Chapter 1

An ear-splitting alarm roused Tony from much-needed sleep. It felt like mere minutes had passed since he staggered into the bedroom direct from his latest mission and collapsed in bed next to his wife. He hoped it was a dream and he could have a few hours of uninterrupted rest. When the noise didn't stop, Tony sat up. "J.A.R.V.I.S..."

"There is a security breach, sir. The house has been compromised."

"Where?" he said, practically leaping out of bed, Pepper beside him almost immediately.


Automatically, his mind went to the bedroom down the hall.

"A.J.," they both said at the same time.

Pepper went flying past him and out the door. She returned breathless moments later. "Tony! He's not in his room!"

"J.A.R.V.I.S., cut the alarm and seal off the house. Whoever it is may still be in here." He looked to his wife. "You stay. I will have J.A.R.V.I.S. lock you in until I can..."

"Not until we find A.J.," she said with a shake of her head. "I'm going with you."

Tony offered no argument. Time was of the essence and they couldn't waste any of it arguing. Together, they hurried out of their room in the direction of the renovated workshop. As they neared the stairway, they saw the lights were on and the door separating the upstairs from downstairs was open. "Stay behind me," he instructed. She didn't object and they made their way as quickly and quietly as they could. Suddenly, there was a loud crash. Clanging metal, breaking glass, and what sounded like a gunshot echoed through the night. All of that was mere background noise to what grabbed Tony and Pepper's attention...child's scream.

Tony ran the last few yards and stopped in the doorway. Unsure of what they may find, he tried to block Pepper's view. His attempt was unsuccessful. Faster than he anticipated, she came up behind him and looked over his shoulder. He heard her gasp.

"My god! A.J!"

Author's note: Yes...a cliffhanger. How do you like it? Poor A.J. Whatever could have happened? There will be a Ch. 2 if you are interested. Reviews are fantastic and make me want to keep writing. PEPPERONY FOREVER!