Taylor Hebert pounded at the locker door. The stench of the waste hit her like a fist, and she had to stop herself from vomiting again.
She had to get out. She had t-
-o get out of here! She coul-
-dn't let them trap her in here.
She had to get out!
Taylor felt a surge of power run through her, and the world exploded into colours.
The colours surrounded her, ever shifting, ever changing.
Taylor jerked back in shock.
Her head hit the back of the locker.
No... No!
She pushed herself, recreated the power surge. The colours returned, swirling around her.
Pausing, Taylor thought on what was happening.
The second time the colours appeared, she had forced it to. Was she some sort of Parahuman, with a screwed up teleport power? Did all teleporters see this when they teleport?
No, she can think later. The first time it had happened, she ended up back in the locker. Maybe... Maybe she needs to move to get away.
She walked forward, through the colours. Each step tired her further, yet she pushed on.
Taylor looked around. Behind her, where she had came from, was a small 'pocket.' It looked the same as the area around it, but felt different. Looking around, she saw a few more 'pockets.' Maybe she had to go to those to come out somewhere else? Worth a try. She began to walk towards the closest one.
As she walks, she notices a connection, a link, running between her, and... Something. It did not feel like the 'pockets,' yet felt different to the chaotic swirl of colour.
She also noticed 'walls' surrounding groups of 'pockets.' She had no idea what the 'walls' were, but she could figure it out later. For now...
Tired, exhausted, Taylor stretched out her hand and reached for the 'pocket.'
The second she did so, the colours faded, and she found herself on the outskirts of a city.
Collapsing, Taylor gasped for breath. That was... tiring. Really tiring.
She looked around. The city looked nothing like Brockton Bay- there was much more mountains here, for one- and as she looked, Taylor reached a conclusion.
This isn't home.
Wherever she was, it looked like she was far from Brockton Bay.
I need to go back.
Concentrating, Taylor shut her eyes and focused on forcing the colours back.
Nothing changed. No colours swirled.
No... There had to be something she was missing. Maybe she had to feel trapped to do it.
Then she realized; The colours had exhausted her. Maybe she could only use the power a few times before getting rest.
Either way, one thing didn't change.
She was stuck.