DISCLAIMER: Nope still don't own Naruto
AN: Thanks for the reviews, faves and follows :) I hope you like this chapter! Sorry for any typos/ mistakes :(
If you wanna know why I haven't updated in so long, reasons on my profile! Did someone ask for a fight scene? Read ahead...
WARNINGS: Violence and gore. Slight language? READ BOTTOM AN
Dangerous Territory
A couple of months passed with the team doing odd, solo jobs or in different teams. One evening Kakashi was summoned by the Hokage which he immediately responded to. Upon reaching Minato's desk, Kakashi was surprised to see Rin and Obito, wearing a mask since he was supposedly dead to the village, already waiting for him.
"Lord Hokage." Kakashi said offering a low bow. As expected, Minato's cheeks colored a little and he groaned "Not you too." Kakashi and Obito exchanged a knowing smirk.
"Alright Minato- sensei. What's up?" Obito asked with a rare serious look.
"Ah. I have a mission for you." Minato took out a bound scroll. "It's a B-rank for which I need a trusted team. There's been some disturbance in the West part of the country and you're going to be guarding it for a few weeks."
"B-rank?" Kakashi asked what they were all thinking. Minato handed over the scroll to Kakashi who frowned as he read.
"You can see why it's troubling." Minato said. "Kakashi, you're in charge. Leave as soon as possible." His former students left with a nod.
An hour later, the team was at the check point; Obito's papers offered him full immunity to not show necessary records to anyone in order protect his identity, signed by Minato and the Third Hokage which could only be unlocked by Obito himself. With all their documents in order, the team started their three hour long journey.
Kakashi wondered if anything like this had happened the last time. While Kakashi filled in on the details of the mission they were just as shocked as he was when he had read the scroll.
When the war ended a few months ago, all the nations had signed a peace treaty with each other. Not a single nation was happy about it but had grudgingly decided that this was the best course of action. There was no alliance, they just ignored each other in order to avoid a blood bath and lose the nation's resources and safety. Although there was always a fanatic group of foreign ninja attacking another village in the name of their village as revenge or to another war, if the order wasn't given by the Kage, they could be killed by the village that was attacked.
Now there was a group of ninja from an unknown village that was quite strong on a war path taking down a few skilled ninja with easy infiltration. The victims were rumored to have had special chakra. The two squads of ninja who were previously guarding the perimeter were all missing or presumed dead since none of the bodies were found.
"Yo Kakashi." Obito called bringing Kakashi out of his thoughts. He was instantly on guard. While Kakashi had uncharacteristically been caught up in his own thoughts, they had almost reached the Western border.
Somehow between Obito and Rin's inconspicuous flirting and coveted looks, Kakashi had been brainstorming for the possible causes and theories. As for his teammates flirting, they were as subtle as Asuma and Kurenai were, Kakashi mused.
"Right, let's set up camp here." Kakashi instructed. They set up their stuff a few yards within the border hidden in the thick forest and the shifts were taken up. Rin got the first shift for two hours while Obito's was the next four hours and Kakashi had the last shift of three hours.
After the first week of Obito's return, the Uchiha had developed insomnia caused by the First Hokage's cells transplanted inside him. Obito would have volunteered to stay up all night but it was procedure to let all members on night guard duty.
Checking once to make sure everything was alright, Kakashi bid his team members goodnight before going to sleep. Obito was staying up for a while with Rin, no doubt getting some alone time. As long as it didn't interfere with the mission, Kakashi didn't care what they did. He was absolutely happy for them; in fact Minato and Kakashi had a bet going on regarding their love life. It was a source of entertainment.
A few minutes later, Kakashi felt Obito sleep next to him. Kakashi was glad they weren't doing anything quite daring yet. After all they were only fourteen; if and when Jiraiya released his first Icha- Icha book, all bets were off. In two years. On the Twelfth of August. Kakashi grinned thinking about it.
The next three days passed according to plans. There was no sign of disturbance, on the fourth night however...
"Kakashi wake up. It's time for your shift." Obito whispered and instantly Kakashi was awake.
Kakashi took his weapons pouch after putting on his vest and headed out of the tent. He found a big tree that could hide him and give a good view of the campsite as well as the border he had occupied on the first night of the mission.
An hour later much to Kakashi's surprise, Obito sat next to him. There was a few minutes of silence before the Uchiha broke it.
"You've changed, you know." Obito voiced. At Kakashi's inquiring look, Obito proceeded. "You are more relaxed, joke around and aren't uptight about the Shinobi rules anymore." There was a pause. "You even smile sometimes."
"Aw Obi, I didn't know you cared." Kakashi said fluttering his only visible eye. Obito blushed. Kakashi was so well versed with the art of wearing a mask he could practically feel it.
"Kakashi you- you..." Obito stuttered.
"You've changed too, you know." Kakashi said carefully.
"Being kidnapped by a senile old man thought to be dead for a million years does that to you." Obito retorted.
"Watching your teammates die before your eyes and knowing you're the cause of it and living in regret changes you too, I guess." Kakashi said with guilt.
"It's not your fault, Kakashi." Obito said worriedly. "Besides we're alright now."
"But-" Kakashi started and both stiffened. Obito was now hyper sensitive to chakra so he made a good sensor type and Kakashi was always observant by nature. They both sensed a group of eight enemy ninja approaching fast. Both hid their chakra signatures.
"Ah the most peaceful of all great nations." One mocked quite loudly.
"Not so loud, Mezu." Another hissed.
"They send a bunch of brats to protect the border anyway." Mezu scoffed. "I'll enjoy making them bleed." Both boys nodded at each other.
"I'm not picking up any chakra for a couple of miles and it is faint." It was definitely a sensor. "There is a huge chance that the target is alone and stable."
"Good job, Kakuro." Another said. "Konoha is quite confidant offering one of the vessels as bait to lure us."
"Or mad." Another countered.
"Now let's go jinchuriki hunting."
"We only want to know why our plan didn't work."
"Well since it was that plant guy's fault those idiots fault the plan failed anyway."
"And he was the one to hire us anyway."
Kakashi had a horrible theory as to what was going on and why this had never happened in his timeline. Obito was starting to lose his temper and both their sharingan swirled red simultaneously. Before Kakashi could stop him, Obito had lunged at the group.
"You're here for Rin, aren't you?" Obito said menacingly.
"Ease up there brat." One of them mocked. They were all wearing hooded cloaks. It was impossible to tell them apart physically.
"Shut up. Tell me what you want with her." Obito shrieked.
"It's all your fault anyway. We only wanted to destroy Konoha in the most painful way."
"Mezu stop giving away the plan."
"He's gonna die anyway. Why not let him know it's his fault he failed to protect his precious forest anyway?"
"I'll protect it no matter what. Especially Rin." Obito said firmly.
"Since we'll make you bleed anyway, let me tell you a story." Mezu said gleefully. "Don't interfere. This feisty brat is mine to make him scream anyway."
"What village are you from?" Obito questioned. Kakashi was curious too.
"We don't have a village anyway. We are outcasts or rather special." Mezu informed. We want to destroy the five great nations since they are all a bunch of bastards with insane rules."
"What does that have anything to do with Rin?" Obito bit out.
"That bitch is a jinchuriki anyway. Some of our group were sent to make her a vessel and get her killed by another brat. If the brat didn't kill her, the bloody beast of the three tails would have been set lose in peaceful Konoha anyway. If the other brat killed her we would have been rewarded by the plant freak anyway." Mezu cackled.
"Bastard." Obito yelled hitting whoever was available. He was leaking too much killing intent with his mangekyo flaring to life.
"This brat is freaky."
Eight against one. Way to be stupid Obito, Kakashi thought. Not having another choice Kakashi quickly started to Chidori everyone single member leaving one barely alive.
Obito was fighting Mezu with all he had but Mezu had impressive speed. He dodged every blow Obito tried while trying to get Obito with a scythe. Kakashi kept throwing kunai to let Obito escape. Not that it was necessary since Obito had the sharingan. Mezu saw it some sort of game so he aimed for of them.
"In for one and I'm gonna walk out with two brats anyway." Mezu cackled. "Feisty and strong." He took out two swords. "One for each anyway."
Mezu launched a rapid successive attacks at Kakashi. He seemed to take sadistic pleasure when Obito screamed. 'Kakashi' turned to a tree branch while the real Kakashi bound Mezu's hand from behind.
"Obito kill him now!" Kakashi roared. Obito took out his kunai with shaky hands and stabbed him in the stomach.
"Is that all you can do anyway?" Mezu said kicking Kakashi off without effort. "Never killed before have you?"
"Earth Style: Mud Wall Jutsu" Kakashi said with a few hand sings. Mezu was surrounded by walls from all sides.
"Get Rin and go." Kakashi ordered. Obito looked torn.
"Are you stupid? I'm not leaving you here with the freak." Obito said in horror.
"It's either me or Rin." Kakashi said and the mud wall was already collapsing on one side. He added another wall. "Go and request backup."
"We'll beat him Kakashi." Obito cried. They heard a whimper. They both turned to see Rin frozen in shock.
"Rin?" Kakashi had a bad feeling.
"Rin snap out of it." Obito cried.
"Think a weak jutsu like that can keep away anyway." Mezu's voice echoed. His stomach was bleeding heavily. He should have died from blood loss already. Kakashi's thoughts were racing. The only person Kakashi knew who could survive without blood was...
"Well this religion thing is fun anyway." Mezu said. "I'll enjoy sacrificing you to Jashin- sama." Kakashi's eyes widened in horror.
"Chidori!" Kakashi pierced the Jashinist's heart. He ripped the body apart with his kunai till there were ten pieces. "Kamui!" Each part was disappearing in a black swirl. He was breathing hard and felt like he was about to pass out. He looked at his horror- stricken teammates.
If he died now, he would die with no regrets. He almost smiled at the thought.
"The one under the tree is still alive. Take him to T&I." He slurred before everything turned black.
AN: That was intense wasn't it? That's also my first ever fight scene with gore and all. I have a feeling there are gonna be many of them in this story. If not many people like it, I'll not write scenes like that. Just let me know!
Also, there is a short interlude in Obito's POV that takes place directly after this chapter ends that I didn't add because this chapter is too long. If some of you want it, I'll post the 500 word interlude by Sunday or else it'll be finished in a single paragraph in the next REAL chapter...
So yeah, REVIEW!