So I can't believe I am saying this, but this is the last chapter of You Never Fight Alone until the sequel to Ghosts comes out. I just want to thank all of the people who have reviewed, followed, and favorite this story and those who just read it to begin with. I loved writing this so much and I appreciate all the support I received from it. Like I said I will most definitely continue it when the sequel to Ghosts comes out, but until then it will be deemed as complete.


If I was not myself
And you were someone else
I'd say so much to you
And I would tell the truth
Dead In The Water ~ Ellie Goulding

When Hesh got back to Colorado he was immediately taken to the infirmary for further treatment. They cleaned him up a bit on the helicopter ride over to the safe house, but he still was bleeding from his face and he had to have his torso wrapped. He could barely look at anyone as he was led down the hall and just had a steady gaze on the floor. His brother was gone. His only blood family he had left was gone and he couldn't do anything about it. He just laid there helplessly as he watched his brother get dragged away from him by Rorke.

Merrick and Keegan saw Hesh walk past the room they were in, but they both knew better than to try to talk to him. Merrick has gone through losing three brothers and knew every emotion he was feeling. Guilt, anger, sadness…a mixture of everything. When it came to this, all you could thin was what you could have done to stop it from happening or scream at the world why not me? Hesh had such a broken look on his face and in his eyes there was just pure sadness and grief. Quite frankly he wanted to double over and cry because he could barely support the grief he was feeling, but he kept walking and wanted to wait until he was somewhere private to let the tears out.

Once in the infirmary Hesh was seated on the examination table and took his shirt off so the doctor could wrap his torso. The doctor got as far as cleaning the blood and dirt away and stitching it closed before the door opened. It was Alex. "Out." She said to the doctor.

"Ma'am I am in the middle of treating-"

"I said get out. I will take care of it."

"I will be bringing this up to your superior."

The doctor stormed out and Hesh looked at Alex. She was wearing plain light grey cargo pants and a dark grey t-shirt with her hair in a ponytail and her boots unlaced. Him on the other hand looked like a train wreck. And being that he was just in one the description was pretty accurate. His pants were torn and he had blood and dirt on his face and arms, but Alex barely noticed. She walked over and grabbed the gauze pads and motioned for Hesh to stand up. He did and she taped one of the pads over his bullet wound. Then she grabbed the gauze wrap and wrapped it around him, pinning it together when she was done. He sat back down and watched as she moved around quietly and got a towel wet before walking back over. She held it to the right side of his face and wiped the dirt and blood away. Hesh closed his eyes and let out a breath as the tears began to fill his eyes. Alex set the towel down next to them and Hesh leaned forward, putting his head against her chest. Alex slipped her arms around him cautiously and he linked his around her waist to pull her closer. She stood between his legs and rested her head on top of his as he cried into her shirt. She didn't say anything to him because what could she? He wasn't okay, they didn't know if Logan was okay, and things weren't okay. There was no use in telling him it was okay because it wasn't. It wasn't at all. So all she was going to do was hold him as he cried into her shirt.

It was a good five minutes until Hesh finally stopped crying. He pulled away from Alex and looked at her with puffy red eyes. She wiped the traced of tears on his face away and dropped her hands. "I should have told you…" he said. "Logan and I we knew…we knew Rorke would be there…"

"How?" Alex asked.

"Our dad told us in our letters."

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"Because it was something Logan and I had to do and I knew Merrick wouldn't go along with it. I didn't mean to lie to you or anyone else…but we had to do it Alex…"

"I know, Hesh. I get it. I'm not mad. I need to tell you something, too."


Alex let out a breath. "In Vegas…when I was separated from you…Rorke was going to take me with him. A Fed was taking me to the helicopter after Keegan showed up and stopped you from getting killed. He was going to take Logan, too. He said he'd get some use out of us…when we got back Logan and I agreed that we'd hold off on telling everyone. I mean…Elias had just died and we were going into Federation territory…we thought there was too much going on at the time. I knew another incident like Vegas wasn't going to happen so I didn't…I didn't think…"

Alex lost her voice and couldn't look at Hesh. "I'm so sorry…" she apologized. Hesh fell silent for a minute. Even though Alex didn't tell him, Logan didn't either. He knew Rorke was after him and still went along with Hesh's plan to kill Rorke. "Alex this isn't on you." Hesh assured her. "This is Rorke."

"I know." She said. "We should have told you."

"There's no undoing what's already done."

Alex picked up the towel again and began cleaning up his face again. They didn't talk again after that, Hesh's mind somewhere else wondering where Logan was and what was happening to him while Alex wondered how she was going to tell Merrick what she just told Hesh.


Telling Merrick went as expected. He flipped. After Alex finished with Hesh, Neptune took him to get settled and Alex went to find her brother. He was alone in the operations room and Alex could see how frustrated he was. "Hey Merrick?" she said as she closed the door behind her. "Can I talk to you?" Merrick turned around. "Before you do can I just say this? Please don't piss off any more doctors." He told her. Alex chuckled. "What do you need to talk to me about?"

"Well I have to tell you something."

Merrick dropped his crossed arms. "What is it?"

Alex told him exactly what she told Hesh and after she got the last word out, he was pissed. "Why didn't you tell me?" he demanded.

"I just told you. There was so much going on I didn't think it was a top priority." Alex explained.

"My team's safety isn't a priority?"

"I didn't say that!"

"You should have told me! I'm your brother and don't forget I'm also captain of this team!"

"Believe me I don't forget that! But I knew something like Vegas wouldn't happen again!"


"Because we don't make the same mistake twice!"

Alex and Merrick were yelling at each other at this point and it was only getting worse. "I didn't know Hesh and Logan were going after Rorke! And Logan still went along with it even though he knew Rorke was after him!" Alex yelled. "After Vegas things looked just about over for this. Logan and I both agreed it could have waited until after today!"

"You lied to me Alexandra! How could you keep this from me?"

"Because we should have been focusing on the top priorities." Alex said in a normal tone. "We had a plan, we had the missions mapped out to every last detail, and it was supposed to be over today."

Merrick turned away from his sister. "Just get out, Alex." He said. "I have to try and find out where Rorke would have taken Logan." Not having to be told twice, Alex left the room and found Keegan outside the door. He had an angry and disappointed look on his face. "I knew there was something you weren't tell me." he said as he stood up off of the wall.


"Save it. I thought we were closer than that, Alex."

"We are."

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

"Do I have to repeat what I just said to Merrick?"

"No I heard you. But you kept this to yourself and didn't tell anyone. That was pretty stupid Alex."

"I didn't ask your opinion, Keegan."

"You didn't have to."

Keegan walked down the hall and out of sight, making Alex kick herself more. Merrick was pissed, Keegan now hated her, and it was only four o'clock. Both of them had a right to be mad at her, but now she felt even worse about keeping it from them. She knew they both had a right to know what Rorke had in mind for her and Logan, but she thought she was justified in keeping it to herself for a bit just to save everyone the worry. It seemed like one thing was falling apart after another.


That night Hesh laid with Riley in his bed with Logan's spare dog tags in his hands. His brother was gone, but after what he learned from Alex he knew his brother was at least alive. Where he was still the question in the air though. Hesh remembered when Elias told them about the torture Rorke endured and part of him was terrified that that's what Logan was going through; sitting in a whole being broken down piece by piece until he wasn't Logan anymore. Hesh put Logan's tags on his chain and then put it on the bedside table. He pulled the covers over him and Riley nuzzled closer to him. Closing his eyes, Hesh told himself this wasn't over. He'd find his brother, he'd kill Rorke, and he'd bring his brother back. Only then would this be over. Rorke did not only kill his father and take his brother, he threw gas on an already large flame of anger in Hesh. Rorke was in for a rude awakening, though. This time he didn't just fuck with a very elite military squadron, he fucked with the wrong family. This wasn't over. Not by a long shot.


So I figured I would end this so I could carry some drama over into the other part of story I'll write when the Ghosts Sequel comes out. I hope you all liked it and thank you again for reading/reviewing/favoriting/following. The support was well appreciated and I can now start my sequel to Scars Written On Our Hearts so check it out if you are interested! Thank you so much again everyone!