A.N. Before I start this I want to tell you that my co-author ditched me ( :{ ) and after countless people asking me to continue this and after countless (okay, not so countless) messages I sent to her I decided I will finish this alone. Because it's been almsot a year and she hasn't update this yet as she was supposed to…

Without further ado, the continuation for Breaking Law:

Chapter 7: In the End

The moment Luffy finished his meal he leaned down in the kitchen chair, rubbing his belly while closing his eyes. "Wish there was more…"

And of course, just as he said those words his plate was once again full and steaming, seeing that the small raven haired man dug in once more. Law rolled his eyes from across the table. "That's the third time you did that. Why pretend it's an accident?"

Luffy rolled his eyes shoving a fork full of curry into his mouth. "It seems better when I act natural."

"And your wish to be able to speak with full mouth is really weird. You know people will notice and question it, right?"

"No one will question it."

The tattooed male chuckled. "Now that's just abuse of power."

The smaller male just stuck his tongue out like a five year old. "Not my fault I got more power than I ever should have…"

"That is true, good thing I'm here to stop you if you do anything ridiculous…"

Luffy grinned. "But this way you're saving money!"

Law rolled his eyes. "Like I care, I would do anything for you, even buy you the world if you wished so."

Cheeks coloring in red Luffy looked down feeling his ear tips become impossibly hot. "Don't talk like that, you idiot."

"Pfft, you're the idiot here, I'm just a lovesick fool."

Loud laughter echoed in the kitchen. "You're the best."

Law smirked. "I know."

The smaller male rolled his eyes. "So modest." Law only smirked and Luffy continued chewing leaving the man in front of him feeling like a lovesick fool he claimed to be. Trafalgar simply stared at the beautiful creature in front of him. The tattooed male knew Luffy wasn't actually perfect, the teen was the messiest person he knew and Law just knew that once they start living together there will be a lot of arguments, as they say, you never know a person until you live together with them… Law did a BIG drawback. He should probably stop planning his future with Luffy like some cliché high school girl. Well, Law technically was high-schooler, but he had no wish to be like those annoying girls who flocked in corridors like chickens and gossiped about the captain of the football team or something like that.

"Law~" Said man focused his gaze on his long time crush and raised an eyebrow. "What are you thinking about? Tell me! You have this really dreamy look and it looks so pretty on you! I want to have an expression like that too! Tell me what you're thinking about!"

"You do know that's not how 'dreamy looks' works, right?"

Luffy grinned, surprisingly not filling up his empty plate as he did before. "But I want to know! And I can't order you to do so!"

"It's quite stupid, I was thinking about how our relationship will escalate from now on."

The young demi god looked at Law and bit by bit his cheeks flushed. "You pervert!"

"What? I wasn't thinking about that! You're the pervert here!"

If possible Luffy's cheeks became even redder. "Then what were you thinking about?!"

Law stood up and left the kitchen with the smaller male trailing after him, Luffy could deny it, but his cheeks reddened as he answered. "How it will be annoying once we start living together. Happy?"

As Trafalgar glanced at the younger male he saw Luffy's head buried in his hands. "Once? You're already that far ahead? You're sure we will be together even then?"

The taller male rolled his eyes. "We're mates Luffy-ya. If that didn't already pretty much secure your place in my life and my heart - my crush on you certainly had."

Luffy peeked at his mate through his fingers. "Alright." Suddenly he furrowed his brows. "Why annoying?"

"Because I don't want to have arguments with you, and I know it will be inevitable, the last thing I want is to argue and have rows with you."

The smaller male tilted his head, eyebrows furrowed a bit. "Then let's don't have arguments."

Law shook his head and sat down in a couch. "That's not how it works Luffy, you can't avoid between two people once they start living together."

The demi-god stood in front of his mate looking down on the taller, sitting male. "Then let's promise that if we ever really get mad at each other we will cool down separately and then come back and will talk about whatever it made us mad, okay? That way we will never break up because of rows, right?!"

"As you wish."

"Wow, just wow, you're really easy to convince, aren't you? Or is it all in the power of my cute son? I bet it's because he's so cute! Or are you applying 'Happy wife equals happy life' logic here? That's so admirable!"

Law jumped up from the suddenness of the voice coming from behind his back and turned around where Luffy was looking. There stood a grinning woman. Her chestnut hair reached her hips and were braided into two long braids and she wore white jeans with white button up shirt. Her face was round in the same shape as Luffy's, but the similarities ended there, her eyes were light blue, and her nose was curved upwards.

She grinned a tiny smile and spread her arms like a grandmother who finally saw her grandchildren after ten years. "Come give me a hug! I know I promised to come when you were doing the nasty, but by the pace you're going it will take forever and I just wanted to see you so badly!" After neither of the males moved forward the sofa between the two males and goddess disappeared. She rolled her eyes and hugged the two frozen teenagers instead. "Don't be afraid of me!"

"Eidyia?" It was Law who spoke first.

The woman let go the two brunets from her embrace and chuckled. "You even remembered my name! I knew there was a reason Yue chose you as my baby's mate!"

"Mom? You're my mom?" Luffy's face was one of confusion as he stared at the woman that quite magically appeared right before his eyes.

The only answer Eidyia gave was a loud squeal as she hugged Luffy. "Oh, godly powers! You called me mom! That's so sweet!"

Luffy stared into nothing as he was once again being hugged by a woman who was acting like she was the one who turned eighteen not too long ago. She looked like she was too. Feeling a weird, annoying feeling in his gut, Law pushed the woman away from Luffy and glared at her; she had no right to hug Luffy, especially when the teen was so out of it.

Eidya pouted but didn't protest with rough treatment, she had the 'honor' of seeing some people mate and live on their life after the event. The pair would be too touchy and too possessive of each other, she better not take her chances with Law.

Once Luffy was in Law's safe embrace his body relaxed and he blinked himself out of his stupor. He glared at the woman in front of him, but said nothing, he probably didn't know what to say. Understanding that she'll be finally heard the goddess smiled. She waved her hand and the sofa reappeared where in once was. "I know you must be mad at me for never showing my face to you, but it's not really acceptable to even have demi-god children, not to talk about raising them. Have I raised you my magic would have influenced yours and you would have become a god, and other gods and goddesses are very strict about their settings in this world and such action would have been punished in both yours and mine deaths."

The two brunets stared at the goddess confused. "Why are you telling us this now?" Asked Law.

Eidya's lip corners turned up. "Because it doesn't matter anymore, Luffy's eighteen, I won't influence him anymore, now I can spend time with my son!"

The taller male looked at Luffy's face to see how he reacted to the new information; what will he do now? "I feel really weird," Started Luffy. "I don't know you, but at the same time you're my mom, and it would be awesome if you could meat for me… Can you cook meat?"

The blue eyed woman scrunched her face as answered. "I can't cook myself, but I can learn for you if that's what will take you to forgive me."

The moment her answer was out of her mouth Luffy jumped up and hugged her. "You're gonna be the best mom ever!"

For a moment Eidya stared at space surprised, but then she hugged her son back and her eyes started watering. "My son accepted me!"


It was finally summer, the last summer as students, it was the summer of many firsts. It was a first summer in which Luffy spent quality with his whole family, his father came back from where ever he had been hiding, he and Eidya took Luffy on a small vacation. It was a first time Luffy had a boyfriend, first summer he had a private vacation with the said boyfriend. It was the first summer Luffy had his powers. That's where the chaos started.

"This is so hot!" Luffy whined as he laid sprawled over a beach chair in a shade of an birch tree in his back garden.

Hearing those words Law opened his eyes from where he was leaning on the same tree. "Luffy, don't-"

Law's words were cut short when Luffy declared. "When is it gonna rain? It's too hot."

Law looked around worried and grimaced when he saw grey clouds forming above them, it wasn't the whole sky that was getting clouded, it was the back yard in specific. The taller man jumped up and grabbed Luffy's hand dragging him up and out of the yard. As soon as they reached the door, the sky opened and rain started falling down like it a someone just opened a tap.

Luffy glanced through the window and seeing the rain had the spunk to look apologetically at his boyfriend. "Sorry?"

The tattooed male sighed. "One hour you decide that you love my tan and make it hot, then you decide you need some wind, you get bored of the wind and dispel it, and then you make it rian. That's not how you're supposed to use your powers Luffy." Law chastised him.

Smaller male pouted and wrapped his arms around Law's neck making puppy dig eyes. "Ne, don't be angry Traffy~ It's not hurting anyone…"

Older teen didn't give in, not looking down at his boyfriend. "It's hurting my skin and I'm really getting annoyed of this."

The demi-god pressed himself closer to Law making the tanned male look down to those damned puppy eyes, his angry surface and melted into those brown eyes. "C'mon Traffy, let's go up to my room and watch a movie or something, alright?" Taking a deep breath Law tried to ignore the way Luffy pressed his body even closer – if that's possible – but it all went to dump when the small demi-god pressed his lips to Law's ear. "Please?"

Only thing that the tattooed male could was grab Luffy by the waist, throw him on his shoulder and carry his hysterically laughing mate. Luffy didn't even need his powers to make Law do what he said; thought Law as he was climbing up the stairs; he only needs to ask for it…

A.N. I think this is totally bad… definitely not how this story was originally supposed to go, but I all ideas I had are now gone, because everything South Boy and I had thought for this story were between the two of us and with her gone half of the story is just gone… So, I'm sorry if the end for this story disappointed you, because yea, this is the end, I barely wrote this chapter in a month and I don't think I can do anything more for this.

If anyone would like to adopt this story or the whole account (this is my second account I created exactly for this… :D) write me a review, because I don't check PMs here… ^-^