Disclaimer: I do not own Hey Arnold!
Chapter 1
Helga POV
"I guess this will do." I really should stop talking to myself. Whatever, this is a big day, I can't believe it's already senior year. Helga was wearing a low cut pink v-neck top that showed off a little cleavage, light blue skinny jeans and ballet flats that matched the pink in her shirt. Her hair was down flowing past her chest, she had on her new locket that had a key clasp and she sported a tan from her summer spent in Hawaii where her father was opening a new franchise.
"Ugh, why would someone be texting me this early?"
A- Walk together? Missed you this summer :)
Why'd we have to become best friends Freshman year. This is becoming pure torture. Honestly, how is he so dense? I've been in love with him for 15 years. Helga typed back furiously. One more year and I'll never have to see him again.
H- Nothings changed football head. I've missed you two, but I think your girlfriend would rather you walk with her. Plus, I told Pheebs I would walk with her. Catch ya at lunch maybe.
This is the year that I will disconnect from Arnold. It just isn't healthy. To be in love with someone who's had a girlfriend for 4 years, whose 'oh so perfect', and he's my best friend! He trusts me and I'm over here trying everything to win him over; I mean who am I kidding I can't compete with her. Time to go boy hunting.
A- Oh…I guess so. See ya, Helga.
Great, he probably knows I'm blowing him off.
"Helga dear! You're going to be late for your first day of school!"
"Yea yea Miriam. I'm coming already!"
Helga's mom had gone to rehab for 6 months when Helga was in 9th grade and ever since had become a much better mom. She still had her faults and was a bit ditzy, but she became truly aware of her daughters well being and existence. Helga's breakdown that had proceeded her mother being wheeled away after alcohol poisoning that year had been the cause of Helga and Arnold's connection.
Flashback - September, a little after midnight, in 9th grade
Helga watched her father get into the back of the ambulance. The rain pierced her skin and the whole world spun around her.
"Girl! Get in the back of this damn ambulance!"
"No way Bob! I'm done putting up with her shit. I won't watch her die. I-I won't! She choked these words out and bit her lip willing herself not to cry.
"Whatever! I'll deal with your bullshit later."
The ambulance sped off and Helga was left in the dark on the rainy curbside.
Great. This is just fucking great. First, Arnold has his first date with Li-la and now my mother has finally drunk herself to 'almost' death. Honestly, I don't know why I'm so upset; it's not like either of these things are surprising. Both of the them were just years in the making and there was nothing for me to do but sit back and watch…like a train wreck. My life is a train wreck.
By this point Helga had collapsed on her stoop, letting the rain come down to mix with the tears that she couldn't control anymore. Eventually she stopped caring and buried her head in her hands and let it out. The roar of thunder and the crashes of lightning drowning her desperate whimpers out. Suddenly the rain ceased to drench her, but the roar of the storm didn't stop.
"What the he-" Helga looked up annoyed that her pity party way being oddly interrupted. Oh my god.
"Helga? Are you ok?" Arnold stood above her holding a blue umbrella.
"What's it to to you football head? What the hell are you even doing out here?"
"Oh, I was walking Lila home after our date. You look really upset Helga. You've been crying…what's wrong?"
Instead of walking away when he was greeted with silence he sat down on the wet stoop continuing to hold the umbrella over her head.
"Well, Helga if you're not going to talk to me at least let me make sure you go back into your house so you don't catch phenomena." Arnold said as he reached down, grabbed Helga's arm and pulled her toward the door. Helga didn't protest, she was too busy trying to make sense of the whole situation unfolding around her.
"Go get changed. I'll make hot tea." He said in a caring yet demanding voice.
"Go." He said as he pushed her toward the stairwell
What the hell. What in the world is going on. It's official my life is one big ball of crazy; I'm going to loose my mind and end up in an insane asylum. Miriam gets carted off to the hospital to have her stomach pumped and I'm being told by Arnold what to do and I'm actually listening!
Helga changed into plaid PJ pants and a baggy gray t-shit and made her way back down stairs. She was greeted by Arnold sitting on her couch with two cups of tea sitting on the coffee table in front of him. Helga grimaced at him out of instinct, but in reality this was everything she had ever wanted. She sat down stiffly on the couch next to Arnold.
"Helga, I know it might be the wrong time to say this, but I really need to get it off my chest. I'm sick of you."
Helga sucked in deep getting ready to cuss Arnold out. Who does he think he is? Unfortunately, Arnold had covered her mouth.
"No, don't talk yet. I'm sick of you being a bitch to me. I'm sick of the way you treat me. For some stupid reason Helga I care about you. I know this can't be because you're this terrible person you pretend to be. I want to believe that deep down you're nice and normal. Now you either tell me what's wrong and talk to me like a civil human being or you treat me like you normally do and I'll leave. This time I'll leave for good because this is your last chance to show me I'm right. Maybe you really are a bitch." Arnold sat back looking prepared for either outcome.
Oh my god. What the hell am I supposed to say to that? Helga bit her lip willing herself not to be a bitch. That's it Helga old girl don't be a bitch. Do you really want Arnold to walk out forever?
"My mom got alcohol poisoning and was picked up in an ambulance moments before you walked up."
"What? How'd she get alcohol poisoning?"
"Ugh…she's an alcoholic, Arnold. This was bound to happen at some point. She should be fine."
"Helga…why didn't you ever tell anyone?"
"What's the point? She's the only person who can choose to change her life Arnold. We all have decisions in our lives. Some decisions end up hurting up other people, but in reality we only care about the outcome for ourselves." Like you dating Lila.
"That's not true Helga. Not everyone is selfish. Some people make bad decisions because it's what feels safe and familiar to them. Your mom probably has issues that go far beyond the surface she just doesn't want to share them. It's not you Helga some people just need professional help."
"Always looking on the bright side Arnold." Helga said as she rolled her eyes at him.
"Watch the attitude. We're finally getting somewhere."
Helga finally smiled at this comment. What the hell? I might as well humor him a bit. Maybe I should grow up and start being nicer to him.
"Ah, I might start being a bit more civil, but I'll never be Mother Teresa football head."
"I'll take it." He said with a warm smile as he began to sip his tea.
They ended up talking till the rain stopped and Arnold headed home. Unfortunately, none of this changed the fact that him and Lila were dating.
End Flashback
Helga made her way out her front door and was met by Phoebe waiting at the bottom of the steps for her. Phoebe had embraced her beauty as she grew older. Her pin straight black hair fell just just past her shoulders, was parted on the side, and had a streak of red in it for flare. She was still petite, but still housed an hourglass figure that she dressed well with tastefully fitting clothes. Phoebe still remained the smartest in her class, but she now found time for fun and even had a boy in her sights.
"Hello Helga! Wow, you look great!"
So a girl can't tweeze her eyebrows and go up a cup size without everyone noticing. Ugh. Summer had to be cruel to me.
"Thanks Pheebs. You look amazing as usual. Anything happen with tall hair boy?"
Phoebe replied with a blush.
"Not yet Helga. How's Arnold? Have you spoken to him since you've returned?"
"Yes. I'm done with him Pheebs. This time for good."
"Uh-oh." Phoebe said as she rolled her eyes.
They continued to chat as they made their way to their first day of senior year.