Oddly enough, most of the Lavita fanart has him with purple eyes, but the screenshots I saw him in had him with blue eyes. Weird huh? Thinking about using it to my advantage...

He frowns when he catches sight of the bottle.

When Estonia nears, Latvia pulls the bottle into his lap and crouches over it with his back to the taller nation, as if the evidence will vanish that way.

"What are you drinking Latvia?" Estonia asks with fake curiosity, despite already knowing what the clear content in the bottle was.

Latvia grunts and clings selfishly to the vodka, still turned from Estonia's view. With a sigh, Estonia reaches his hands over Latvia's thin shoulders and pries it from his hand, ignoring his complaining whines.

Estonia scowls at the sight of the open alcohol cabinet, which was privately Russia's. He turns back to Latvia, who was now covering his face with his hands. "Did Lithuania give this to you?" He asks sternly. He knew the taller nation would often pick the lock for a bottle every now and then when things were too much to handle, and if Latvia followed him with those wide blue eyes long enough Lithuania would pass one to him as well.

Latvia simply withdrew further into himself. Estonia sighs again, realizing this tactic was only scaring the child-nation further. He goes to his knees so he was instead looking up at Latvia's shielded face and whispers gently, "Latvi, I'm not mad at you OK? I just wanted to know if Lithuania is still stealing Vodka."

Estonia reaches up to ruffle his hair like he and Lithuania would do when they were younger, but the second his hand brushes his head Latvia jerks away like it had burnt him and begins to sniffle in the start of crying.

Oh shoot, that's right! Russia always pats his head doesn't he?

Hurriedly, Estonia tries to console the trembling nation as he begins to whimper, but Latvia only worsens and sobs loudly. His hands move to his shoulders and dig through the fabric as if in an attempt to comfort himself.

"W-whats going on Estonia?" Lithuania asks as he stumbles into the room.

"I was asking him if you gave him the vodka, and he kept hiding so I touched his hair! I forgot that's what Rus- what he does!" Estonia explains, leaving out Russia's name so to keep from worsening Latvia's current state. What happens next puts his efforts in vain however.

"Why is Latvia being so loud?"

The Russian accent alerts all three of them to who has just joined the chaotic scene, and Latvia descends into full blown hysterics, wailing and rocking back and forth violently while swinging his legs.

"N-nothing Mr. Russia! La-Latvia just- uh- b-broke his hand! No problem!" Lithuania cries over the noise.

"Really?! Perhaps I should assis-"


Estonia's rejection startles everyone and even Latvia pauses to suck in a breath before continuing his screams.

Estonia quickly adds, "We wouldn't w-want to trouble you! Its just slight! We can take care of it so you needn't involve yourself! Just go back to what you were doing and we won't bother you!"

Russia frowns in almost a pouting way and walks away.

Frantically, Estonia grabs up Latvia and carries him to their shared bedroom upstairs with Lithuania trailing behind. The whole time Latvia is thrashing and completely inconsolable. When they reach the room, Estonia lays him on he bed and struggles to hold him down. Meanwhile, Lithuania is rummaging through the closet, which was probably one of the most untidy places in the house.

"What are you doing?!" Estonia snaps.

"Looking for something to calm him down! Ah!" Lithuania cries with short triumph at finding a stashed bottle of vodka and shoves it to Estonia, who, with no better option, pours some into Latvia's screaming mouth and covers it.

It takes a few moments of struggling before Latvia swallows, and after a few more forced swallows, he takes the bottle from Estonia and sips at it quietly aside from a few stray sniffles.

Estonia and Lithuania sigh in relief at finally calming him down, even if it was a less preferred method. They both knew hugging him would only scare him more, especially since it was another action Russia was fond of.

"Why do you hate alcohol so much Esto?" Lithuania asks.

Estonia stands and walks him further away from Latvia before whispering, "Vodka is Russian water. We already live with him and we're secluded from the others, I don't want anymore chance that we might become like him."

Lithuania nods slowly. "I... I'll try to tone it down the alcohol."

When Latvia finishes drinking the inhumane amount of vodka, he's finally calmed down and drunk enough that his brothers can put him to bed. They leave him in the room, needing to return to their chores before Russia gets involved.


Latvia stirs slightly, unsure what woke him up. He looks around, then sees a large figure standing over him and begins to scream, but a hand clasps firmly around him mouth and nose, cutting off all air. Russia sits down on the side of the bed, smiling eerily at him.

"You were crying very loudly today." The Russian says quietly. His violet eyes seem to glow as they bore into Latvia, locking Latvia's blue onto his own.

His other hand pulls away the comforter and forcibly drags Latvia towards him. Then it holds him in place on his lap, tightly wrapped over his stomach. Russia seems to see that by now Latvia is paralyzed in terror, because he removes the hand from his face and instead strokes his hair.

"Tell me, why was little Latvia making such a racket? Your hands don't seem the least bit broken, they are not even bandaged."

Tears are flowing uncontrollably down his face, but his throat is still too tight, so Latvia remains in silent panic.

"Are you still hurting from last time I was angry? Could that be it?" He absently wipes away a tear trail from Latvia's face. "Are your brothers treating you badly?" Russia leans down and picks up the empty Vodka bottle. "Little Lithuania probably stole this. Did they make you drink this hm?"

His hand pries open Latvia's mouth and pinches his nose. He bends forward to sniff Latvia's breath, the leans back again with a satisfied smirk. "So they did make you drink! How cruel! You should drink only Russian water because you choose to." Russia gives a sigh and says, "I suppose the only way to solve this is to separate you, since you're obviously getting picked on. You can come to my room."

A whimper squeezes from Latvia's clenched throat. "There, there, little Latvia. You'll be safe with me," Russia assures him and Latvia comes close to hyperventilating as the huge man picks him up and begins to walk out. They're stopped, however, when Estonia and Lithuania nearly run straight into them.

"Ahh...! R-Russia?! You, uh," Estonia swallows hard when he sees the trembling figure in his arms. "If... If you don't mind my asking, w-what are you doing with Latvia?"

"Ah, just making sure he is in safe hands." Russia tells them lightly. "You said his hand broke. I wonder, are we lacking bandages?"

Horror dawns on their faces when they understand what Russia is getting at. "A-ah... T-that-t..." They exchange looks helplessly.

Russia's smile grows. "Well, I hate to tell you this, but vodka isn't actually a good substitute for fixing the broken bones. They just heal crookedly"

"However," he says with a pause and extends Latvia's hands so they can see. "It seems that it actually speeds the recovery rate faster than any normal nation heals. It also seems to set bones perfectly. Vodka is amazing, nyet?"

"Y-yes Mr. R-Russia," Estonia agrees nervously. He glances back at Lithuania, who had begun silently staring at nothing and muttering strings of nonsense with wide blank eyes.

"Ah, it seems little Lithuania requires aid. You will give that to him, da?" Russia's voice is like sugar over his obvious threat, telling Estonia not to interfere with what he was doing.

"Y-yes sir..." Estonia gazes worriedly back at the larger man as he pulls Lithuania into their shared room.

Russia immediately slams the door behind him, and a clicking noise tells Estonia he's just been locked in.

Sighing in resignation, he pulls out Lithuania's pill bottle, wondering how badly damaged Latvia will be when Russia grows bored of his company.

Thanks to Eternity sword. I often get in the weird habit of mentally pronouncing character's names wrong, and then I can't type them right. Lavita is now Latvia.