Dean pointed to his brother's pistol in his belt and the machete in his hand, "If you want to talk those stay out here."

Dean walked inside and waited for Sam on the couch by the fire place, he stared into the flames and wondered how he was going to tell Sam that he was the very thing they hunted.

Sam came in and shut the door behind him, when Dean heard the lock click he felt a panic come over him but tried not to show it. Large hands squeezed his shoulders kneading them slowly, "I'm ready to talk."

"Alright, you want a beer or coffee?"

"Sure I'll get it."

Sam went and poured them each a cup of coffee then sat down on the opposite end of the couch and faced his brother, "What you said about Amelia…leaving you in purgatory…everything is true."


"And what Dean?"

Dean grabbed his cup and drank slowly but the tremble in his hands gave away the fact he was hurting. He swore Sam's heart was beating so loud that Dean was getting a headache from it as the hunger gnawed at his belly.

"You did hurt me; you always do and never think your wrong Sam. It's always me that apologizes and tries to work it out with you. I can't do that anymore, I won't be your scapegoat for everything."

Sam leaned forward and gave Dean an earnest look, one he could believe, "I'm sorry, truly sorry for leaving you in purgatory, for not even bothering to look. I'm sorry I told you about Amelia, I did it because I was jealous of Benny and I wanted to hurt you."

Dean gave a short, bitter laugh, "So you played straight boy, good for you. Thanks for making me feel like shit for over a year. Benny was my savior when I needed one Sammy not you."

"I know."

They sat there watching the fire until Sam noticed Dean shaking, "I found your discharge papers, I know you're sick. I left you phone messages but you wouldn't answer. I found the blood spray in the bathroom and the bloody tissues. You could have told me Dean, I would have helped. What can I do to help you now, I'll do anything."

Dean got up and moved across the room from him, "When Benny found me Sam I was bad. He gave me a bath; fed me and I didn't want you to do that. Put your life on hold and watch me die, wipe my butt and feed me. That would have been death for both of us."

Sam stood up and moved toward him, "I'll do it, you have to have some faith in me brother. I promise somehow I am going to fix this, a deal or a spell, anything but I won't let you die."

"I tried everything Sam; it was too late until Benny helped me. You have to understand I decided I didn't want to die so I took his offer."

Sam covered his face and groaned, "No Dean I told you to wait until I got here, why didn't you answer your phone, damn it now what do I do?"

Dean walked right over to him and stretched out his arms, "Do what you want, you have two choices, love me and feed me or cut off my head because I won't hurt you Sam and I won't fight."

Sam headed for him and Dean didn't run, he knew it was pointless. If Sam wanted him dead then the determined hunter would find a way and Dean was too tired to run any longer. He closed his eyes and waited.

Dean felt himself swept up in his brother's arms, "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise I'll make it all up to you Dean." He opened his eyes and looked up at his brother, "Sammy I can't pretend anymore, I won't do it. Tell the truth, admit that you want this or leave."

Sam grabbed his face and kissed him, a real kiss, and when his brother slid a warm tongue into his mouth Dean knew that Sam finally wanted him. The brothers grappled with each other in a dominate display, bodies twisting and turning all the way to the bed until they both fell together panting and grinding.

Sam let him go and stood, he quickly undressed as Dean watched barely able to contain his excitement. Dean didn't want him to leave so he just laid there frozen in place only his jade eyes moving over the long, lean body he wanted badly for so many years.

Sam pulled of Dean's sweat pants, his eyes traveled down his brother's body slowly taking in every inch of tight pale flesh and hard muscle. Dean was thin from the last month of the illness but still looked wonderful. Sam reached down and stroked his cock lightly then let go.

Dean closed his eyes afraid to scare him off by making eye contact, "Sam I have feed soon, if I don't finish turning I'm just going to die. If you're willing to be my blood donor to keep me going then later I can find someone else…"

His felt Sam's weight on the bed and a foot nudging his thigh, "I'm ready."

He opened his eyes and there was Sam as he always pictured him, legs spread wide and prick leaking over his belly twitching and jerking all on its own. Sam's balls were hanging loose and plump not yet ready to tighten and release.

Sam rolled his head to the side exposing his neck, "Do it, bite me…fuck me I'm yours now."

Dean traced his finger along the cleft of his brother's ass, "You've a virgin?"


He slid himself slowly up the long stretch of flesh stopping at Sam's neck, he licked a trail to the shell of his ear and whispered, "I won't take that away right this minute, I need to feed first, don't worry baby boy you won't keep bleeding, I'll be careful."

Sam smiled, "Pillow talk, I love it." For some reason Dean talking to him that way made his cock jump, he found himself thrusting up against his brother's belly until Dean forced him back down.

Dean nuzzled the crook of the tender neck and whispered, "Close your eyes Sammy…I don't want you to see me change." Sam closed his eyes and heard a snarl then felt an intense pain that slowly subsided; he heard sucking and felt a tongue lavish his raw skin. After a few minutes Sam felt dizzy, "Dean stop."

He opened his eyes and looked up at his brother's mouth rimmed with blood, the eyes changed back to their pretty jade green. Dean was panting, braced over him, "I'm sorry, I don't know how to do this exactly."

He got off the bed and walked out; he came back a short time later with a glass of juice and handed it to Sam. "Are you alright?" Sam brought the glass to his lips with a trembling hand, "Yeah but you have to be careful."

That night they just slept holding each other, when the dawn broke Sam woke to the smell of bacon. He got up and shuffled to the bathroom still a bit unsteady, when he got out Dean was standing there with his head tilted staring at Sam, "I made breakfast."

They sat there eating; light conversation seemed a bit strange after the events of last night so the brothers tried to hammer out the details of their lives together. "Dean I have to ask, Benny fed off humans? I thought he was on bagged blood, I don't understand. It worked for him and it can work for you."

"It's never enough, like a constant state of starvation. You drink a bag and it takes away the gnawing but you don't feel full…ever. He gave up, had to supplement with humans eventually. Never anyone good, Benny hunts the people that deserve it."

Sam gave Dean his best self righteous look, "So who determines which person is worthy of living and who deserves to die Dean?"

Dean downed his coffee and headed to the sink with his plate throwing it in, "There you go again, you know everything Sam and you're always right. I thought we could hunt like we always do, if I feel the urge and the opportunity comes along with the right person I'm going to take it so you better look the other way…can you do that? Tell me right now if you can't."

Sam twisted his napkin as he stared down at the table, "Yeah I can do it, I love you Dean and I owe you."

"Alright then, we should close this place down and you can bring that truck back."

Sam glanced over to the bedroom then to Dean, "Can we do it tomorrow?"

Dean looked over to the bedroom as well, "Are you sure?"

"Dean I was laying there under you naked and hard last night, if I wouldn't have gotten dizzy I'm pretty sure we would have done it."

"Alright little brother, top or bottom? I know you like to top and your still a virgin so what will it be…ladies choice."

Sam got up and headed to the bedroom, when Dean got in he was already on his back, legs open and waiting, "Bottom, I cleaned up for you. I didn't bring any condoms or lube thought."

Dean pulled off his boxers and stroked himself, "You can't catch anything from this body anymore and I can't catch anything from you…Sam you used condoms with all those guys right, and that broad."

"I always did, I've been tested don't worry. I'm going to lose my nerve in a minute here Dean."

Dean flipped him over like Sam weighed nothing, "Oh sorry princess I didn't know it was race. Come on, hands and knees let's see what you've got for me." He took his hands and spread Sam open then licked a swipe over his ass, "Nice Sammy, tight, pink and pretty just how I like it."

Dean laughed softly when his brother trembled and his knees spread even father apart, "You've thought a lot about this haven't you?"

Sam reached down and started to stroke himself but Dean put an end to it, "Stop, this time I'm controlling how it goes Sam not you."

Sam felt two slick fingers work their way inside of him and once the discomfort subsided it began to feel good, very good in fact. He pushed back begging for something more substantial and Dean obliged.

"Relax Sam, it's like getting the shot, the initial prick hurts worse than the injection." Sam would have laughed if he hadn't been so nervous; a lifetime of fantasy was coming true with a major twist.

He tensed as soon as the head pressed against him insistently, Sam had fucked men aplenty. Most of it was back alley shame, hasty and dirty, now he wanted it right and didn't want to disappoint the most important person in his life but Sam couldn't let go.

"Just do it, push it in Dean."

Dean didn't just push it in as Sam asked; he worked his weeping head inside and held back as his brother adjusted to the feeling. Sam felt a hand reach around fondling his balls gently then stroking down the shaft to catch the slick drops oozing from his penis.

Dean hit his brother's sweet spot on each well placed thrust until Sam squeezed his eyes shut and the world turned white beneath his lids, a scream came out as he had the best orgasm of his life. Dean finished right after that reddening his ass with well places slaps.

He established himself as dominate with Sam in that first sexual encounter, it was important to Dean. He needed his brothers love more and ever and allowing Sam to walk all over him only seemed to distance them. It worked; afterward Sam lay next to Dean worshipping him like a god.

Sam could let go of the control, the pettiness and backbiting between them and allow Dean to be his master, lover and brother. Once Dean became a vampire the dynamics changed leaving both satisfied.


They closed up the cabin and left, Dean followed Sam back to the hunters so he could drop off the truck. Dean stood outside the Impala waiting; he wore dark sunglasses as protection against the light.

Sam thanked Freddie and Burton for the truck and the help, Burton nodded toward Dean, "He's not very social is he?" Sam shrugged, "Dean keeps to himself." Burton walked over to Dean and greeted him and Dean just nodded, "What's wrong with you son, Sam said you were sick?"

"None of your damn business."

Burton snatched off the sunglasses and searched his eyes, Dean went on instinct still not having the control that Benny had and bared his teeth.

Freddie pulled out a knife and ran for Dean until Sam got in the way; the knife plunged into an artery. Sam dropped like a stone; Dean had Burton on the ground bleeding out.

"Sam!" Dean backhanded Freddie and then collapsed to his knees next to his brother, "Sammy, hang on." Dean bit his wrist open and pressed it to Sam's slack mouth as he applied pressure to the wound, it was a race to see if Dean could save him before he lost too much blood.

Sam arched his back, gasped and then let out a slow hiss, Dean was crying as he stroked his arm willing more blood to flow down his brother's gullet. "Come on Sammy don't leave now, I can't do it without you…never could baby."

Sam's eyes fluttered open, he grasped Dean's wrist and drank until his brother stopped him. "Dean…what happened to me?"

"It's alright now, you were hurt but I fixed you up, you just need to feed to heal." He grabbed Freddie by the hair and dragged his limp body over, "Do it Sam," Dean helped him by positioning the body just right and pointing out a cherry spot for a bite.

Sam was weak but able to bite through and drink, he took his fill until there wasn't room left and then he rested in Dean's arms.

Six Months Later

Benny sat there fishing with his new mate Elijah, a young man that had just been turned by another vamp and needed guidance. They found they had a lot in common besides the obvious condition and for once Benny felt contented with a man. He didn't have to fight for him or share, Elijah kept him well loved and cared for and Benny did the same for him.

Elijah was a pretty thing like Dean without the baggage that came with loving a Winchester.

Benny heard a familiar rumble of a car pulling up and handed the fishing pole over to his lover, "Hold this for me sweetness, I got some old friends to visit with." He bent down and gently kissed his lips, "Boy you are a honey you know that?"

Elijah lowered his eyes and smiled, "Go on you handsome thing, visit with your buddies."

Benny cautiously approached the car then watched as Sam and Dean got out, they both looked good. The bothers sported big smiles and sunglasses, Benny noticed them immediately come together and hold each other.

Dean nodded, "Hey Benny how's tricks?"

Benny scratched the back of his head and nervously took another step toward them, "Good brother."

Sam spotted Elijah fishing, "Is he yours?"

"Yes sir, he's my mate, why?" Benny stepped in front of Sam not know what he would do.

"Hey it's alright, I'm glad you found someone." Sam took off his sunglasses and looked at him. Benny got closer, "Sam, were you turned?"

Sam pointed to the scar from the stab wound, "Dean saved me." He put his sunglasses back on, cupped his brothers cheek and kissed him, "I owe my brother everything…I know that now."


The four sat together at a picnic table having beers, Benny fussed over Eli as he called him. "He was turned too young; nineteen is a tender age to have your life taken away. Then his maker just left him with nothing, no knowledge or a way to survive. I took him under my wing after I found him here in the woods, I love him Dean."

Eli rested his head on the vampires shoulder, "Benny saved me."

Dean grabbed his friends hand and smiled, "Benny is a good guy, you're a lucky kid."

Sam cleared his throat and Dean let go.

Benny nodded toward Sam, "So you're feeding?"

"Yeah, I don't like it bad people or not, Dean has an easier time of it than me. We still hunt like always; this has just been a bump in the road." Sam drained his beer, he pressed his thigh against his brothers and Dean could tell he wanted to go.

Benny and Dean hugged each other tight; they both whispered their goodbyes and then parted ways.

Sam shoved Dean against the Impala and pressed a kiss on his mouth biting as he went; Dean pulled away and touched his lip coming back with blood, "Geez Sam, take it easy."

Sam grasped his brothers crotch and squeezed, "Your mine…this is mine do you understand? Not Benny's or anyone else's, remember that Dean." He kept squeezing then let go when his brother gasped, Sam turned him around, "Pull down your pants, bend over the hood and spread your cheeks."

Dean was already trembling as he did what Sam ordered, he opened himself then felt spit and pressure until his brother was balls deep in ass. He was slammed so hard into the fender of the Impala he thought his hips would break.

Sam exerted his dominance, Dean had claimed him and now he felt it was his turn, "Your with me forever remember that…I love you Dean."


Afterward they rested together in the back seat; Sam lazily stroked the smooth skin while planting tiny kisses over Dean's shoulders and neck, "I'm sorry, I got crazy when I saw you hold hands with Benny. I love you Dean and I can't share you ever because your mine."

It's alright Sam, I liked it… I am you know."


Dean gave a sigh of contentment, "Yours Sammy I always have been."

The Winchesters watched as the world around them changed while they stayed the same. It was an odd existence going from vampire hunters to hunter vampires but when you have someone to love you forever anything is possible.

The End

(Thanks everyone. I'm going to do a follow up story down the road with the brothers both hunting and screwing their way around the country as deliciously hot vampires. Benny will come back as well. If you want to read the second story you can sign up for my story alerts. I'll also note a sequel to Dead Reckoning in the summary of the new story.)