After months of thinking and soul searching, it is with a heavy heart that I must announce the end of an era. All dramatics aside, I have decided to officially close the chapter on Emery and Willow. Somewhere a long the way, I realized that there were many things I did with this story that just weren't good reflections of who I am as a writer nor was it how I wanted my abilities to be portrayed. There were chapters that were drawn out and made no sense, chapters that had very old school hyper active humor that I was trying to revive from my childhood (I'm talking about the cringe-y Mary Sue dramatics in the early stages of the story). It took me a long time to finally come to this decision mostly because I promised so many people that I was planning on finishing the story - and now I am going against my word. I feel horrible for it.

HOWEVER! If you get anything out of reading this, I just want to let you know that this is not an END to Emery and Willow, but a new BEGINNING. As I said earlier, I am merely closing a chapter to what was a good or maybe more of an okay story and opening a new one for something that could be great. Yes, Emery and Willow will be returning in a new story of mine known as Castle of Memories, where I plan to focus on three main story arcs and producing quality chapters that I can be proud of (and hopefully entertaining).

With that being said, I look forward to seeing you all in the future for Castle of Memories.

Thank you to everyone who has showed me their support over the years, your reviews and encouragement meant a lot to me and played a huge role in this decision.

- Onelinewonder