

I'll make my own way on the blue,

I cannot stay on land.

So I turn away from rocky shore,

I turn away from storm.

The sea may think I've given up,

May think my gaze forlorn.

But my gaze and mind, they will return,

And on my ship I'll sail.

I'll find my father, find his crew,

In this endeavour I'll prevail.

For there are things that sea cannot take,

Among them, those close to me.

So I'll brave the ocean, dark and deep,

Storm can come at me.