For several seconds the entire battlefield was silent.
But a deafening roar that seemed to shake the Earth, the monster army all turned and faced the returned demigods, eager to eliminate the new threats. In the forefront were the giants, incredibly bloodthirsty and also incredibly confused.
"How are you here son of Jupiter?" Porphyrion roared, "You should be rotting in the pit of my father!"
"Oh you know," Jason grinned in a very un-Roman like way, "I had some help," he pulled Piper close to him. "From my family," he kissed the top of her head.
"Sweet words will not save you or your loved ones Roman," taunted Alcyoneus, a little unsettled at Jason's lack of reaction.
"Of course not," Piper said, stepping forward, "But we are not relying on our words this time,"
The daughter of Aphrodite turned to face the speechless demigod armies, her new silver armor that glistened in the sunlight with seamless edges attracted the attention of all who gazed upon her, even almost more than her own natural beauty did.
"Today, we are more than just Greek or Roman and even more than the frightened children that these monsters believe us to be." Her voice rolled over the combined army, radiating power but did not contain a single breath of charmspeak. Her own internal strength shown through her words and inspired the weary demigods.
"Today it is the dawn of a new era, but it is not the rise of Gaea."
She paused to let her words sink in, "Today is the day where we look upon this day, with reverence, when we look back at this day and will see heroes that will be immortalized for the rest of time itself. Today is the day where we will remember the ones that bravely fought for their life, their friends and their family. Because we stand together, not as separate armies, but as brothers and sisters, fighting for all that we believe in,"
Arms outreached, she looked like a goddess speaking to the armies of ancient Troy itself.
"Today is not a day of cowardice, Today we fight for the gods, and for each other,"
She unsheathed her silver blade, as did the last remnants of the Seven,
"Today is the day we will be able to tell our children and their children, that we did not give in, that we did not willingly go into the dark."
A massive shattering cry erupted from the armies as they charged as one, with their leaders The Seven, at the forefront.
For a single moment, the monster army was frozen in awe as a sea of demigods rushed towards them and even before a giant could call for a defense or attack, the Seven were upon them.
Frank fired several arrows off, each one slicing through the neck of a monster or piercing armor and imploding, literally creating a gravity well, which sucked in any near monsters and crushed them into a minuscule orb of metal and golden dust.
He seems to flow as he struck wave after wave of monsters, sliding and spinning as he was attacked on each side, his form shifting into hundreds of different creatures in milliseconds, some of which had gone extinct millions of years ago.
Jason and Hazel were back to back, as Hazel pulled any metal object within 100 yards towards her and Jason raised his golden gladius and summoned a lightning bolt that would have put Ouranos to shame.
The lightning swept across every blade and armor piece it could find, electrocuting each monster until it crumbled to dust within seconds.
Piper and Leo were surprisingly working together, the Orator and the Mechanic, using words and steel to tear their enemies apart.
Piper's voice alone caused monsters to keel over and turn to dust, their own chaotic molecules could not defend against the power which flowed through her veins and was evident in her voice.
Leo however, was not as focused as she was on her task,
He turned to face Piper, spinning his warhammer around and it followed its on velocity and slammed into the head of a dracaena and wrenching its neck back as its mouth was opened in a silent scream of agony as it turned to dust.
"Hey Pipes, why is Frank a dinosaur?"
Piper paused, almost getting her head taken off by Alcyoneus who was furious that these demigods had the audacity to return from the dead.
"I believe that's a Tyrannosaurus Leo,"
She called out over the screams and roars of the clashing armies.
"T-Rex, Stegosaurus same thing," He shrugged as he threw his hammer and it caved in the skull of a cyclops before pulling out nailgun and firing nails at a horde of hellhounds, each nail burrowing deep into their fur before exploding into masses of flesh that dissolved into shadows.
"Even I know that is not true Leo," Yelled out Hazel as she rode a dark centaur into Polybotes before flipping off the creature as it rammed the giant into the ground.
"Mmh, I got an idea," Leo reached into a slot in his armor and grasped a silver cube. Immediately, blue prints and ideas flashed through his mind as he quickly chose an idea before throwing it in front of him.
Suddenly, a 20 ton Stegosaurus automation crashed into the ground, catching the attention of every deity or immortal on the battlefield, including the gods who were still awestruck behind the armies. The appearance of their chosen children returning in a sudden rift of archaic energy left them frozen and speechless as their children left only chaos.
Leo leapt onto his new toy as he put it,
"I am a stegosaurus!" He yelled as the mechanical dinosaur ran over a legion of monsters and straight into the Protogenoi of Earth herself.
And trampled her underfoot.
At that simply shocking image witnessed by every being on the battle silenced every creature, freezing them all in grotesque positions in the heat of battle.
And with that distraction, Piper, spun her blade around and drew power from herself, focusing on the faces of the ones she loved and the hatred of the ones who had taken them from her.
She would not let them do so again.
The silver blade shown with an ethereal light, as she sank the sword up to its hilt in Alcyoneus' chest, her hair lashing around her face and her eyes glowed white as she whispered a single word,
And every monstrous being within earshot instantly turned to a black dust which dissolved into her sword as its glow faded.
Jason let out a low whistle, "4 down, 9 to go,"
And this is me coming back with a bang,
One year later with this story wow
Im sorry for the wait but SOTR update this weekend and possibly another story as well.
Catch ya on the Flipside Pixels!