BP: This story is called The Lost Files: Eleven's Legacy. This story is Noel-centric, and she tells her story as to her life before she was found by the other Garde, and will also explain when her Legacies develop in detail. Enjoy!

Kelly, my Cêpan, throws yet another barrage of knives at me, and I am forced to block it with my latest Legacy- Force Field. Since I only developed this Legacy today, it isn't as developed as it should be, and Kelly manages to break through the force field after she threw seven knives. The rest of them hit the wall behind me, and some managed to cut my cheek.

"Concentrate, Juliette!" Kelly shouts at me. "We'll try this again!"

I groan, as I start to place my hand on my cheek to heal the cut, but Kelly stops me. "Heal it without touching your cheek. You have to concentrate, and will the cut to heal using your Legacy."

I close my eyes, and let the icy feeling flow though my body, and focuses on the cut on my cheek. It slowly starts to heal, and a minute later I am as good as new…minus my stamina drain.

"Not bad." Kelly compliments me. "We'll try your Force Field again!"

I sigh, before eradicating my shield yet again.

Four hours later, I was finally able to shield myself from all the knives Kelly throws at me. My training isn't over, though. I still need to take a jog around New York City, the city where I live. I change into my T-shirt and sports skirt, and made sure my iMog is with me. The iMog is an electrical device, and it uses the essence of a Mogadorian (by collecting their death ash) to detect when Mogadorians are nearby. However it is prone to interference as Mogadorian genetic material has a habit of rapidly decaying (hence bursting into ash when killed). The iMog screen has a white dot in the center, representing the user and when Mogadorians are nearby they are represented by red dots.

As I jog around the city, I think back to my first Legacy, which marked the start of intense training. So far, my Cêpan has taught me how to control my unknown magical abilities, but that is light training, she said. My first Legacy is flight, and I discovered it when I was 5. I had climbed the tree because my hat was blown away by the wind, and it got stuck to a tree. I accidentally slopped on a branch and fell. I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact, but it never came. Instead, I slowed, and then I stopped, and then I rose in height again. I opened my eyes, and I realized I was flying. Of course, since I was seen, we had to move from North Carolina to Singapore, a country that is a small red dot in the world map. Nobody would even look there, as me and my Cêpan train intensively.

My second Legacy, Healing, appeared when I was 7, nearly 8. I was on my way home from school when I spotted someone beaten badly and unconscious in the dark alley. Apparently, he was robbed, and he put up quite a fight. I placed my hands on his stomach wound, hoping to stop the bleeding so that I could call the ambulance, an icy feeling spreads through my body and through my hands and my very fingertips, and his wound stopped flowing blood, and started to close. I left him there, amazed at my new Legacy. We had to flee Singapore the night before my birthday, because that's when the first scar came, signaling the death of Number One. The first sign that the Mogadorians have found us and followed us here.

We escaped to Ohio. Again, I went to school, made friends, trained intensely with my Cêpan, and even participated in National Competitions. I was a kid with cute looks, an innocent smile, and a brilliant talker. With my Cêpan's sense of fashion, my talents at playing the flute and piano and gymnastics, I was crowned "Little Miss Ohio" three times consecutively. Disaster struck when I was on my way home to school in the evening, when someone grabbed me from behind and started to drag me away, a knife at my throat. I turned to see who it was, and it was a man about his late forties. He said something about liking his new toys young, and looked at me with something in his eyes. Whatever it was, I do not want to know. That's when I discovered yet another Legacy- Energy Bolts. I aimed the bolt at his stomach, and he let me go. I shot a pink hex at him, and he started to fall to the ground. As he fell, I grabbed the knife he had with him and stabbed him multiple times, until I'm sure he is dead. I kicked his head, and left the scene.

Kelly took one look at the blood on my clothes and the knife I was carrying, and asked me to pack my stuff. As she said this, my second scar appeared. Number Two is dead. I bit my lip due to the intense pain of the scar.

As we packed, she mentioned a blog post that said, "Nine, now eight. Are the rest of you out there?" It was posted by a user called Two. There was a comment as well, that said, "We're here." before the post and comment were deleted, probably by the Mogs.

We then escaped to Indiana. I went to school as usual. Kelly was hell-bent on developing my telekinesis, and throws things at me, hoping that I can stop it with telekinesis, as usually all Garde develops telekinesis after or before their first Legacy has developed. I am already on my third, but my telekinesis has not arrived for some reason. We only stayed in Indiana for a few months, as during the summer between fourth and fifth grade, the school made us go to Scout Camp. I shared a cabin at the third floor with my female classmates, but that's when disaster struck.

I was sleeping when I felt a weight on my bed, and I felt cold. I blearily opened my eyes to find one of the sixth grade male students on top of me, and I looked down to see he has unbuttoned my pajamas. I screamed, and he just crashed through the window, and fell to the ground. He died several hours after the teachers brought him to the hospital. Some wondered why is he even in the girls cabin, and others wondered why would he jump through the windows just like that. I knew better. My telekinesis has developed.

Kelly and I then moved to New York, where we have been living ever since, even until now. I have developed Mind Reading/Control, Persuasion, Sensior, and the Force Field Legacies when I lived in New York.

I hated Kelly for what she put me through without any reason, save to take back Lorien. I mean, I'm the last in line for the Loridas Charm, so it shouldn't be a problem. Also, I liked Earth, and the people are nicer than those in Lorien anyway, so I'm not going to help take back Lorien, no matter what they say. Still, I've learned a lot of things during my intense training. I've learned how to handle all sorts of weapons and how to use them in short range and long range, recognize different edible plant types in case I need to escape to a forest; I've even learned survival skills from Kelly. I also improved my stamina immensely thanks to her, and I excel in hand-to-hand combat

Just then, there a beep from my iMog. I look, and there was a Mog nearby. Oh no! I forgot to cover up my ankle scars! The Mog just looked straight at me, and he did not even look down at my ankle scars! I look down at myself, and realized I was invisible. Great. Another Legacy. Should I kill him? No, I probably shouldn't. If I kill this Mogadorian scout, the others would be alerted at the location where the Mog went missing. I walk past him invisible, ignoring the Mog. He does not suspect anything.

I finish my jog invisible, and went back to the penthouse Kelly and I have been living in.

BP: I know, but I only had 10 minutes. Do review, though!