America and Belarus sat on opposite ends of the couch, both of them fuming. Their backs were facing each other, their arms folded. It was scary how alike they were. Valentine's Day and they weren't talking. The dispute started two days ago, over a remark America made about Russia jokingly. Conversation was scarce, and so was any sort of interaction between the two.
The silent treatment and coldness towards each other would have ended if they weren't so stubborn. Belarus secretly wanted him to hold her, to kiss her sweetly, and warmly like every time he knew he was wrong. But then again, she wasn't sure if she was wrong herself.
America wanted to do just what Belarus wanted him to do, but again, stubbornness ruined the love and trust in their relationship.
They were deeply disappointed in themselves, as they were every time they stopped talking, especially over little things that most people could get over in minutes.
Across the room several knives lay on the floor and stuck in the from the previous day when Natalya had thrown them at Alfred. He wouldn't forget the look she gave him. If looks could kill, he would be there, on the floor, dead. Even he had to admit, calling her an 'ice-cold bitch' under his breath was going a bit to far.
Still, after days of not talking, thrown knives, not sleeping in the same room, both of them wanted everthing to go back to normal.
Belarus pushed herself up off of the couch and moved towards the stereo and turned it on. She inserted their Ed Sheeran album in the station and pressed play, skipping the very last track, Give Me Love.
She walked to America ad extended her hand. America glanced at her quizzically. "We should not be idiots," she said. "I just want my boyfriend back." A small smile played on his lips as he accepted her hand and held her tightly. It was a slow amd messy waltz around the room.
Natalya rested her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "I'm sorry, Bels," Alfred prompted as she snuggled closer to him. The feel of his chest vibrating against her head made her feel safe and secure. "Why are we so difficult? Why do we always have to fight?"
She responded with a muffled,"I don't know," as she pressed silent kisses on his chest. "But if we didn't fight, we would never make up." He ran his fingers through her hair, making her shudder. "And I do not want moments like this to just not happen." His stomach flipped at the sound of her hushed voice.
"Babe, as much as I love dancing around the house with you, I hate to see you hurt." His lips met the top of her head and he whispered,"And I miss hearing you snore even though you say you don't."
"Because I do not snore."
"Whatever you say, Nat."
Belarus looked up into his cerulean eyes, clinging to him. "Nie pakidaj miane," she pleaded. "Kali laska." America didn't respond. He had heard this phrase too many times to not understand it. She had said this a lot durimg the course of their relationship. Her constant fear of being forgotten and abandoned and left behind was ever-so present.
Every time they disagreed she would always say it over and over again. "I won't," he said. "I promise. And Nat?"
"Happy Valentine's Day."
Hey, guys! I know it's a little late, but I wanted to write this. I actually wrote it a few days ago but I needed to edit it and whatnot. BUT, I also wanted to mention that I have a special fanfiction coming out very soon and I am planning to publish it in a couple weeks. If you wanna hear more, go check out my profile. So, bye!